The February 25th Reunion Committee Meeting took place at the Tioga County Office Building at 7pm. Those in attendance included: Jamie (Brown) Deats, Lori (Faut) Jackson, Donna Henry, Steve Frye and Jana (Boland) Bowen

Tonight was the first meeting we have had in a while for a variety of reasons - most notably due to all the joys of the holidays - and in lesser part due to a little bit of my own laziness. We had much to discuss tonight. We didn't accomplish a whole lot, but we did discuss what needed to be done and we all went our own ways with a variety of things to accomplish by the next meeting on March 11th - only three weeks from this meeting.

Topics Discussed:

  • Jamie (Brown) Deats brought in a bunch of brochures and ads for mementos to give out to those attending the reunion (gifts are good!) We discussed what we should be getting and got pretty close to nothing decided.

  • We talked about Lori's success in putting a note in the Binghamton Press and the Owego Pennysaver announcing the reunion and asking for help in locating missing people. We weren't overly thrilled with the results - not Lori's fault!!

  • Jamie will be calling Mark Warfle to discuss his progress in dealing with the Treadway. She will also be working with Steve on creating a Class of 82 - Biography Book and the collection of that material. We discussed the fact that many people - and I mean many - have not written in a biography - please have a try at it - make it fun !

  • Donna is still tracking people down, she wants to run a 50/50 raffle to help raise funds for the committee to use to run this "show."

  • We also discussed - briefly : name tags, DJ's, decorations, and more.

  • Lori has reserved the DJ, the room is rented at the Treadway - we are working on rates at the local hotels including the Treadway, and on the party Friday night. We are in the process of trying to reserve the Hickories Pavilion for a picnic on Sunday. I talked to Sal Gatto about the golf tournament for Saturday morning - either in Nichols or in Catatonk, but he has stated that he really needs a fairly firm number to make the best plans for the tournament.

  • We will be sending out a new letter to each and every one of you in March or at the beginning of April. At that time we should have info on prices for everything and a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to use in responding to a growing list of questions - the fun stuff for the most part. So be on the lookout for that.
    We discussed all the details for us to check out by the next meeting and adjourned at about 8:45.

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