Odyssey Group 2006

New York, Cambridge, Lancaster, Ljubljana

Archiving activities, February-September 2006

The Odyssey Group is participating in a series of events during 2006.
These are linked by the themes of global unionism, social movements and the internet.
This site will be developed over the remainder of 2006 as the archive of these activities.

This site established April 2006

The main Odyssey web page remains at http://odysseygroup.org.uk/

Global Unionism in the 'Information Age': Information Communication Technologies and Effective Bargaining,

Session at the International Conference on Global Companies - Global Unions, Global Research - Global Campaigns, New York, New York, February 2006.

Union Hall, Lower Manhattan


The Men Who Built Britain - the Navvies

A multimedia presentation at the Second International Congress on Construction History, Queens College Cambridge.

Curated by Ultan Cowley and Stephen Little.

Road maintenance, 1930's


Trade Unions in the Information Age

Workshop at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Lancaster 28-29 June 2006.

Co-ordinators: Dr John Hogan (Hertfordshire), Dr Steve Fleetwood (Lancaster), Professor Peter Nolan (Leeds)

Visit the on-line version of the workshop HERE

Demonstration, Livedrpool, UK,1981


Imagined Solidarities: Labour and the Information Age’

Workshop at the Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC): The Future of Social Models, Ljubljana, 31st August – 2nd September, 2006.

Co-ordinators: John Hogan (Hertfordshire) Miguel Martinez Lucio (Bradford) Margaret Grieco (Cornell)

Ljubljana old town

The main Odyssey web page remains at http://odysseygroup.org.uk/

This page last updated 24 Febrary 2007

This page is maintained by
Stephen Little
Head, Centre for Innovation, Knowledge and Enterprise
Open University Business School
Milton Keynes, U.K.