stop the savoy!

The Savoy Hotel seeks to build a ten-story tower on this tiny lot in between the two historic three-story structures that presently comprise
the Savoy.

The Savoy's own architect's representation of what can only be described as an utter monstrosity.

The Ocean Drive Preservation Association ("ODPA") was formed in response to Arden Savoy, LLC's proposal to erect a ten-story tower on the historic — and decidedly low-rise — Savoy Hotel property. The proposed tower is completely out of context with the neighborhood, which, with the exception of a handful of condominium buildings built in the late 1960s before historic preservation became a concern in South Beach, primarily consists of historic three-story Art Deco buildings.

Last fall, Arden Savoy submitted an Application for Preliminary Evaluation to the Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board ("HPB"), the municipal administrative body that is responsible for approving — or rejecting — the proposed development. Although the HPB makes no binding decisions on applications for preliminary evaluation, which primarily allow the HPB to serve as a sounding board for developers, Arden Savoy has submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness ("COA"), the approval of which by the HPB will allow the proposal to move forward — and will forever destroy the uniquely historic character of the east side of Ocean Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Arden's COA application is currently set to be heard by the HPB at its Tuesday, April 9, 2002 meeting.

The Savoy tower is objectionable for a number of reasons. First and foremost, if erected it will irrevocably alter the Savoy property, which has by and large remain unchanged for well over sixty years. Second, the block of Ocean Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets is overtaxed as it is, being thronged with tourists and locals from across the bay, many of whom line up on weekends and evenings to "cruise" Ocean Drive. A 120-plus room hotel on this block would drastically increase congestion, not only on the street but on the beach behind the hotel.

Third, the hotel tower would be out of place inasmuch as this block is overwhelmingly residential. While Ocean Drive between Fifth and Fifteenth Streets consists mostly of hotels, lower Ocean Drive does not. Residents of this neighborhood have had to sit by helplessly while the city approved the destruction of the historic Century Beach Club on Second Street and Ocean Drive, which was ostensibly incorporated into a large Marriott hotel that, while superficially striving to fit into the Art Deco neighborhood, in actuality has achieved the banality of a hotel that would be at home in Kansas City. The city also allowed construction of the disgraceful 40-plus-story monster The Continuum to proceed at the foot of Ocean Drive, forever altering for the worse the vista down the beach to Government Cut.

ODPA is determined to protect and preserve this unique neighborhood of Miami Beach. The proposed Savoy tower is a line in the sand. However, ODPA needs your help to fight off this assault. A good land-use attorney costs money, of course. ODPA is currently raising funds to pay for its attorney, which will allow ODPA to oppose the Savoy proposal up through the HPB hearing on the Certificate of Appropriateness as well amend the City Code to ensure that these acts of Deco vandalism will never occur on lower Ocean Drive. In fact, ODPA attorney Kent Harrison Robbins has already successfully shepherded through the February 20, 2002 Miami Beach City Commission meeting a proposed amendment to section 142.696 which will extend the maximum building height restrictions in the Ocean Beach Historic District to the east side of Ocean Drive — the only area in the historic district currently exempt from such restrictions. This amendment is now before the Planning Board, which will consider on March 26, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. whether to initiate "zoning in progress" and approve the amendment for a vote before the entire City Commission.

We need your help to continue this fight! Please help ODPA keep Ocean Drive a beautiful place to live and visit. Send us what you can by clicking here, printing and filling out the form that will appear, and sending in your contribution to ODPA. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at Thanks in advance for your support!

The Officers of ODPA

J.B. Slater

Christina LaBuzetta