NYPD Blue Fanfiction

Tina's Fanfic

“How To Deal”

A Continuation of the Courthouse Scene at the end of “Frickin’ Fraker”

Rated:  PG-13/R (For Explicit Sexual Situations)

By:  Tina


This little story is dedicated to all of my A & C pals who have worked so diligently over the last few weeks to calm me down over the spoilers for Andy Appleseed.

After watching and rewatching the last scene from the 11th season premiere more than 20 or 30 times, I decided it was only fitting to write a little epilogue to this season premiere episode with our favorite couple.

I’m trying to achieve an inner peace so I don’t lose my mind over this upcoming “Appleseed” storyline.

Ida, Vicki, Carole and Rene…this one’s for you!

This is what can happen Stevie when you leave me no choice but to take matters into my own hands.  You won’t give us what we want so I’m going over your head.  Time to let the people decide.

Your VP,


Previously on NYPD Blue

Pacing anxiously, she waited for him on the courthouse steps.  She knew Andy.  She’d decided ahead of time to get a sitter for tonight.  It was a good thing I did she thought to herself.  She knew how Andy felt about James Sinclair.  She knew he’d need time to clear his head after testifying.

She’d made reservations at “Sam Cannelli’s in the hope that she’d get him to calm down.  She knew how wound up he’d be after this.  In her mind, however, there was no sense in worrying about something you have no control over.  For Connie, it was always black and white.  You couldn’t worry about what might or might not ever be.  But she knew one thing for sure…I love him and that’s never going to change.

He walked out of the courthouse and met her.  They walked down the steps together. 

(We pick up on their conversation.)

“C’mon.   I got reservations at Sam Canelli’s.  Don’t worry.”  Connie implored him.

“When it’s my ass on the line I’ll take what’s comin but when they go through me to hurt somebody else.”  Andy was seething mad.

“This is the first day of the trial.  There’s still a long way to go.”

“He got to me pretty good.”

“Andy…this doesn’t hinge on you.”

“I hope not cause if it does, Rodriguez is sunk.”

“Let’s eat. Go home.  Let’s forget about stuff we got no control over.

“If you weren’t here, I’d be in a bar right now.  Swear to God.”

“I am here.”  She told him firmly with a resolve in her eyes.

She took his hand in hers, squeezed it and looked into his eyes.  A defining moment in their relationship happened in that second as Andy looked at her.  A moment of understanding and clarity and in that moment it was all so clear to him.  He loved this woman so much.  She made everything okay.  He was so lucky to have her.  She was a precious gift to him.  He never failed to be amazed by her love.

She humbled him.  As she took his hand in hers and they walked away from the courthouse, he could see the solid, firm resolve in her eyes.  Her love was the rock on which he stood.  Her belief in him and in their relationship never faltered and was without fail.

Later On After Dinner At The Restaurant

“You ready?” 


“Let’s go..”

Andy paid the bill and they got up to leave the restaurant.  It felt good to be alone with her tonight.  He needed her more than he wanted to admit.  He’d been shaken badly by Sinclair today on the witness stand.  It all came back to him again…the sad memories of a life gone by.  It seemed like a thousand lifetimes ago.  He held on tightly to her hand and wouldn’t let it go as they walked out onto the street.

Connie sensed Andy had something on his mind that he wanted to tell her and it seemed he was working up the courage to say it.   She felt his hand.  She realized he needed her touch and tender loving care tonight.  From what little Andy had told her about Sinclair and their past conflicts, she knew that Sinclair was capable of almost anything.

She knew Andy wasn’t just worried about Rodriguez.  He was worried about their relationship being exposed beyond the squad.  She had to tread carefully with Andy on these matters because she knew the delicate balance involved that made up the man that she loved.

She didn’t care about Sinclair.  She didn’t care about matters she didn’t have any control over.  What would be was gonna be.  There was nothing anyone could do.  She knew one truth and that was she loved him.  She didn’t need to know anything else because when you know your heart what else is there.


She turned to him, put her index finger to his lips and said “Andy, it’s okay.”

“I love you.” 

He took her face in his hands and kissed her forehead and then her lips.

She kissed him back slowly and passionately.  She wanted him to know that everything was going to be all right because she would be here with him no matter what.  He released her. 

“I know.”  She told him.  I love you too.” You wanna find out how much?

Let’s get out of here.”

They got in the car and drove home.  But even on the short drive home Connie sensed that Andy still had much more on his mind than he was telling her.  Andy unlocked the door to the apartment.  He paid the sitter and went to check in on Theo.  Connie went in to check on Michelle and then came out into the living room area, in her robe, and sorted through the mail.  Andy came out into the living room and sat down on the sofa.  Connie joined him there.

“Long day.”  She commented.  Andy gathered her in his arms.  Holding her seemed to be the only way to calm his frazzled nerves tonight.


“Are you sure there isn’t something else you want to tell me…about Sinclair or the trial??

“Does it show?”

She frowned at him.  “Tell me.”

“I’ve made a mess of everything.  Rodriguez’s career could be down the toilet.  You and I will probably never be allowed to work together again.  I just hate the fact that asshole is screwing up my life’s plans.  I can’t even marry you right now until this is over.

Connie needed to put an end to this and she needed to do it fast.  Time for some damage control.

“Andy!!! Stop it!”

She pulled him close to her and kissed him passionately.  Drastic times call for drastic measures.  She had to get him to snap out of this wallow of self-pity.  So she did the only thing she could.  She kissed him senseless.  That got his attention.  Andy responded.  Connie broke the kiss.

“This woman loves you and don’t you forget it.  No one is breaking up this family.  Not you, not Sinclair, not Fraker, not IAB.  If I have to transfer out of the squad, then so be it.  I can’t worry about things I have no control over.  If they want to come after me, let them come.  IAB…Sinclair…none of that matters to me.  They don’t tell me how to live my life.  And my life is with you, Andy.  Are you hearing me?”

“You, Theo and Michelle are the most important things in my life.    You see that door over there?”  Connie pointed to the apartment door.

“When we close that door, we leave the job and everything else behind.  Everything in the world that matters to me is right here.” 

“Andy…I love our life together.  I love our family.  I love you.  No one is going to take that away.  I’m right here with you…always.”

She kissed him then and took his hand and led him into their bedroom.  Andy followed.

Andy held her tight.  His hands explored the slender curves of her back.  He cupped her gently in his hands.  Connie wrapped herself around him.

Their mouths melded together with soft moistness and their tongues touched.  His tongue slid into her mouth.  All her senses whirred to life.  They hummed softly deep inside her.

Connie knew that she was one with this man.  Always had been, always would be.  Fate had decreed it.  She knew it almost from the first moment she saved him from drinking in that bar almost 3 years ago, her destiny had been charted with this man.

Rivers of life coursed through her heart as she studied him.  She almost felt faint.  A desire so intense that she thought she might die of it seized her.  It was an honest lust; one sanctioned by love because it was only part of why loved him.

“Connie, I love you.”  He kissed her lips with chaste tenderness.  He then sought the sash of her robe and caught it between his fingers.  He tugged on it and it came undone.  Moving with deliberate slowness, he inserted his hands beneath and eased the robe aside.  He gazed at her standing there.  As though he couldn’t believe all of her could be as perfect, he quickly divested her of the robe and let his eyes roam freely and eagerly over her nakedness.  His eyes were wildly excited as they devoured her.

Then his fingertips, lightly, so lightly she could barely feel his touch, took the same path as his eyes.  They skimmed the flesh of her breasts, the smooth expanse of her stomach and hips and then they fanned the dark nest of hair between the slender columns of her thighs.

He lowered his face to her breasts.  She inclined toward him, swaying slightly.  He kissed her.  With his thumb he touched her nipple.  It flushed beneath his deft strokes.  He looked at it, smiled a quick, fleeting smile and then leaned forward and applied his tongue.  He took her nipple between his lips and suckled it.  Connie let out a startled cry and arched her back to give him greater access.  He then treated her other breast to the same delicious torment until she was whimpering and clutching at his back.

He drew her as close as they could get.  He hugged her for endless moments, and then straightened out on the bed.   For quiet moments they lay there still.  Connie reached over to touch his face.  He then took her hand to his mouth, kissed it and carried her hand to the part of him that needed her so badly tonight.  He needed her loving touch.  When he withdrew his hand, hers remained as she closed her fingers around him.

“Ah, God…”  He whispered her name like a prayer until he couldn’t take anymore.  Trapping her face between his hands, he kissed her fiercely and lowered her to the bed.  She accommodated him and he nestled his hips in the cove of her thighs.  His hands glided over her breasts.

“Andy, I need you.” Connie moaned.  He levered himself above her.  His hand smoothed downs her stomach, her abdomen luxuriating in the feel of her skin against his.  His finger encountered her fleecy delta and he laid his palm over it and let his finger curve downward between her thighs.  They came away dewy with her desire for him. 

He then guided himself to the very threshold of her femininity.  The watched each other, watched the play of intense feeling flicker across one another’s faces each time the velvety tip of his manhood touched that magic spot.  Higher and higher they spiraled into that magic oblivion together. 

Andy paused for a minute.  His thrusts were gentle but imperative.  The extended foreplay had made her ready.  So ready.  Her body yielded to him.  They sighed together with supreme emotion as he sank completely into her.  He filled her.  She gloved him and for long moments neither of them moved.  They savored the feel of being one, of being as intimate as two separate people can be, of being brought together by love and pain.

Andy couldn’t hold back any longer.  Reaching the summit, he experienced the highest level of ecstasy he’d ever known.  It went on and on as he pumped his life force into her.  When it was over, he collapsed, spent and sated and loved into her welcoming arms.

Much Later That Evening

Andy and Connie’s Bedroom

“Connie…you awake??”

“Hmmm..??”  Connie asked half awake, half asleep.


“For what?”

“For being here.  For knowing how to love me.”

He turned and kissed her.  Connie broke the kiss for a moment as she pulled the covers up tighter around them.

“Remind me to take you to dinner more often.”