NYPD Blue Fanfiction

Rita's Fanfic



Late Thursday morning 15th precinct…

It has been a very quiet morning in the squad. Clark was scheduled to be in court all day so Andy was catching up on his paperwork. All the other detectives were out working their cases while PAA John and Sgt. Gibson were going through quarterly reports when the phone rings. Seeing that PAA John’s hands are tied Andy answers.


ANDY: 15th squad, Sipowicz speaking.


SCHOOL NURSE: Hello Mr. Sipowicz this is Mary Grey I’m Theo’s school nurse. I’m sorry to call you at work but Theo has been running a fever all morning and even after a dose of Tylenol it hasn’t broken. You might want to take him home and arrange to have him see his Pediatrician.


ANDY: (Frowning) He was fine when I dropped him off this morning. (Looking around the squad) I’ll just call his doctor’s office then I’ll be over to get him, half hour at the most.


NURSE: That’ll be fine Mr. Sipowicz, except for the fever he’s really doing all right. I’ll let him know then I’ll let the front office know so that you don’t have any delays when you get here.


ANDY: Thanks I appreciate it, see you soon.


Andy advises Gibson of the situation and takes lost time for the day. He then calls Theo’s pediatrician and they advise him to just bring him straight from school. Connie had had a rough night and hadn’t been able to sleep well so he decided to wait ‘til after seeing the doctor to call her. He picks Theo up and they head right to the doctor’s where they are told that their wait would be a short one.


ANDY: (Rubbing Theo’s shoulder) You okay Buddy? How do you feel?


THEO: Okay Dad, I just have a little headache. Can we get some hamburgers when we leave here? I didn’t get to eat lunch at school.


ANDY: Sure we can, if that’s what you feel like eating.


THEO: How come Mom didn’t come to get me Dad?


ANDY: She’s home resting. She had a hard time sleeping last night.


THEO: How come Dad? Is she sick too?


ANDY: No Buddy, it’s just that she’s due to have the baby soon and it’s hard for her to get comfortable sometimes and because of that she doesn’t sleep so good. (Smiling) Lately it seems like Dumbledore likes to do all his playing in the middle of the night so Mom can’t get much sleep.


THEO: (Laughing) That’s funny Dad. Maybe you should read him a story, that always works for me and Michelle. When is the baby gonna come Dad? How will you and Mom know when it’s time? Do we get to see him be born?


ANDY: Whoa, you know you don’t seem too sick to me Squirt. (Hugging him) The baby is due in a few weeks and trust me we’ll know when its time…


A nurse walks out at that moment calling Theo’s name. They follow her down a short corridor to an examination room where she spends a minute taking Theo’s vitals.


NURSE: Well young man except for that pesky fever you seem pretty healthy to me. Does anything hurt? Your tummy, your ears, your throat, anything?


THEO: No ma’am. I have a little headache but it’s not so bad. I don’t really feel sick.


NURSE: (Smiling) That’s good, it makes my job easier. (To Andy) How long has Theo had this fever?


ANDY: The school nurse said he had it most of the morning and it was still there after one dose of Tylenol. He was all right when I dropped him off and he don’t seem sick to me.


NURSE: (Nodding) You’re right he doesn’t, but the fever says something might be brewing. Dr. Brady will be in shortly, so just wait here.


THEO: (Sitting up straighter) Do I have to go back to school Dad?


DR. BRADY: (Walking in with a smile holding his hand out to Theo) Well good morning Theo, I hear you have a fever today. (Shaking Andy’s hand next and pulling his chair up close to Theo) I hate being sick, don’t you?


THEO: Yes sir. I don’t like taking medicine or getting shots.


DR. BRADY: (Whispering loudly) Me neither! I’m going to listen to your heart and lungs first, okay with you?


THEO: Okay.


DR. BRADY: (Warming the stethoscope on his arm he starts pulling up Theo’s shirt) Take a couple of deep breaths for me, in and out, very good. (Satisfied he then reaches for a tongue depressor) Now I’m going to look in your mouth and the back of your throat. Say AHH. Okay great. Theo I’m going to look in your ears next and it’ll tickle so don’t laugh. (As Theo giggles he looks into both ears) Wow! Do you know I can see your stomach from here.


THEO: You’re funny.


DR. BRADY: Thank you very much. (To Andy) His left ear looks a little pink like an infection’s starting. Just to be safe I’m going to give him an antibiotic to take, make sure he takes it as prescribed and he can keep taking children’s Tylenol or children’s Motrin for the fever. Don’t be surprised if he’s still warm for a few days, that’s normal until the antibiotics kick in. Any questions Mr. Sipowicz?


ANDY: (Relieved) No, as long as it’s nothing real serious. This infection ain’t contagious is it doc? Nothing my daughter could catch too? My wife’s due to give birth soon and two sick kids are the last thing we need at home now.


DR. BRADY: No these things can’t usually be spread but if your daughter starts tugging on her ear and gets abnormally fussy bring her in and we’ll check her out. Congratulations to you and your wife and please don’t hesitate to call if you have any concerns.


ANDY: (Shaking his hand) Thanks.


DR. BRADY: (To Theo) Well Theo thanks for being a great patient, make sure to take all your medicine so you can get better soon, okay?


THEO: Okay. Thank you Dr. Brady.


DR. BRADY: Oh I almost forgot, the most important medicine of all! (Reaching into his coat pocket he pulls out 2 lollipops) One for being a great patient and one for not scaring the doctor.


THEO: Thanks!


ANDY: Thanks again doc.


DR. BRADY: You’re welcome. Take care.


Andy and Theo check out at the main desk. After signing all the forms they head out to get Theo’s medicine and their lunch. They pick up some burgers and fries for themselves and swing by a deli on their way home for some soup and salad for Connie and some fruits, cookies, and ice cream for dessert. Arriving home they quietly enter the apartment. Placing their goodies on the kitchen table Andy goes in search of Connie. He finds her in the spare bedroom asleep in the recliner. She looked so peaceful and he regretted having to wake her but he wanted her to eat.


ANDY: (Leaning down he kisses her lips) Connie. (Stroking her cheek he runs his fingers down her neck and dips down into the valley between her breasts) Connie its time for lunch.


She is caught up in a wonderful dream. Andy is kissing her and caressing her breasts with light teasing strokes. Her body is tingling from his touch. She turns giving him better access to her body moaning in frustration as he moves his hand away.


THEO: (Calling out to Andy) Dad did you find mom?


ANDY: (Gesturing for him to lower his voice) Hey Buddy she’s sleeping. I don’t want to scare her.


CONNIE: (Opening her eyes slowly as their voices break her out of her dream, surprised to see them) Andy? Theo? What time is it? Oh my God did I sleep the whole day?

(Shocked) I can’t believe I did that!


ANDY: (Rubbing her neck trying to calm her down) No, it’s only 1. I was trying to get you up for some lunch.


THEO: (Kissing Connie and giving her a hug) Surprise Mom! Come on I’m starving.


CONNIE: (Pulling Theo close for another kiss she notices his face is warm) Theo what’s wrong? You have a fever, are you all right?


THEO: Yeah Mom, the school nurse called Dad ‘cuz I had a fever and he took me to Dr. Brady. I got an infection so he gave me medicine to make me better and Dad said I didn’t have to go back to school. Come on let’s eat, I’m sooo hungry!


ANDY: (Smiling) Go ahead Buddy, start without us. Once Mom wakes up a little more we’ll be right out. (To Connie) I know he’s not that sick when his appetite is still intact.


CONNIE: (Worried) Did the school try calling here? Oh my gosh Andy I was so tired I didn’t even hear the phone ring.


ANDY: (Calming her down) Connie relax. It’s all right. The nurse didn’t call here they called me at work because that was the first contact number listed. Theo’s fine, Dr. Brady says it’s an ear infection and as long as Theo takes the antibiotics he should be fine. (Kissing her lips lightly) Besides you haven’t been sleeping well at all these past few nights so if you catch a nap during the day no one is going to hold that against you. Come on we got you some lunch, and after if you’re still tired you can take another nap. (Winking) With some company if you like?


CONNIE: (Exhaling in relief and smiling) I like very much. (Getting up with his help) What did you get me?


ANDY: Come out and see.


Theo smiles as they finally join him in the kitchen. Connie sits next to him and gives him a hug and kiss just to reassure herself that he’s okay. Satisfied she looks at all the food in front of her and has a hard time deciding what she should eat first.


CONNIE: Wow, you guys got a little bit of everything didn’t you? (Picking on Theo’s fries)


THEO: Yep, we even got more ice cream Mom the one with the chocolate chunks that you like.


CONNIE: Sounds good, thank you.


ANDY: I was worried that Theo’s ear infection was contagious but Dr. Brady said Michelle should be safe. The fever might linger until the antibiotics kick in so there’s a good chance he’ll have to stay home from school tomorrow.


CONNIE: Okay, as long as it’s nothing serious. (She watches Theo as he eats relieved that he was all right but still feeling a little guilty)


45 minutes later Connie calls Theo’s teacher to get his make-up assignment’s as the guys clean up their lunch mess. Feeling a little more energetic she decides to do a load of laundry. Theo still had a slight fever so Andy made sure to give him some Tylenol with his antibiotic and settled him down with his video games before lending Connie a hand.


ANDY: (Helping Connie to sort the laundry) How you feeling?


CONNIE: Okay. That nap and lunch helped. What’s Theo doing?


ANDY: What else? Playing some of his video games. I gave him his medicine and something for his fever so he’s good. (Noticing Connie’s frown) What’s up Connie? Something’s bothering you, what is it?


CONNIE: (Sitting on the edge of the bed) Andy I’m just so frustrated! I didn’t expect this pregnancy to take so much out of me. I mean I should have been there to take care of Theo. I shouldn’t have to send Michelle to daycare when I’m home all day. You shouldn’t have to come home and do all the things you’ve been doing. I feel so useless! (Looking at him with tears in her eyes) And why am I such a crybaby? Why does every damn thing drive me to tears?


ANDY: (Smothering a laugh so as not to aggravate her) Connie… did you forget that you’re 8½ months pregnant? No one expects you to wait on us hand and foot. You’re supposed to be taking it easy. And the crying, I guess that’s all those hormones Dr. Hammond told us to watch out for. (Pulling her into his arms as he sits down beside her) Come on now, just a few more weeks then Dumbledore will be born and we’ll have a whole different set of things to worry over.


CONNIE: (Slightly irritated) You love this don’t you Andy? These bursts of emotion.


ANDY: What? You think I’m enjoying this?


CONNIE: Yes I do!


ANDY: (Smiling) Well to be honest, it is kind of fun. (Noting the look of disbelief on her face) Come on Connie, you’ve got to admit this is a change from the norm. It’s usually me blowing my top and you having to do the comforting. I like these little outbursts ‘cuz they give me a chance to be the comforter. You get kinda cute when you’re losing it.


CONNIE: (Slugging his arm) That’s not funny, besides I don’t mind comforting you when you get upset, it’s my job. I love you and I like being the calm to your storm.


ANDY: (Kissing her forehead) I love you too. We’re in this together Connie. No one of us has to be more than the other. You do so much as it is to keep things running smoothly around here.


CONNIE: (Leaning on his shoulder) Thanks.


THEO: (Walking into their bedroom and snuggling onto Andy’s lap) Dad, Mom can I have some ice cream?


CONNIE: (Feeling his forehead) Sure Sweetie, do you still feel all right?


THEO: Yeah I’m fine. (Taking Connie’s hand in his and pulling her up with him) Come on Mom let’s go make a sundae. Come with us Dad.


ANDY: Right behind you Squirt.


Late that evening…



Connie is very restless again and can’t seem to get comfortable. Andy is snoring soundly and doesn’t stir as she climbs out of bed. Putting on her robe she heads to the kids room to check on Theo. Theo’s bedside clock reads 11:15 as she leans down to feel his forehead. He’s much warmer than he was earlier and concerned she heads out to get him a glass of juice and some medicine for his fever. By the time she comes back from the kitchen Theo has kicked off his blankets and is sitting up in bed.


CONNIE: (Sitting down beside him, whispering) It’s okay Sweetie, I’m right here with some medicine for you. (Handing him the glass and the pills she feels his sweat soaked t-shirt) Take those and finish the juice while I get you some dry clothes. (Theo sits quietly as she dries him off with a towel and helps him change)


THEO: Why is it so hot Mommy?


CONNIE: It’s your fever Sweetie. I need to change your sheets because they’re damp. Let’s go sit in the other room and you can watch some TV ‘til I’m done okay?


Theo nods and says nothing as she settles him into the recliner turning on the TV. After quickly changing his sheets she goes back to get him and sees him sleeping peacefully. Watching him for a second she sits down beside him and reclining the chair she pulls him into her arms. He wraps his arms around her and they stay there cuddled like that as Connie falls asleep waiting for his fever to come down.



Connie is walking down the hallway towards the living room.  A voice is calling out to her. She walks in and sees a woman sitting on the couch. Connie looks at her in recognition and disbelief, and quickly looks around to see they are alone in the room. “Come sit and talk to me.” She tells Connie. “We’ve never met, officially, but I’ve been watching you.” Connie stares in shock at the woman in front of her… she slowly lowers herself onto the couch, speechless. “You’re a wonderful mother Connie. I see how much Theo loves you… how much you love him. He’s happy and secure and such an amazing young man.” Looking longingly at Connie’s swollen belly. “I had always hoped that Andy and I would have at least one more child together… but… that was not to be. I only came here to say thank you, and to tell you that you are exactly the mother for Theo that I had hoped for. He’s going to be a good man and you’re one of the reasons for that.” Smiling she reaches over and covers Connie’s hand with her own.


To Connie it feels like a cool brush of air and finally finding her voice she whispers. “Thank you Sylvia. You gave him life, you loved him and you set the foundation. I’ve always only hoped that I could be as good a mother as you would have been.”


“You are so much more Connie. It takes a special kind of person to love someone else’s child like their own…then make them their own.” Standing she looks down the hallway sadly, then back at Connie. With a smile and a wink she tells her, “you and Andy have a beautiful family Connie. The 3 will all grow up to be good loving people just like their father and their mother. I promise you will both be very proud of them.” Then she disappears.


Startled awake, Connie looks around confused. Theo is still lying in her arms sleeping comfortably and his fever has cooled considerably. Gently moving his body aside so as not to wake him she gets up and covers him with an afghan from the back of the chair. Walking out to the living room, everything looks the same, not a thing out of place. Wow she thinks that was some dream. She walks over to the window and looks out into the night collecting her thoughts.


Andy sees her by the window. He leans against the wall and watches her for a moment. She looks beautiful standing there with just a sliver of light to show off her profile. As he approaches her he hears her crying softly and he wraps his arms around her from behind. He doesn’t say a word…he just stands there holding onto her tightly giving her his strength and his love. She reaches her left arm up behind his neck and holds his head close to hers as her tears continue to flow. They stay like this for a while, neither one wanting or needing to move.


CONNIE: (Finally breaking the silence) Let’s go to bed.


They walk back to their room hand in hand. Connie notices that Andy had already taken Theo back to his own bed and she stops to check on him once more. Connie climbs into bed first and feels him pull her back into his body as they lay there spooning. She entwines her fingers with his and quietly studies their joined hands.


ANDY: You want to talk about it?


CONNIE: (Not sure if she should, stalling) Talk about what?


ANDY: Connie… why did you call me if you don’t want to talk?


CONNIE: (Confused) Call you? When did I call you?


ANDY: Just before I came out to you in the living room.


CONNIE: (Turning back slightly to look into his face) What?


ANDY: (Sighing) I woke up and you weren’t in bed so I went looking for you. I found Theo and took him back to his bed and that’s when I heard you. (Noticing the confused look still on her face) I distinctly heard you call my name and that’s when I came out to you.


CONNIE: (Not sure what she believes) I must not have realized…


ANDY: Are you all right? You can talk to me about anything Connie… you know that don’t you?


CONNIE: (Hesitating) I had this dream Andy… it felt real but I’m sure it was just a dream. It had to be.


ANDY: What was it about?


CONNIE: Sylvia. (She feels the tensing of his body and she waits)


ANDY: (Exhaling slowly and willing his body to relax) Are you sure? I mean…


CONNIE: (Cutting him off gently) I’m sure.


ANDY: (His arms tighten around her and he squeezes her hand firmly. This is his way of telling her he’s ready to listen to whatever she tells him, as hard as it is for him) What did she say to you?


CONNIE: (Stunned) You believe she talked to me in my dream?


ANDY: Yeah I do. I know I never mentioned this but I had these dreams before of Andy Jr. and they always seemed so real to me. I never understood them but after the last dream I had of him I became a believer.


CONNIE: Why didn’t you ever tell me this?


ANDY: I don’t know. It was only the last one that kind of made any sense to me. He spoke to me around the time Theo was sick and I was afraid I would lose him. He never said outright that Theo would be okay but he made me realize that I had to have hope and believe. That was the last time he ever appeared to me.




ANDY: Yeah, wow. (After a moment) What did Sylvia say to you?


CONNIE: She said that she had been watching me with Theo… she thanked me for loving him and being a good mother. She seemed so proud and so sad at the same time. (Noting Andy’s silence she pauses a bit) She told me that all 3 kids would grow up to be good people and that they would make us proud.


ANDY: (With a slightly shaky voice) That all?


CONNIE: (Knowing how hard this was on Andy she realizes that was enough for now. Someday she would tell him about the whole conversation. Someday) Yeah, she was beautiful Andy.


ANDY: (Hugging her tighter) I know why you saw her, why she came to you tonight.




ANDY: Because you’ve been feeling like you let Theo down all day. You didn’t but I know you and no matter what I’ve said you just kept feeling guilty. This was her telling you what a great job you’re doing.


CONNIE: (Kissing his hand) You all right?


ANDY: Yeah. Are you all right?


CONNIE: Yeah, I’m good. Andy?


ANDY: Hmm?


CONNIE: Thank you for our family.


ANDY: You’re welcome but you’ve done more to make this family work than I have.


CONNIE: (Smiling) That’s because I’m the mom.


ANDY: (Smiling) Yes Connie, you’re the mom.


A single teardrop falls gently by Theo’s bedside. A soft mist slowly encompasses Theo’s sleeping form then slowly disappears as his guardian angel goes home to rest.