NYPD Blue Fanfiction

Extended Ending for "Yo, Adrian"
By Loweonthego


SCENE 1: Nighttime. Andy and Connie’s living room.  

Connie couldn’t believe what she had just heard; Andy was suggesting they get married. She couldn’t believe it. She loved Andy with all her heart, all her soul. But she made sure she had given Andy plenty of room in their relationship. Andy needed to take things slow and she knew it. Besides, she was feeling pretty lucky that this wonderfully caring man wanted her to be in his life. So, this was what it feels like when the man you are in love with asks you to marry him. Connie liked the feeling, she could get used to this. 

As much as she loved Theo, why did he have to want a story read to him this evening? Hopefully, Andy would make it a quick story tonight. She needed to finish their conversation….just to make sure she hadn’t imagined this, her dream, coming true.  

Connie got up and went to the kitchen to get some water. She felt like she was walking on air - Andy wanted to get married. She smiled to herself, turned off the lights and walked back to the living room and lit the candles on the coffee table. There was a nice warm glow around the room. She took a deep breath and looked back on the day. What had started out as a tortuous day was ending quite nicely. She could hear Andy reading to Theo. Andy was a good man, a good partner, a good father. And now, he would be a good husband. She beamed at the thought.  


SCENE 2: Theo’s bedroom.

THEO: (Complaining loudly from his bed.) Come on, Daddy. Read it again. 

ANDY: (Sitting on the side of the bed.) Not tonight, sport. Connie and I have some things to talk about.  

THEO: But it was a really short story. Come on, please! 

ANDY: How about tomorrow night, we read two stories? 

THEO: Ok, promise? 

ANDY: Yeah, promise. 

Andy stands up from the bed and pulls the covers up around Theo, then leans over and gives him a kiss on the forehead.  

THEO: Good night, Daddy. 

ANDY: (Turns as he heads to the door.) Good night, son. 

Andy stopped as he reached the bedroom door and looked around the room. Life was good right now, and he knew it. He turned the lights out and closed the door behind him. Time to finish his conversation with Connie.  

Andy walked into the living room and found Connie seated on the sofa. Here was this wonderful woman who actually loved him, even with all his flaws. She accepted him for who he was and patiently allowed him the time he needed to adjust to accepting her into his life. Andy took a good look at Connie sitting on the sofa. How could it be possible, she looked more beautiful, in the glow of the candles, than he had ever seen her look.  

CONNIE: (Looking up and catching Andy gazing at her.) Theo asleep? 

ANDY: (Joining her on the sofa.) Yeah. Now….where were we? (He places his arm around her and slowly and gently rubs her shoulder.) 

CONNIE: (Sensing Andy’s nervousness.) I think I was just about to do this… (She leans in and gives Andy a gentle kiss.) 

ANDY: (Smiling.) Ahh, now I remember. (Andy looks at Connie with a sense of inner contentment and happiness that he hasn’t felt in a while.) I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in the last few days. I’ve done some things in my past, things I’m not proud of. And they came back to haunt me. I was afraid I was going to loose everything I wanted in my life…you, Michelle…my family. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.  

CONNIE: (Touching Andy’s face.) You aren’t going to loose me. I’m not going anywhere. 

ANDY: I know that. (Looking for the right words.) I want us to take the next step, to make a commitment….to be a family.  

CONNIE: We are a family. 

ANDY: I want it legal. I want it done right. (Taking Connie’s hand in his.) I want everyone to know, that I love you and that we’re together. I want us to work together for our future. 

CONNIE: (Tears of happiness stream down her face.) I feel the same way. I love you, Andy, and I want our future to be together. (Quietly.) More than ever, I want to be with you, to be your wife. 

Andy pulls Connie into him tightly and gives her a soft, gentle kiss. Connie, her emotions exploding within, passionately returns Andy’s kiss; showing Andy how she feels – without holding back. Not tonight. 

ANDY: (With a grin and a new sense of confidence.) So, I guess that’s a yes to the marriage, huh? 

CONNIE: Yeah, that’s a yes. 

Scene fades out. 


SCENE 3: Andy and Connie’s bedroom. Several hours later.  

The pillows are piled up against the headboard and Andy is sitting up with Connie resting in his arms. 

CONNIE: (Sarcastically.) You know, for an old man, you still got it. 

ANDY: I do, huh? 

CONNIE: (Giving him a big bear hug.) Yeah, you do. 

ANDY: I’ll talk to the Boss tomorrow.  

CONNIE: You will? About what, your superior sexual abilities? 

ANDY: Yeah, right. (Waiting a moment.) He’s looking into a waiver, a consideration, for the marriage. So we can keep working together. 

CONNIE: (Sitting up.) You talked to the Lieutenant about us, getting married? 

ANDY: He’s looking into it. We don’t need a jackpot with IAB. Fraker would love to kick my ass. 

CONNIE: Andy, we’ll work it out. Don’t worry, nobody is going to tear apart this family; you and me. (Leaning in to kiss Andy’s cheek.) You’re stuck with me….you hear? 

ANDY: (Lifting Connie gently down to the bed. Leaning in close over her face.) Thank you for coming into my life….and not giving up on me. 

Andy nuzzles slowly on Connie’s neck. 

CONNIE: I knew you were worth the wait. 

Andy clings tightly to Connie, as if he let go, she would no longer be there with him. 

ANDY: You want to see if this old man still has something left?