Title: Only Love

Author: Buffywatcher

Feedback: Constructive comments always welcome: jinxascendant@hotmail.com

Pairing: Spike/Angel(us), References to Spike/Drusilla and Spike/Harmony

Rating: Strong R to possibly some soft, romantic NC-17 bits and bobs

Spoilers: Contains elements of the Season Five Buffy Episode Crush that will segue into an alternate timeline but spoilers for the episode itself are relatively minor and the story progresses fairly quickly into new territory. Angel didn’t set Drusilla on fire; she merely sired Darla and left L.A. for Sunnydale and Spike.

Warnings: Character deaths, Angst, Violence, Spike/Angel(us) goodness…all the good stuff. This is a bit of a darker style of fic and may have some instances of some disturbing imagery.

Disclaimer: Just borrowing them for a bit of harmless fun. All characters, recognisable likenesses are retained by their owner and accredited license holders.

Writer’s Notes: This story takes place in an AU setting. Please excuse any minor discrepancies or artist license. As always thanks are going out to GF, MarieC, Luba, and Mera my most excellent group of Beta/Editors.

Writer’s Credits: This story features the song “It’s Only Love” by Heather Nova.

Distribution: If I’ve already been given permission to archive my work please consider it yours if you want it. If I haven’t and you would like to archive it please do, all I ask is that you email me and tell me where it’s going so I can visit.

Summary: In the wake of a devastating tragedy Angel returns to Sunnydale to stop Spike from killing Buffy but it ends up costing him far more than he could have imagined. Will he ever be able to fix the damage?



*Character Thoughts*


In L.A.


Angel cries out in agony and falls to the floor of his office, unconscious as his friends flood into the office and frantically try to find out what happened.



In Sunnydale


Spike is kneeling as Buffy stands over him with Drusilla’s ashes raining down over him. Without a word Buffy smiles coldly and leaves him there covered in Drusilla’s ashes staring vacantly.


How long he’s been kneeling there he can’t say; time for him has frozen in that moment when Drusilla turned to dust against him. Slowly his mind returns from the void of despair with only one thought shouting in his mind. The Slayer will die for this but first she is going to know pain unlike any she has ever known. A glaze of frost ices over his eyes and they gleam with a cold sense of purpose that hasn’t gleamed in over a century as he slowly gets to his feet. His eyes drop to his dust covered form and his hand curves into a claw as his talon like nails rip into the flesh of his chest unleashing bloody waterfalls of blood. He kneels and gathers as much of Drusilla’s dust as he can and viciously scrubs it into the wounds as he mutters a simple incantation. He cries out in pain and falls to his knees, his head flying back and an unholy red light flares in his eyes brightly before dying away. His chest heaves with unnecessary breaths as the pain floods through him before washing away like the ocean tides. He looks down and he smiles. The furrows he dug in his own chest have healed over and no longer pour his lifeblood out to stain the stone beneath him. Where the crimson rivers once flowed, no trace of blood or ash remains, only four silvery traces of scar tissue remain to commemorate the existence of the fallen Vampire Drusilla.


“Blondie bear?” A hesitant voice warbles uncertainly from the shadows of the doorway.


“I have a job for you Harmony. Listen very carefully…” His voice is calm almost icily so as he tells Harmony exactly what he wants her to do in detail.



In L.A.


Angel groans and tries to sit up but what feels like a dozen hands push him back down. He opens his eyes and looks around confused at the sea of faces looking down at him with concerned expressions.


“You screamed and we found you unconscious, can you tell us what happened?” Wesley asks urgently.


Angel lets his eyes fall shut heavily and lets his head fall back to the floor with a solid thump. “Drusilla is gone. I felt her…pass.”


His friends all share looks of concern and sympathy. Drusilla may have been as evil a Demon that has ever been sired but she was still a Childe of Angelus.


“Do you know what happened to her?” Cordelia asks quietly.


Angel shakes his head. “It doesn’t work quite like that. We’re bound by blood as she is…was my Childe. I know she’s gone but not how or why. She felt close though.” He says aching and tired.


“She probably is close, or nearby at any rate.” Wesley says with surety, as everyone turns to look at him in surprise. “Giles told me Spike’s back in Sunnydale, surely if Drusilla was back she’d go to see him at some point?”


Everyone has identical ‘duh’ expressions on their face as they realise that of course Dru would go to see Spike and feel foolish for not having realised that themselves.


“Buffy!” Angel struggles to his feet, wobbling unsteadily. “We have to get to Sunnydale! If she had anything to do with Dru’s dusting Spike is going to kill her!”


Wesley and Gunn haul Angel up between them and head for the door with him with Cordelia, Fred, and Lorne scrambling to follow, everyone digging for their car keys.



Back In Sunnydale at Willow’s house:


Willow opens the door and sees a young girl standing on her porch her head lowered crying and holding a leash. “Lady I’ve lost my puppy, can you help me find him?”


“Where did you see him last?” Willow asks coming out and kneeling beside the weeping little girl.


The little girl lifts her head, to reveal her crimson streaked cheeks and cold smile and Willow doesn’t have time to scream as the little girl’s fist connects cruelly to her chin, knocking her cold. Harmony and several beefy looking minions step out of the shadows around the corner of the house. One of them has a limp form, tied hand and foot and gagged, hanging over a shoulder.


Harmony and the unencumbered minion kneel beside Willow’s unconscious form and quickly bind her ankles and wrists behind her and gag her tightly. Harmony motions to the minion and he picks Willow up slinging her over his shoulder.


“Take these two to the rendezvous point and watch them carefully. If they get away, you should only hope that Master Spike lets you die an easy death. Make sure their bindings and gags stay on, Rack says the magic will leach their powers and keep them unconscious but don’t take any chances. Spike will kill us all…eventually…if we screw this up.” All of the minions look terrified and they all scramble to nod frantically. Harmony gestures and the two muscled minions take off into the night with their burdens as she stoops to place a hand on the child minion’s head. “You did very well Amberli, Master Spike will be pleased but we have three more stops to make.”


“Yes Sire, I remember.” The child says smiling broadly, reaching up to take her Sire’s hand as they skulk silently into the night.



Chapter Two


Spike looks up from the large book perched across his lap, slamming it closed and standing as the curtain of beads parts and Rack emerges from the back room. Spike pulls a large envelope out of his duster pocket and slaps it into the man’s outstretched hand as he sets the book down.


“The price we agreed upon and a hefty bonus to ensure you don’t make any ‘accidental mistakes’. If this goes well I’ll give you ten thousand more.” He says coldly business like.


Rack smiles greedily, knowing it is in his best interests to serve Spike’s wishes faithfully and nods, gesturing for Spike to follow him into the back room.


An hour later Spike hands Rack another envelope as he drops something small into his outstretched hand which he crushes into dust.


“It’s always a pleasure doing business with a professional Rack. Word of advice from one professional to another Rack…trouble is coming and you may want to consider spending some time…elsewhere for a while. These Initiative blokes are going to start something they can’t control and this place will end up as ground zero.”


“I’ve been thinking along those lines myself Master Spike but thank you for the warning. I noticed that you seemed very engrossed in the Grimoire De Nocturnus Ascendum feel free to take it with you, a gift in light of your generosity.” Rack says gesturing to the book Spike was reading earlier.


“My thanks Mate.” Spike slides on his duster and grabs the book as Rack gestures and a glowing portal of energy appears showing the way out of the sorcerer’s hidden abode. He leaves and strides into the night, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cell phone, dialling the number from memory.


He waits several tense moments until a voice answers, indicating the call has been answered. “Is it done?” He listens for a moment. “Excellent Harmony. I knew that little snack size of yours would be the perfect bait in the mouse trap.” He listens again and laughs coolly. “Very inventive, be sure he’s not too damaged however or the surprise will be totally ruined for the Slayer.” He listens once more. “No leave them, out of courtesy to a former Demon, besides I doubt I could stand him long enough to get my revenge on the Slayer any way. Meet me at the rendezvous point and be sure you’ve gotten everything you’re bringing with you. As soon as the Slayer is dead we’re out of this hell-fucked town.” Spike slaps his phone closed and buries it back into his pocket. Everything is going according to plan for once.


Several hours later Buffy unlocks her front door and calls out for Dawn, puzzled when she doesn’t get an answer. She hears a soft twinkle of child like laughter and looks around in surprise at the young girl sitting in the large chair in her living room looking like she has not a care in the world. She takes a step closer and recoils as her Slayer sense screams that earthly cares are far beyond this little abomination’s concerns. Her horror only seems to amuse the small Vampire and she stands and steps into the light, twirling the hair of the eyeless doll she’s clutching tightly. Buffy chokes back a scream, shoving her fist against her mouth to trap it.


“Poor little Slayer you’ve misplaced something that you love but don’t worry, I am sure that Master Spike won’t be as cruel to your girl as you were to his. The eyes are gone, can’t see anymore and the tree doesn’t shade you from the sun anymore.” Buffy’s complexion pales as she realises just how dire a situation she is in as she stares at the child Vampire. “Back to where it all started Slayer, back, back goes the hands of time if you want your sister to have a future. Be there when the hands strike the witching hour Slayer or your sister’s future will be very long indeed. Be sure to come alone Slayer, Master will know if you’re cheating and he won’t be very pleased with you then. Not very pleased at all and he may get…hungry.” The child opens the front door and clutching Miss Edith skips out of the house and out into the night, her child like laughter ringing out proudly into the night as Buffy falls to her knees.


She’s running down the street as Angel and company roar up to her house and flood out of the caravan of cars and take off in pursuit. They see her headed towards the old High School and they rush after her, figuring that she must have a reason for her haste.


 They flood through the doorway of Sunnydale High to find themselves surrounded by a veritable army of Vampires and various other Demons all of whom have a single thing in common, an utter disregard for human life. Harmony steps from the shadows holding the hand of a young Vampire no more than eleven or twelve years of age. Both of them, sport seeping neck wounds and sinister expressions. At a gesture from Harmony they are all seized and their weapons taken and her clear gaze falls on Wesley.


“Bind that one he holds magic in his blood and Master Spike will be most displeased should he interfere.” Three Vampires descend on Wesley and he is soon trussed like a turkey with a gag tightly in place.


Angel draws up to his full height and shakes off the Vampires holding him and strides forward but two Fayrl/Fyral Demons seize him by the arms and hold him in place.


 “What’s going on Harmony?!” Angel demands.


“A blood hunt has been called.” Angel pales and sinks to one knee as Wesley’s eyes grow huge and panicked as he tries to speak despite the gag as Spike steps out of the shadows of one of the corridors. He is bare-chested, for once without his ubiquitous black leather duster, the silver tracings from the scars displayed prominently on the otherwise unblemished chest. His hand is loosely clutching a metal stave from a flag stand.


Angel stares taken back in time to the first time he’d seen Spike in a century. It was on almost this very spot, with Xander’s head locked under his arm as he tried to fool him into thinking he was once more Angelus. He knows that this is not Spike that he is looking at now though. William the Bloody has come to Sunnydale and Buffy is going to die.


“Well, well I must say I didn’t expect to see you here, though I suspect I should have. Come to save your precious Slayer no doubt.” Spike says unemotionally, stopping before his former Sire and looking at him with an expression that is part nostalgic and part resigned. “You can’t stop me this time Angel. Your precious Slutty the Slayer is going to die. Eventually.” Spike turns away and snaps his fingers and two beefy minions gently escort Dawn out of the shadows. A sad expression crosses his face as he looks at the obviously upset young woman. “I am sorry Dawn that I have to do this. We were leaving; she should have just let us go or staked me too. As long as she lives I will try to kill her for taking my Dru from me. Only one of walks out of here. Watch them boys but don’t hurt them, let them go when this is over, no revenge should I fall to the Slayer. Harmony you know what to do if I don’t come back.”


Spike slowly turns his back to them, hefting the flagpole and spinning it with an easy grace as he heads deeper into the school for a fateful meeting that has been too long delayed. Buffy should be here soon enough and they’ll dance to the end of one of their lives.


“Don’t do this Spike! I’m sorry about Drusilla, she was my Childe, but this won’t bring her back!”


“What about the chip?” Cordelia asks confused. “He can’t hurt her with that can he?”


Spike stops walking but doesn’t turn around. “Sorry Cheerleader, but it seems those Initiative blokes weren’t as clever as they thought with their little technological leashes. I’m sure within a few months they’ll come to find out just how stupid they really are. A war is coming, I can feel it, and Drusilla saw it and came to take me away from here; as any true Sire would do to protect their Childe.” Angel drops his eyes, hanging his head with shame at how he’s neglected his Childer. “I plan to be long gone however when the bodies start to pile up. Drusilla is nothing but dust now but I will remember her when I am draining your Slayer dry.” Spike resumes walking away from them, to the hallway where he knows the Slayer is waiting.


Desperate to stop him, Angel calls out in his most commanding voice. “I forbid this Childe of Aurelius! As your Sire, as Drusilla’s Sire, I forbid this. As the Master of the Aurelius order, I forbid this! I invoke the Right of the Sire! You will not do this.”


Spike freezes and turns slowly, every one of the Vampires turn astonished eyes on Angel. Spike slowly walks back to stop before his kneeling Sire. “You would deny me this?”


Angel looks sick, but he slowly nods. “I have to Spike, I’m sorry. You cannot call a Blood Hunt on Buffy, I will not allow it. I know Drusilla meant a lot to you…”


“We were going to be mated.” Spike says softly and Angel makes a low sound of pain and drops his eyes again. “I will have blood for blood Angel if you will deny me this; it IS my right as her Favoured Childe, than I have no choice but to walk away from this vendetta but think well before you push me on this. This will be costly, Angelus should you stop me so think well on it.” Spike’s voice softens and smoothes into the lyrical accent of an upper-class Englishman and losing the heavy cockney accent he adopted long ago to disguise his well-born status. Angel flinches at the sound of that well remembered voice.


“I have to Spike, I’m sorry.” Angel says lifting his head to stare into his frozen eyes and he almost flinches away from what he sees there.


“Very well Angelus, as the Master of Aurelius I cannot defy you.” Spike motions to the Demons and they quietly release their captives and Spike kneels and pulls a knife from his boot and frees Wesley helping him to stand. “Sorry about that mate, but I couldn’t have anyone interfering though it seems that is a moot point now.” Spike obligingly brushes off the dust spotting his clothes. At a gesture from Spike the Demons quietly begin to disperse, and only Harmony and her Childe remain.


Angel regains his feet and reaches out to pull Spike into his arms but he backs away, his eyes locked on him. He releases his Demon as his humanity is drawn deep inside freeing his Vampire visage. Tilting his head to the side he snarls and with slow deliberation uncovers a bite mark on the left side of his neck and viciously draws his talon like nails across it obliterating it as his claws savage his skin.


Angel stares his eyes huge and shocked as he watches the impossible happen right before his eyes.


“You are dust to me, Sire no longer as I am Aurelius no longer. You have taken my vengeance from me, Buffy will live and you will stand in her stead and both of you will live.” Spike lets his arm drop heavily to his side as his Demon melts away and his human perfection returns. “Don’t come after me Angel, what has happened here she called down on her own head.” Spike stalks for the doorway, stopping only to kneel so that the seemingly frail Amberli can climb onto his back. Harmony threads her fingers through Spike’s and the trio continues on their way.


Angel cries out, his pain driving him almost to his knees again. “You can’t do this to me Spike, you can’t! Don’t do this! Please, Spike, don’t do this to me! Nothing is worth this Spike!”


“Only love Angelus, only love is worth it.” Spike stops but doesn’t turn around. “I told you Angel that the price would be high and you made your choice. Honestly I expected nothing else from you. You have turned your back on your Childer, on your order, time and again so why should this time be any different?” Angel flinches. “She took your only remaining Childe in cold blood and still you would save her life? Congratulations, Mate you’ve saved Buffy but you won’t save the others, I WILL have blood for blood Angelus of Aurelius. You’ve just assured me that it will not be her blood that pays the price now. The whelp and his Demon chit are safe, her kindness has earned her his life, and I won’t touch them. She would have preferred death to knowing what is going to happen now, enjoy the price of her life Vampire.” Spike lets his voice trail off and for several seconds silence reigns as everyone seems to collectively hold their breath watching the drama unfolding before them.


It takes him several moments to regain his voice. “This isn’t what I wanted Angelus. I am not YOU; I didn’t want to hurt innocent people in revenge for what one stupid, jealous little girl did to my Dru. You helped Dru to make me strong, I should thank you former Master of mine. I couldn’t do what I have to do without that strength, without this Demon that Drusilla passed to me. You are an order of one Angelus, my Childer…” Spike pulls Harmony closer and wraps an arm around her shoulders as Amberli laughs delightedly. “…will help me to rebuild what you have torn apart here by your folly. Aurelius is no more; it will die with you Angelus; sooner rather than later if you stay in this hell-fucked town much longer. Long live the Drusillae Magi order.”


Spike starts walking again but Dawn darts forward with a cry. “Spike I don’t understand! Please tell me what happened! I don’t want you to go!”


He sighs and releases Harmony and gently transfers Amberli to her care and turns around and opens his arms. The assembled group stares in astonishment as Dawn runs to one of the deadliest and now chip-less Vampires ever sired and is caught up in what could only be called a loving hug. She has not the slightest fear of Spike and from the way he cradles her and strokes her long hair and rocks her gently, she has no reason to fear it seems. Chip or no chip, Spike’s affection for her is pure and true, Angel realises.


“I am sorry Nibblet but I have to go. The Slayer took my Dru while she was initiating our mating bond. Drusilla never saw her coming; the bitch took her in the back!”


“You love her Spike, she wouldn’t have hurt you like that, and she must have thought that Drusilla was hurting you or something Spike! I know you two ended things but she still cares for you, I just know it!” Dawn makes a keening sound of pain and burrows against Spike crying as Angel looks on in horror.


“Yes she cares for me so much that she left me on my knees with the ashes of my Sire and Mate raining down on me while she laughed. I am mated and bound to one who will never set me free. She took Dru before the Rite was complete, I will never be able to mate to another now. There will always be a hole inside me, that will never be filled, that is what her caring has garnered for me. I will carry Dru inside me forever.” He strokes the scars on his chest. “But I’ll never be able to hold her again Nibblet because of your sister. I told her.” Spike blinks away a tear. “I told her that Drusilla and I were mating and would be leaving Sunnydale and we would go peacefully.” The tear finally rips free. “I told her.” He drops to one knee and strokes Dawn’s cheek gently. “I have to leave this place Nibblet and if I could I would take you with me and keep you safe always but I can’t.” Spike looks at Harmony and holds out his hand, nodding towards the jacket, she’s holding carefully folded over her arm. She hands over his duster and watches as he wraps it around Dawn. “You keep this for me Pet, it’s yours now. Always remember me Dawn because I’ll never forget you.”


Dawn slips her arms into the coat and wraps it tightly around her. It’s too big on her and it drags the ground but she doesn’t care. “I want to go with you Spike!” She realises as she says it that she means it!


Spike looks like she staked him as he makes a low sound of pain. “I wish that you could Nibblet but your place is here, among your own kind and with…” Spike looks sick to his stomach as he forces out the last bit. “…Buffy; she’s your Sister Dawn; she’ll take care of you.”


“I don’t have a Sister Spike! I’m just a construct remember, a fabricated life to hide the Key. You’ve always taken care of me and you’ve never treated me any differently. I want to go with you.” Spike waivers and she goes in for the kill. “Please Spike. I’m no more human than you are. Buffy can’t see that what the Initiative is doing to Demons, that what they did to you, is wrong. How long before they find out that I’m no more human than you are and come for me? They took you, they tried to castrate you, they almost broke you, and even as strong as you are they almost did, what chance would I have?”


Spike growls and wraps his arms around her tightly, picking her up Duster and all and holding her as tenderly as any Father with his daughter. “None, you’d have no chance at all. I won’t let them hurt you!” Before the others realise what’s happening Spike is gone, still cradling Dawn and Harmony follows with Amberli.


Angel explodes after them but several burly minions are suddenly there to block his way even though it’s suicide. As their dust settles to the ground the unmistakeable roaring purr of Spike’s ‘59 DeSoto rips through the night amidst the squealing rubber tearing sound that tells them they’ll be long gone before they can get out to their own cars. Angel falls to his knees, kneeling in the dust of the minions, his chest heaving with silent agony.


“Wesley, what’s going on? What was all that stuff Spike was saying?” Cordelia asks, falling on her knees beside Angel, trying to get him back on his feet. She’s unable to do it until Lorne and Gunn lend a hand and physically lift him up, supporting him between them.


“Well as nearly as I can tell, in Vampire terms at least, Spike has disowned Angel and the order they belong to. That is a very serious thing for a Vampire to do. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a Vampire willingly leaving themselves outcast from their order before.” Wesley says gruffly.


“Spike hasn’t disowned me; he’s done something much worse than that.” Angel says flatly, his voice devoid of all emotion, frozen. “He’s seceded from the Aurelius order and he will establish his own.” Angel makes a low sound of pain. “He’s naming it after Dru, the Drusillae Magi order. He’s old enough and strong enough to found his own bloodline but he never did. He was always content to be Drusilla’s Childe and the favoured Childe of Angelus. He’s never sired Childer of his own, everything he was he gave to Drusilla…and Angelus…and through them to the Aurelius order.” Angel says his voice cracking in parts but still blank of emotion, as though he was in shock.


“With Drusilla…gone…and Spike leaving the order, you’re the last aren’t you?” Wesley says, looking at his friend sadly, understanding the magnitude of what’s happened.


“Wesley?” Fred asks quietly, she’s never seen Angel in so much pain.


“The Aurelius order stretches back to the times of the Roman Empire, originating with Marcus Aurelius a roman general and some say he may have even been the Emperor of Rome for a time. The tales I’ve heard even seem to speculate that Aurelius himself was turned by the First Elder, the first and oldest of all the Vampires. You have to understand that many Vampires have claimed such and as the first Vampire has never truly been identified, the truth may never be known.” He explains. “Regardless Aurelius was among the eldest of the ancient ones and was slain by The Master, little details about that are known. Aurelius is one of the oldest and most respected of the Vampire orders; they’re roughly like Clans you would find in Scotland; and there has always been an Aurelius order.”


Fred catches on. “Oh no but Spike has left right?” Wesley nods and Fred hurries to Angel and throws her arms around him and hugs him tight as he buries his face against her shoulder and trembles. “Angel killed Darla, his other Childer, Penn and Drusilla are dust.” Fred explains to the confused observers as she sadly strokes Angel’s hair, trying to comfort him.


“Angel won’t make Childer; he won’t condemn anyone to his fate.” Wesley says with a sad glance at Angel. “The only remaining Aurelius Master has abandoned the order as a direct result of Angel’s siding with a Slayer over the death of Drusilla. The Aurelius order for all intents and purposes is a dead order. Thousands of years of tradition, of…family…have ended here tonight.” Wesley clears his throat gruffly.


“Over BUFFY?!” Cordelia shrieks amazed. Before anyone can stop her Cordy rushes forward and jerks Angel’s head off of Fred’s shoulder and slaps him as hard as she can. “God when will you WAKE UP and realise that Buffy isn’t worth this? I’ve had it with you, I’m done! I’m not going to wait around and break my heart over a jerk that can’t get over a relationship that lasted barely longer than some bowel movements!” She storms out crying with Lorne running after her calling her name. After a few seconds of indecision Gunn slowly turns and follows Lorne and Cordelia, leaving Angel with Wesley and Fred.


They’re all surprised when the trio suddenly return, running back in looking very scared.


“There are some very heavily armed commando types coming this way with some young thing in the lead and they look very unfriendly Angel-cakes.” Lorne pants from the exertion of running.


“Angel, you and Lorne need to get out of here NOW! That must be those Initiative blokes Rupert told me about! They experiment on Demons; they’re the ones that chipped Spike! You have to get out!” Wesley cries in alarm but Angel is already moving, practically picking up Lorne and charging for the basement staircase. Rather than hanging around everyone follows Angel as quickly as they can. Angel quickly finds the sewer access and wrenches it open and Gunn and Cordelia rush inside.


It is a tense few moments until Cordy returns. “It looks clear; we didn’t see anyone in the tunnels we checked!” She says darting back inside with everyone piling in after her.


Angel navigates his old haunt unerringly after a slightly shaky start but it quickly comes back to him and he leads them to a ladder. “This should come up behind the Liquor Store on the corner.” Angel reaches out and stops Wesley from passing by him to climb the ladder. “I’m sorry Wes; it’d be safer if you stayed with Lorne and me for now. You know a bit of magic and I heard they’ve taken a few practitioners. Gunn and the girls should go get the cars, they’ll be safe enough.” Gunn nods and heads up the ladder. “We’ll make our way to the Theatre off Conway and meet you there. Don’t stop the cars just slow down long enough for us to get in and then punch it for the city limits.”


“I agree, I think Spike got the hell out of this town just in time.” Lorne says with a shiver.


“Lorne, did you get a flash of something?” Wesley asks while Angel hovers at the base of the ladder until the girls are out safely.


“I think the Blondie’s lady friend had the right idea about getting him out of Dodge. This town is a powder keg and it’s going to explode in a big way! I’m not getting flashes I’m getting nightmares! There’s been a lot of talk about these guys at Caritas, things are going to get ugly and sooner rather than later I think.” Lorne says worriedly.


Angel takes Lorne’s hand and Wesley’s and tows them quickly through the tunnels. “Can you tell what’s going to happen here?” Angel asks speeding up. Maybe he can find out where Spike’s going and fix things before they get worse and there’s no going back.


“A war is coming, Angel-cakes, a war to end all wars.” Lorne says shakily as Angel stops in his tracks to stare at Lorne in shock and horror, the expression mirrored by Wesley. “I think we saw the opening volley fired tonight.”


Angel resumes pulling them down the tunnels. “What makes you say that Lorne?”


“Didn’t you see how many Demons Spike had with him?” Lorne asks amazed. “I mean not just Vampires but others as well?” He says surprised. “I saw over a dozen different species represented in that little gathering.”


“You’re right Lorne; I saw that but never really stopped to think what that actually meant.” Angel says disgusted by his lack of observation. “Things must be bad if so many different species are starting to band together. I was surprised to see so many actually, I figured Spike was a bit of an outcast with that chip in his head and all. Of course now he doesn’t have it. Oh God he doesn’t have it and we let him get away with taking Dawn with him!”


“He had more than enough time to hurt her while he was holding her Angel and he didn’t. In fact they seemed to be…friends? And from what I heard he cares for her, a lot. She didn’t seem to be afraid of him and if what Lorne sensed is true than maybe it’s a good thing he took her and got away from here Angel. She would have been in as much danger as Spike, given her not quite human status.” Wesley says cajolingly, heaving a sigh of relief as Angel finally stops under another ladder.


Angel climbs and cautiously eases the lid open until he’s positive that its safe then climbs back down and motions for Wesley to go up first. He’ll pass for human easily enough whereas he and Lorne wouldn’t so if there are Initiative soldiers up there he may slip past unnoticed.


Wesley takes a good look around; relieved to see that there is no such worry to be seen and lets Angel and Lorne and looks around watchfully as they climb up. It’s only a few moments after Lorne is out that the cars roar up and Angel herds them ahead of him. He hurriedly gets everyone separated into the two cars, sending Lorne back to ride with Gunn and towing Wesley to his convertible. Fred is already sliding into the middle of the front seat as Angel leaps over the door and into the driver’s seat as Wesley scrambles in beside Fred.


“What happened to Cordy?” Angel asks alarmed as they rocket for the town limits. The young seer is laid out in the back seat, held securely by the seat belts and looks unconscious.


“She had a vision.” Fred sounds like a frightened little girl and Wesley wraps an arm around her and hugs her close. “It was a real bad one, Angel. She screamed so loud and then keeled over unconscious. Gunn had to pick her up and carry her for the rest of the way and she’s still out.” Fred says worriedly. “What’s going on in this kooky town Angel?”


“I don’t know Fred but I think we’d best get the hell out of here like Spike told us to.” Angel punches the accelerator wanting to get the hell out of Sunnydale. Part of him wishes that he never came here and another part of him screams at what his damned blindness where Buffy is concerned has cost him and he curses his actions at letting Spike down just one time too many.


The funniest thing is that even through it all, Spike was willing to forgive him, giving him a way to take back his foolish words. He knows that if he had he would still have his Grand-Childe, even as his soul screams that he couldn’t have brought Spike back into his life if the cost was Buffy’s life. The part of him that is now and will forever be Angelus roars in agony at the knowledge that his Childe’s killer lives by his will, his direct intervention. He lost Drusilla to Buffy and still he sided with her and it cost him Spike and he’s still alone, not a Buffy in sight. Both his Childer given in exchange for a foolish young woman that is but a blot on the timeline of his life. His companions in eternity versus a Slayer that in all likelihood won’t live to be thirty, it’s a horrible bargain. The enormity of what he’s done suddenly hits him.


The jarring tones of his cell phone snap him out of his reverie and he flips it open and presses it to his ear. “Hello.” He pauses and grimaces. “Hello Buffy. No I haven’t heard from Willow or Giles.” He wants to close his eyes in grief as Spike’s words come back to him in that moment. Congratulations, Mate you’ve saved Buffy but you won’t save the others, I WILL have blood for blood Angelus of Aurelius. You’ve just assured me that it will not be her blood that pays the price now. Spike has taken Giles and Willow and the next time he sees them, it won’t be alive he knows. The loss of Willow, Giles, and though she doesn’t know it yet, Dawn will cripple Buffy. He knows then that Spike was right, she would rather have taken the chance in a fight to the death than lose them. He takes a deep breath and decides to try a ruse to see if he can find out just what happened when Buffy staked Dru. “You’ve staked Drusilla.” It takes everything in him to keep his voice level and the anger out of his voice. “Don’t lie to me Buffy. No I haven’t talked to Spike. She was my CHILDE Buffy, my blood; a Sire always knows the circumstances of a Childe’s death. I said don’t lie to me Buffy. I know what happened, I felt her die, and I saw it as it happened.” He falls silent and listens. As the minutes pass his hand clenches on the steering wheel so tightly he can feel it starting to crack under the pressure and he forces it to relax. “He’s not a slave Buffy; he doesn’t have to stay to help you just because you said so! You thought he’d just ignore the fact that you staked his Sire and his mate to be and stay and help you??” Angel says dumbfounded. “Why did you really stake Dru Buffy? Is it so that Spike would stay and keep helping you or was it so he wouldn’t leave you for Dru?” He slowly closes his phone and throws it into the tray caddy with a final sounding thump.


“Angel? Are you alright?” Fred asks after he doesn’t say anything for a few minutes.


“Spike wasn’t lying; Buffy dusted Dru in cold blood because she was jealous that she was taking Spike away. I could hear it in her voice. All Dru wanted was to make things right with Spike and Buffy murdered my Childe and I stopped Spike from seeking vengeance and now I’ve lost him too.” Angel dashes away a bloody tear unable to speak anymore. Wesley and Fred glance at him with expressions of empathy and consolation but Angel is beyond all of that as he presses the accelerator to the floor and the powerful car leaps into rocket speed as it barrels down the road. The phone rings again but Fred makes a low growling sound and reaches down and turns it off.


Angel doesn’t slow down until they’re well beyond sight of the city and the darkness of the lonely road has closed around them.


“We won’t make it back to L.A. before first light.” Wesley notes.


Angel nods and takes the next off-ramp and exits the freeway. Like everywhere else in California, there are a surprising number of nice hotels, motels, gas stations, and places to eat in almost every price range there is, packed like sardines along the side streets facing the highway. Glancing to make sure Gunn’s truck is still tracking behind them; he pulls into one of the nicer, upscale motels and parks with Gunn pulling neatly into the space next to them. Angel hands Wesley his wallet and he and Gunn head inside to get some rooms while Lorne and Angel stay to look after Fred and Cordy, who still hasn’t stirred a muscle. No one notices the small black shape that slips stealthily from the bed of Gunn’s truck and darts into the shadows.


They return within a few minutes with three room keys. Angel helps Gunn to tenderly pick up his girlfriend and the six friends split up into the three rooms, all of them weary and in various stages of distress. It’s decided that Fred will share a room with Cordy, being the best qualified to keep an eye on the still unconscious Slayer. Lorne and Gunn take the connecting room next to them with a weary and heartbroken Angel following Wesley to the last room on the other side of the girls’ room.


As the last door quietly closes, a small form slips from the shadows and skitters down a storm drain and into the sewers. It navigates quickly and easily through the damp tunnels emerging across the city and scampering into an impressive looking estate, where a slender little girl holds her arms open and sweeps it up. Amberli pets the cat gently and carries it into the huge manor, smiling at the minion who pushes the heavy door closed after them.


“Is everything alright Amberli?” The young girl looks up at her Sire’s approach and smiles and nods. Harmony smiles and takes her Childe’s hand and leads her up the staircase to a room on the third floor. She knocks softly and pushes the door open quietly.


The room is lavish but unpretentious, dark but for the light from a healthy fire burning in the corner fireplace. The room is spacious but uncluttered, holding little more than a huge fine wood dresser that takes up the length of almost an entire wall and a huge bed curtained and swathed in heavy velvet drapes is crafted of the same heavy, dark wood, glowing with age and loving care. A comfortably plump couch and matching chairs flank a coffee table of the same rich wood, to create a comfortable sitting area in front of the fireplace. A matching roman style chaise lounge lies beneath one of the heavy lead glass picture windows in its own small bump out nook in the wall. All of the upholstery is the same deeply vivid, crushed burgundy velvet as the drapes that curtain the bed.


Thick heavy Persian rugs in deep cream, brown, and tan shades with the same dark burgundy red accents line the heavy floor to keep the chill away. Recessed nooks built right into the walls along one side of the room hold a large state of the art TV, stereo unit and other entertainment features but clever smoky glass panels are pulled over them to keep everything looking tidy when it’s not in use. Beside the entertainment unit a deep nook houses a built in desk, complete with a state of the art computer system and nooks for storage and cases for various disks and other paraphernalia. A slim but comfortable executive chair has been carefully measured and fits neatly right up against the desk when it is pushed in all the way. Pocket doors on either side can be shut to close off the area with barely any sign to betray its presence. Four doors; not counting the main entry; branch off the main room and having explored Harmony knows where each one leads.


One set of French doors leads out onto a lovely covered balcony that wraps almost three-quarters around the back of the rather immense house and links the Master suite rooms together. Another door leads to a richly marbled bathroom with a roman style sunken soaking tubs and separate shower enclosure dominating the room. A small walk-in closet is fully stocked with soft, thick towels and various bath necessities like shampoo and bath gels and lotions of all descriptions. There’s even a small chute for dirty laundry that drops items down into the basement laundry room. One of the doors leads to a smaller but no less comfortable bedroom. Harmony knows that in the past such rooms were used to house a Gentleman’s Valet or a Lady’s maid, so that they could be close at hand to tend to their Master’s needs. The small bedroom is pretty simple, housing a small walk-in closet, a small but nice bathroom with the basic necessities of a sink, toilet, and shower/tub combination, a tall but compact dresser and a spacious double bed. Built in bookcases and cubbies provide additional storage along one wall. In the terms of the day she is sure that the small rooms are more comfortable than some houses of the day. The last door leads to a large walk-in closet, complete with built in shelves, racks, hangars, and storage bins for every necessity.


Much of the floor space in the room is open and uncluttered and the airy feeling balances the dark richness of the woods and fabrics in the room transforming it from dark and oppressive to homey and welcoming. All ten of the Master suites are designed thus, only their colour schemes varying to set them apart from each other. The house sports the same number of smaller but no less comfortable rooms, the design and décor not unlike the small Valet rooms in the larger suites. The manor is magnificent and it shows just how much Drusilla really did love her Childe that she went to such trouble to prepare such a fine home for them. Sadly it’s a home she’ll never share with Spike now but she knows that somewhere Drusilla will be pleased with the plans he has for their home.


“Spike, Sire?” She calls softly. A rustle of drapes is her answer as a pale but well muscled arm parts the drapes around the bed and Spike steps into the firelight. She smiles at the still forms reclining on the bed, tucked neatly under the luxurious bedding. “It is done then?”


Spike glances over his shoulder at the Watcher and the young Witch ensconced in bed, even now leaving their humanity behind and evolving into what they will become. “Yes, it’s done. They’ll rise fast, I’ve fed them well.” Spike says softly but his voice is devoid of emotion.


He truly didn’t want to have to take this avenue of revenge and would have released them unharmed if Angel hadn’t interfered and left him no recourse she knows. They were but pawns to bring out their queen Buffy and were not intended to become sacrifices upon the altar of his hate. She glances at her new Sire and sees that he is abnormally pale and somewhat gaunt in appearance, betraying that he has in fact fed his new Childer to be very well indeed. She feels her face morph and she bites into her own wrist, extending the bleeding appendage towards her Sire with a smile.


Spike looks startled at first but then he smiles and moves forward to nurse at the bleeding cut as gently as he can. He feeds for several minutes before licking the cut closed with a purring sigh of contentment and lifts his head. He smiles at Amberli, who is holding her own arm out with a childlike smile of innocence, which he knows hides a true Demon’s heart, her slender cat still cradled against her chest by one slender arm.


“Thank you for the offer Little One but I am feeling much better.” He says with a smile, ruffling the child’s Vampire’s hair affectionately. At first he was horrified by the child Vampire, considering it an abomination like most of his kind. He was disgusted at first upon learning that Harmony had found a starving little girl dying abandoned in an alley and for whatever reason was unable to let that little life slip away and had turned the girl. He finds himself truly becoming fond of the impish pair however.


There was a time when such a Child Vampire and the one that sired it would have been destroyed immediately by the head of their order. Harmony; and hence Amberli; however has no living Sire and therefore no ties to any order. He reaches out and strokes his fingertips over the fresh bite marks that adorn both their necks. Out of gratitude for their help he granted Harmony’s wish to become her Sire and through her Amberli’s Grandsire and by vampiric standards they are both part of him now. While they are not as bound to him as true Childer risen wholly from his blood would be, they’re desire for home and family may perhaps bind them all the more to him. These two, his new Childer yet to rise, and the slender girl sleeping in the suite next door…they will be his family now, the basis of a new Vampire order unlike any before it.


He turns and closes the drapes around the bed tucking them carefully over one another to shut out the light and crosses to the heavy lead glass French doors and windows and draws the heavy velvet drapes closed securely. Satisfied that his new Childer are safe and secure in the death-like slumber of their evolving forms he heads for the door and motions for his Childer to follow. He leads them out into the hallway closing the door after them and leading the way to his own suite, four doors down, at the end of the hall and opens the door and motions for them to precede him. They find themselves in almost an identical suite; only this one is decorated in predominately black and cream with accents of red here and there, the colours that Spike prefers. He motions for them to sit on the plump sofa and sits nearby in one of the thickly cushioned lounge-style chair set at right angles to it. The fire has been lit in this room as well, negating the need for any additional lighting and a fine silver tray with several glasses and a crystal decanter of blood, and a small plate of thick walnut brownies is set on the coffee table. He sees the longing glances and chuckles as he motions for them to help themselves, which they do with relish, enjoying a glass of fresh blood and a brownie in comfortable silence.


After a few minutes a soft knock heralds the arrival of someone at his door and Spike gets up to answer it. He smiles at a sleepily dishevelled Dawn standing outside his door rubbing her eyes and her other hand is wrapped securely in the nervous paw of her much larger companion.


“Clem! Glad you could make it old boy!” Spike smiles affectionately and waves the pair into the room and towards the couch. “You didn’t have any trouble finding the place I hope?” He asks closing the door and following the pair back to the sitting area. Clem takes the other chair and Spike regains his own, smiling as Dawn waits for him to get comfortable before curling up in his lap with a happy wiggle.


“No real trouble, the place is kind of hard to miss, Spike.” Clem says with a shy smile. “It’s really…big.”


“Is the guest cottage alright?” Spike asks concerned about his old friend. “I hope you and the Mrs.-to-be will like it there.”


“Oh my, it’s wonderful, beautiful even! It’s the nicest place we’ve ever had really! She was exhausted, carrying the little one is very hard on her but she told me to be sure to come say thank you for inviting us to live here too.” Clem says with a happy smile.


“I’m glad that you said yes Clem. Sunnydale isn’t going to be a very healthy place to live soon and you’ve always been a real friend to me and I’m glad I can help you out. Drusilla really outdid herself with this place. It’s bigger than some countries I’ve been to I think.” Spike laughs quietly and everyone echoes him.


“This will be home then?” Clem asks curiously.


Spike nods. “This will be our ancestral home, the central meeting place of the order. Dru named it Rayvenswood, fitting name I think for our new home? It will be a while before everything is ready and we can make ourselves known but I want to be sure we’re strong enough first. We’re going to be infants in comparison to the other orders and some will see that as vulnerability and will try and take advantage of our perceived weaknesses. If all goes according to plan we’ll be unassailable.” Spike says stoically.


“Is it…are they?” Dawn asks haltingly.


Spike strokes her hair gently. “Yes Nibblet, I drained and turned them. They’ll arise quickly I think, no more than a night or two. You do understand why I…”


Dawn covers his mouth with her hand. “I understand Spike. Only blood could absolve the blood hunt and you had to do it for Dru. Will they still be Giles and Willow?”


“They will be after a fashion, Nibblet but perhaps not exactly as they were. Drusilla did a lot of research into the curse that returned Angelus’ soul to him and she found something very interesting. I’m not really sure if she was trying to find a way to bind his soul to him or to make sure he lost it for good this time but regardless her research is invaluable to us. She’s found a way to bind a soul from being lost as the Demon is introduced, causing them to meld together. A potion and a spell that has to be recited at the proper time is all it takes. She experimented on some of her minion servants and the process worked. One of the servants is quite gifted magically speaking, though no where near as proficient as Dru or Willow, he was able to do it. Now we just have to wait and see how they are when they rise. If this works I have an idea that will populate the order fairly quickly, with very loyal Childer that we can depend on.” Dawn still looks worried. “If it doesn’t work Nibblet, I promise you I will help them to control their Demons until they gain some mastery of them like I have over my own. I won’t let them be killers like Angelus and Dru reared me to be. Whatever happens, they’re family and they’ll be treated well here.” Spike promises. “Giles is a wise man but he knows only what the Watchers Council want him to know, there is a lot about Vampires that they don’t know. It will all work out Nibblet.”


“If it does…will you turn me when it’s time?”


Spike lowers his eyes. “We don’t even know that you can be turned Nibblet. You were fashioned into human form but that doesn’t mean that you’re human. For all we know you’re already immortal.” Dawn looks startled by that realisation. “We’ll have to see how your development progresses. If there comes a time that you want to be turned and I can do it SAFELY, we’ll talk about it?” Dawn nods happily.


“What are our plans Master Spike?” Clem asks with a grin as Spike does a double take at being called that. “Well you will be the Master of this order, that makes you Master Spike doesn’t it?”


“I guess it does at that.” Spike says in wonder. “I think just William or Wil or Spike will do though. I’m not really one for all that formal ass kissing rot.” He says with a grin. Everyone laughs. “Are you signing on with us Clem? You’ll always have a home here regardless old friend.”


“I’ve lost a Brother, friends, to the Initiative, if you’re going to shut them down once and for all, then I want to be part of that. As long as they’re around my wife, our child will never be safe.” Clem says honestly. “I’m not a fighter or anything heroic like that but I make a darned good quiche.” He says with a grin.


“I did like that cheddar and broccoli quiche you made for kitten poker that one time.” Spike says with a grin, smacking his lips while everyone laughs.


“I know other Demons that feel like I do, some are among the last of their kind, with no where else to go thanks to the Initiative or others like them.” Clem says sadly.


Spike looks like he’s thinking and suddenly a huge smile curves his lips upward and his eyes gleam with a strange light. “Issue an invitation to one and all Clem. Safety, home, family, and a shot at the Initiative, we don’t need an order, we need a CLAN. There are more than Vampires in the world after all. Why limit our horizons? There are others out there looking for what we can give them so let’s do it!” Everyone starts talking excitedly about the prospects.


“Oh Sire I almost forgot!” Amberli’s small voice breaks into the chatter bringing all eyes to her and a kind smile from Spike.


“What did you forget Little One?”


Amberli smiles at the use of the pet name he’s gifted her with as she strokes her cat happily as it purrs loudly in her lap. “Casey says that they listened to your warning and got out of Sunnydale and stopped here for the night, like you thought that they would.” She tilts her head and listens to the rumbling purrs for a moment, her brow furrowed with effort. “The tall dark haired lady is hurt or ill; she had to be carried and wasn’t moving. They’re in one of the motels by the highway.” She translates.


Spike wonders for a moment if Amberli’s ability to speak to animals is a product of her Demon or whether she was born with it, much like Dru and her visions. “Well done, Amberli and thank you, Casey.” The little Vampire and her pet both seem to preen at the praise. “It can’t be serious or they would have taken her to a hospital, not a motel. Maybe it was one of those visions the bint gets. Giles was telling Willow about it one day and I overheard them. She’s some kind of seer apparently.”


“Can’t you forgive Angel, Spike? You’ve gotten revenge for Dru now.” Dawn asks, knowing that her ‘big brother’ is emotionally torn about his very real estrangement from his former Grandsire.


“He crossed the line one time too many Dawn. I told him there would be a price for what he was doing and he decided that Buffy was worth it. He’s so busy trying to be human that he’s forgotten that he’s a Vampire. Buffy would have gotten away with murdering my Dru. There is no court of law that would hear a case against a Slayer for the death of a Vampire, even if it was murder all the same. The only justice for my girl was the one I took in her name. I may not have made the right decision but I’ve made one that I can live with, I hope he can say the same.” Spike stands carrying Dawn up with him, setting her down carefully. “Bedtime I think, we have a lot to do tomorrow and in the days coming.” They all nod and say goodnight and head for their various beds, closing the door quietly after them.


Spike stands in the silence and crosses the room to the French doors and slips out onto the balcony. He leans against the railing and looks down at the impressive grounds of Rayvenswood. It looks like a faerie playground in the moonlight he thinks with a wry grin at his fanciful turn of mind. Within a few minutes Clem slips out into the night and scurries down the path that leads to one of the set of four small three bedroom cottages that dot the estate. Spike smiles, glad that his old friend accepted his offer of home and safety. Of all the people in Sunnydale, the few that he is closest to, are now safely under his protective eye.


“Ahhh Dru, you made such a lovely home here for us, Pet. You must have been thinking of doing this for a long time, you haven’t forgotten a thing. I’m not even mad that you chose here, knowing it was safer than Sunnydale but still close to Angelus. I hope that you aren’t mad at me Princess for leaving the order but I had to, I hope wherever you are, that you know that much. I’ll look after him Princess as best that I can, I promise, just for you.” A breeze ruffles through his hair, sweeping along his cheek almost like a caress and he smiles. “Thank you, Princess, for understanding why things have to be this way. You won’t be forgotten and one day we’ll be strong enough to reclaim that which was ours.” Spike slowly straightens up and returns to his room.


They have a lot to do if they’re going to be ready for the war that Dru knew is coming. He vows that her death will have meaning as the last tie to the Vampire that he was falls away. The future hasn’t been written and he intends to make sure it will be the story to end all stories. In the end, only love is worth fighting for and he intends to make sure it’s a battle he’s going to win. That they’re all going to win in the end.