Title: A Dangerous Mind

Author: Buffywatcher

Feedback: Constructive comments always welcome: Deepkori@hotmail.com

Pairing: Primarily Angel(us)/Spike, References to Penn/Spike (Non-con), Spike/Drusilla

Rating: R Possibly a bit of romantic NC-17’ish circumstances.

Spoilers: Big ones for Destiny, Angel Season Five occasional references to other episodes in season five but for the most part this diverges to AU after the Destiny Episode.

Warnings: This story will contain instances of extreme violence, sexuality, character deaths and references to rape, stalking, and some torture.

Disclaimer: Just borrowing them for a bit of harmless fun. All characters, recognisable likenesses are retained by their owner and accredited license holders.

Writer’s Notes: This story takes place in an AU setting. The events concerning Penn never occurred. Spike left LA after the Destiny episode but everything else you can consider has happened according to canon as of the start of this story. For the Episode Damage: just consider the bits with Spike as not having occurred, Dana was found and Andrew assumed custody of her without finding out that Spike was alive. Please excuse any minor discrepancies or artist license. As always thanks are going out to GF, MarieC, Luba, and Mera my most excellent group of Beta/Editors.

Distribution: If I’ve already been given permission to archive my work please consider it yours if you want it. If I haven’t and you would like to archive it please do, all I ask is that you email me and tell me where it’s going so I can visit.

Summary: An ancient foe is unleashed and Angel is forced to confront a painful episode from his past as his enemy seeks to take from everything he’s ever loved.


*Denotes thoughts*




Chapter One


Archaeological Excavation on Salina, Lipari Islands, NE Sicily, Italy, in the Tyrrhenian Sea 2003


“Professor Anatole! We’ve found something Professore, Professore! We’ve found a chamber we think!  Come see Professore!” An excited voice cries out bringing archaeologists converging from all over the excavation. “It will take us well into the night to clear away all the debris but I think we’ll be able to punch through tonight! This could be the find of the decade Professore!”


There is an explosion of frantic activity as a dozen hands through themselves into their work.


As the sun rises the next day it illuminates a horrific scene of carnage that drives the local police to their knees with uncontrollable nausea. The white marble is stained in macabre shades of red and brown as blood dries on nearly every surface. Body parts litter the excavation like leaves cast upon the ground in autumn. It is a scene that even the bloodiest slaughterhouse could not hope to eclipse.


It takes the better part of two days for the coroners to reconstruct the bodies enough to realise that seven people have been unaccounted for. On the third day of the investigation the body of one of the missing archaeologists is located some distance from the site, bloodless and mutilated. Nearly every bone shattered to powder, the eyes gouged out and horrible, deep slashes leaving the only means of identification to dental records. Not even Hollywood with all its love of gore and increasing need to make it as realistic terrible as possible, could have matched the reality of this atrocity.


The terror continues as the bodies of the missing archaeologists begin to show up on the Italian mainland. Each death seems incredibly more vicious than the last; until finally most of the body of the last missing archaeologist is found in Rome and several of its smaller surrounding villages. It’s the sad state of affairs and speaks ill of our times that such a horrendous crime should barely earn a paragraph in the world news and so the rest of the world slept blindly in their mistaken belief that they were safe.




Los Angelus Branch of Wolfram & Hart 2004


Harmony grimaces as the elevator makes what seems like its hundredth stop on its journey upward to the executive offices. She silently curses the veritably inexhaustible tide of humanity that is flowing in and out of the elevator making a simple trip down to the mail room an afternoon’s excursion. She glances down at the plain brown paper wrapped package and wonders why Buffy would be sending Angel anything. Last rumours she heard it was pretty clear Buffy felt that they had all sold their souls to the devil. The Demon in her laughs silently as in a way she guesses she has done just that.


When the mail room called up to let her know they’d received a package from a sender on their special flagged list, she decided to personally pick it up and deliver it to Angel. She watched as the package was subjected to a thorough check to make sure it didn’t contain anything as dangerous as a bomb or black magic then began what is feeling like the hour long ride back to the top floors.


Finally the elevator delivers her as the lone passenger to hallowed halls of the executive floor and she hurries out of the steel box that has been holding her hostage. She glances at the mousy brunette behind her desk and seeing no expression of sheer terror assumes that her lunchtime replacement has things in hand, she nods and walks straight to Angel’s office. 


She knocks and waits for the harried voice of her boss to either invite her in or tell her where she can shove the package she’s carrying. She lets out a sigh of relief as she hears the quiet reply to come in. “Good afternoon Boss. This was delivered for you and thought you’d want to see it right away.” She says brightly setting the box on the corner of his desk. “Have you had lunch, would you like me to bring you something?” She’s been trying her hardest to be as professional as possible since Angel was so understanding about that little problem she had not long ago.


“I had some blood a little while ago, Harmony. Could you check the messages please and bring me anything urgent and prioritise the rest? I’ll go through them later.” Angel says not bothering to lift his eyes from the report he’s reading.


“I’ll get right on that.” Harmony replies and quietly leaves.


Angel slams the cover of the report closed and rubs his eyes tiredly. He looks at the stack of reports he needs to go through and sighs. He decides to put that off for the time being and grabs the package Harmony dropped off and his brow furrows. The return address indicates it’s from Buffy but after that rogue Slayer fiasco a while back, he’s very surprised to hear from her much less receiving something from her. He opens the box carefully, he knows it’s gone through the usual thorough Wolfram & Hart bobby trap check but it never hurts to be cautious.


He lets out the breath he’s been unconsciously holding as he rips open the flaps and nothing happens. He sees two black velvet bags tied with fake silk rose ties, a black rose on one of the bags and a white rose flecked with red edges on the other. He sees a letter tucked in with the bags and picks that up first and steeling himself he rips it open and removes a single flat card. The writing is in a curiously old style that seems vaguely familiar as he puzzles over what the meaning is.


“Two of your prizes are no more and last is the sweetest I’ve told you before.” He reads out loud.


He puzzles over what Buffy could mean by that cryptic comment. He puts the card aside and lifts the black velvet bag tied with the white rose and opens it, tilting it into the light. He sees a wink of gold at the bottom and tips the bag over and stares in horror at the blood encrusted crucifix smoking in his hand. After a timeless few seconds he drops it with a hiss, rubbing his palm as he stares at the cross he gave Buffy, lying in a tangle on his desk. He knows without a doubt that the brownish stains smearing it, is her blood, his nose twitching at the unmistakable scent of shed Slayer blood. He tries to tell himself that there are many Slayers now and it doesn’t necessarily mean that Buffy is dead but that wouldn’t explain the cross…


He swallows heavily and forces himself to pick up the other bag and open it. He tilts it into the light and he can’t see anything inside. He tips the bag over the box and stares as dark ashes rain out in a seemingly never ending stream. He feels a scream welling up in his throat as he realises what he is looking at.


He clenches his throat around the primal roar of rage welling up in his chest and forces himself to concentrate. He turns his mind inward and tries to force his ways through years of regrets to touch the ties that bind him to his Childer. He’s disgusted to realise that the bonds are too weak, having been neglected for too long, for him to have any idea if his Childer are alright. He knows what he has to do and the thought turns his stomach. His hand hovers over the box, shaking.


*He honestly doesn’t know what he’s going to do if these few fragile ashes are all that remains of…*


He pushes that thought deep inside him and locks it there, forcing his fingertips into the ashes until it coats them in a fine film. He pulls his hand back and watches it shaking for several moments before he jerks it to his mouth and forces his fingertips against his tongue.




The roar of rage finally rips and tears its way to freedom but he is too lost in his own agony to see the panicked reaction it engenders. He is too numb by the time the roar fades to see his friends running into his office, most armed to the teeth but every one of them concerned for his welfare.


*It wasn’t him, it wasn’t him…* is the only thought that keeps replaying in his head.


“Angel? Angel, are you…what’s wrong?” Fred says inching closer, her hand hovering uncertainly over his shoulder. She sees the open box but doesn’t understand the significance of anything she sees but her concern finally breaks through to Angel that he’s not alone.


“Drusilla’s ashes and Buffy’s cross, the one I gave her, blood. Dead I think.” He says in a rush.


His friends look on in horror and sympathy and Wesley darts forward. “It could be a trick; someone could be trying to playing some awful joke on you! Eve maybe?!” Wesley says urgently. “Quick everyone we need to gather what information we can. Buffy is too important to have just disappeared and have no realise it. Let’s go, MOVE!” Gunn, Lorne, and Fred take off on the run for the conference room and after a moment staring at the frozen Angel, Wesley follows behind them yelling orders. 


Angel stares unseeingly his mind trying to grasp the fact that Drusilla and very likely Buffy are both gone. Suddenly a phrase from the card pops back into his mind.


*Last is the sweetest I’ve told you before.* He remembers. *The last…the last…with Drusilla gone, SPIKE is the last!* He’s out of his chair like a bullet from a gun, charging after Wesley and the others. *Spike has to be found and brought back to LA where he can protect him before whoever is hunting his family finds him!*




Chapter Two


Three days later they’re no closer to finding out anything then they were when they started and nerves are starting to fray. Angel has barely said more than two or three sentences, preferring to growl and snarl for the most part. Everyone looks like they’ve been to hell and back and keep going back to revisit frequently.


“We must know SOMETHING more by now damn it!” Angel snarls, throwing aside a stack of useless reports that tell him nothing just like all the others he’s read over the last three days.


“I’ve contacted Giles; he says he hasn’t heard from Buffy since he called to let her know that Dawn arrived safely in England two weeks ago. Apparently Dawn has decided to enter the Watcher training program and she’s moved to England to stay with him. Dawn’s tried to call a few times since then but there hasn’t been any answer. She didn’t seem overly alarmed however.” Wesley glances at Angel. “It seems Buffy was seeing someone and Dawn just assumed Buffy may have been staying at his place. Dawn wasn’t able to give us a name, it seems Buffy was being fairly discreet about the relationship.”


“I had the branch office in Rome send someone over to the address Giles gave Wesley but there was no sign of Buffy and nothing to indicate there’d been any kind of a struggle.” Gunn reports solemnly. “I’ve had them start sweeping the city for any news.”


“Lorne and I have been going through all the news reports to see if we can pick up anything from those sources that may explain Buffy’s disappearance.” Fred says disheartened by the lack of solid information. “Lorne’s in his office right now talking to some contacts he has in Italy, to see if the Demon underground has any news about Buffy. Aside from the usual bizarre murders, endless muggings, petty crimes, and other instances of all too human evil, I can’t see a pattern to any of it.” Fred says with a sigh. She hears Angel starting another rant session but her attention is caught by something on the table. Earlier she push pins to mark an atlas of Italy with all the unexplained events she and Lorne were able to uncover from their search of the news services, a different colour for each type of crime. She turns the atlas to face her and realises that she’s been staring at it off and on all day. Something about it has been nagging at her.


“It’s a pattern, the mutilation murders form an upside down cross.” She says it quietly under her breath, barely forming the words out of meaningless sounds as her fingertip traces the pattern.


“What did you say?” Angel demands in a tone of voice that immediately brings her head up.


“There were a series of unexplained murders. I marked this map with the location of each body they found. I just noticed that they form a pattern, an upside down cross. They thought that they had found the person responsible for them so I didn’t think much of it.” Fred says.


Angel almost leaps over the table to pull Fred out of her chair. “Where was the first murder Fred?” *I hope to Hell that I’m wrong.*


Fred scrambles over her notes. “There were five bodies found dismembered on Salina, it’s a small island…”


“I know where it is.” Angel releases Fred and sits down heavily in the closest chair, with his head in his hands and alarmed Fred is at his side in a moment rubbing his back.


Wesley looks perplexed for a moment then starts hurriedly looking through the disorganised stacks of papers and books littering the conference table. “I seem to recall reading in one of the Watcher’s Diaries about a Vampire that marked his kills with an upside down cross.”


Penn.” Angel’s voice is unemotional.


Wesley looks up in surprise at Angel’s muffled groan. “Yes! That was the name!”


Angel isn’t paying attention as he’s drawn back into the past and into the life of a very different Angelus.


It was a cold blustery autumn evening when Drusilla brings home her bedraggled new pet. Then again it seems that England is cold and blustery in every season, how he hates the chill and the damp. He is such a little thing is first impression, he wonders for a moment if Drusilla changed a child as opposed to a full grown man, when she dumps the corpse on the settee. She starts humming in her nonsensical way and pulling bits of straw and lord knows what from the honey blond tumble of curls spilling over the arm of the settee.


“Bloody Childe did ye dig up a dead body then?” he demands raggedly, his lip curling at the corpse mucking up the fine velvet of the settee.


“He’s my pretty, pretty sparkling boy.” Dru says in her childlike voice. “The stars told me what he wanted, yes, I know what he wants. He’s going to be my knight, my bloody, awful Prince.”


“DAFT CHILDE, YE WERE TOLD TO NEVER DO THIS! YE ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO BE MAKIN’ CHILDER! YE WERE TOLD NO’ TO DRUSILLA AND YE DEFIED ME! YE’VE BROUGHT THIS OFFAL TO OUR LAIR AND YE’LL PROBABLY END UP STAKING THE POOR SOD WHEN ‘E RISES!” He roars, knocking Drusilla cruelly away and kicking her harshly in her side. “GO TO YE ROOM NOW DRUSILLA, YE’RE TO BE PUNISHED FOR YE DEFIANCE!” He growls as she screams and runs to her room and he angrily shoves the corpse off the settee with a kick of his booted foot. He curses Drusilla again and bellows for the minions that fortunately for their survival, arrive in a timely manner. “Take that to one of the spare rooms and get him cleaned up and tend to him, he’s Drusilla’s Childe. If he doesna rise within two days then dispose of the body. If he does rise than bring him to me, not to Drusilla, am I understood?” The minions nods anxiously and scamper out of the room with their limp burden.


He is truly surprised to learn that not only does Drusilla’s Childe safely make the transition but he rises within twenty-four hours. A fledgling with enough strength to slaughter and drain the minions caring for him is a not altogether unpleasant event. Curious about his youngest Childe’s new toy; he decides to pay a visit to the newest member of his family. His furious to see that contrary to his orders, that Drusilla has arrived before him and is already claiming Sire’s rights to her newly fledged Childe.


Almost against his will he finds their violent, bloody coupling disturbingly erotic to witness and considers watching but his will has been denied and that just will not do. He grabs dives onto the bed and forcefully wrenches Drusilla off her Childe and physically throws her out of the room, locking her out. He hears a quiet chuckle from the dark shadows of the bed and shivers of awareness dance along his nerves.


“Was that really necessary, Mate? Or were you just impatient to take her place?” A quiet and very clearly English voice asks him from the shadows of the bed.


He whirls around with a roar from where he’s knelt to start the fire going in the fireplace and freezes. *By all the blood he’s BEAUTIFUL.* He thinks.


His skin is unmarked, almost luminous in the firelight, like the finest china doll. His face is equally graceful as he half sits and half reclines amongst the ruined bed clothes, as easy in his nudity as any newborn. He is almost girlishly slender but his muscles clearly show beneath his amazing skin, showing him to be anything but weakly made. Power radiates from him in waves that can almost be felt, like ants dancing against his skin. It is all he can do not to throw himself back into the bed and he turns on his heel and strides out of the room and picks up his insane childe from off the floor where she is weeping piteously. He can hear the wicked chuckle again, even through the heavy wooden door as he locks it with one hand while choking his Childe with the other.


“Ye will dress and present yeselves to me directly.” He orders tossing Drusilla down the hallway towards the rooms she has taken as her own before he strides down the hallway to the staircase and up to his own suites.


Drusilla arrives in one of her many doll like dresses; with her hair in ringlets and affecting her childlike smile that he knows better than to believe. Her new pet looks for the entire world like a rumpled Oxford student. The illusion is almost flawless but for the glimmer of a deeper darkness, a wildness that glitters deep within those bluest of eyes. It murmurs of knowledge beyond his tender years, it whispers of dark secrets and carnal delights, of death, desire and power. He knows they haven’t seen him yet so he stays lurking in the shadows.


“Oh. Such a hungry little kitty.” She gently pushes against her Childe’s chest, moving him. “Meow.” She purrs as she walks into the room. “You've been a starved one, haven't you, my sweet Willy?” She says with all the delight of a kitten playing with a mouse.


“I've got you to feast on now, pet. Is this your home?”


*Apparently this mouse has teeth.* He thinks. He wonders if Drusilla truly knows she’s somehow managed to sire a Childe that is almost as strong as she is, one who one day will eclipse her.


“Their home.” She gestures to a pair of middle-aged corpses who have been arranged to look as if they’re sitting having a lovely afternoon visit. “Ambassador to…something and his plump, lovely wife. Till their spirits flew away on fairy wings.” She lowers her voice conspiratorially. “Psst. When Angelus took them for dinner.” She giggles a bit at the memory.


He does a fair impression of gawking at the corpses as she no doubt expects but he can see the chuckle lurking in those blue orbs.


“Angelus? Who the bloody hell's Ang-?” His eyes flash to the shadows and meet the brown eyes looking back into his fathomless blue ones.


*Oh clever boy, you knew I was here all along.* He thinks as he steps out of the shadows.


“Look what I made. It's called Willy.” Drusilla says almost bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement.


“William.” He says simply.


“Where's Darla? I want Darla to see William.” Drusilla says with a simpering smile.


“Darla and I had a little spat. Her precious master sent for her. You know Darla. Master's pet.” He strides closer to the pair, smiling as Drusilla backs up just a step but hides a bigger smile as William does not.


“Oh. Poor Angelus.”


*Lovely boyo now she’s probably going to pester you trying to comfort you now.* He thinks darkly.


“Ah, don't fret, Dru. We'll make up. Always do.” He briefly brushes his forehead lingering on a bruise still marring his skin. “Mmm. Ow. After a little tit for tat. Shouldn't let that spoil our fun here.” He walks slowly closer to William, letting his eyes rest heavily, almost tangibly on his slender form. “So, instead of just feeding off of this William…you went and turned him into one of us. Another rooster in the henhouse.”


Drusilla affects one of her favourite pouting expressions. “You're not cross with me, are you?”


“Cross?” He makes no hint of his intentions as he grabs William’s arm and forces his hand into a stream of sunlight and holds it there cruelly. “Do you have any idea what it's like having nothing but women as travel companions, night in and night out?”


William snatches his smoking arm back with a strength that surprises him. “Touch me again…” William lets his voice trail off in a soft growl. The tone is angry but the look in his eyes is much more compellingly complex.


He manages to hide his surprise beneath a smirking expression. “Don't mistake me. I do love the ladies. It's just lately…I've been wondering…” He slowly extends his arm and thrusts his own hand into the stream of sunlight, hissing softly as it begins to smoulder. “…What it'd be like…” He turns his hand over, admiring the smoke curling up off his crisping flesh. “…To share the slaughter of innocents…with another man.” He slowly pulls his hand out of the sunlight, waving it lightly beneath his nose to enjoy the smoky, lightly charred scent. “Don't…don't think that makes me some kind of a deviant, hmm?” He flicks his eyes to William. “Do you?”


*What are you going to do now I wonder Changeling?* He quirks his head to the side. He tries to keep his expression neutral as William extends his hand back into the sunlight willingly with his eyes locked into his own. He sees the truth in the depths of those fiery cerulean eyes. If he’s a deviant, than he is far from the only one in this room right now.


“Au ah! I like this one! You and me, we're gonna be the best of friends.” He slaps William’s shoulder subtly pulling it from the sunlight and they laugh like old friends over a private joke.


*Yes Little One, we’re going to be very close indeed.* He throws an arm around William’s shoulders and steers him from the room, collecting Drusilla as they go.


In the following years he carefully enacts his plans. He finds it ridiculously easy to convince Drusilla to let him take over William’s training himself. On the rare occasions she tries to usurp his tie to William it is shamelessly simple to distract her until she once more forgets that she in fact sired him. Never in his existence had he the fortune to try and break so untamed a spirit and if he was being honest he has to admit that it is the very fact that he is unbreakable that holds such irresistible fascination for him. There has been only one problem that is proving to be increasingly worrisome.


Penn, his firstborn Childe has returned to the fold, he heard the tales of their newest addition and curiosity brought him swiftly home. He has shown an altogether unacceptable level of captivation with his young nephew and he has faced his harshest punishments on several occasions for overstepping himself. There has been many a night he has caught his oldest lurking about the dark hallways and shadowy nooks spying on the youngest member of their family. He has sensed him often skulking in some unseen spot as he is losing himself in the pleasures to be found in William’s arms. Only the fact that he has made it clear that William holds his favour has kept his oldest from falling upon the boy but he knows that will not always be the way of things, as he grows bolder with every passing day.


They are enjoying the warmth of a winter in Palermo on the Sicilian coast when his obsession and desire finally override all sense of self-preservation.


“Daddy! Daddy! He’s taking my Prince!” Drusilla’s voice screams frantically from her room.


He’s up like a shot and barely takes the time to through his trousers on. He finds Dru utterly frantic with tears as she screams William’s name over and over. He’s forced to slap her several times to get her coherent enough to tell him what she’s seeing.


“Penn’s been bad Daddy! He made my pretty, pretty go to sleep and he’s taking him away to be his own Prince! Get my Willy back Daddy! He’s stolen away my star, my shining light!”


“Where has he taken my boy Dru?! Where’s he taken William?” Several violent shakes and slaps later she finally stammers out the answer.


“Water…front…” She gasps between chattering teeth.


“Drusilla I want you to focus on my lass, can ye do that for Daddy?” He stops shaking her and cups her cheek forcing her to stare into his eyes until the glint of madness fades somewhat.


“Yes my Angel.”


“That’s my pretty Princess. I need you to do something for me Drusilla before I go and get our boy back. Penn must pay for what he’s done and I’ll not be staking his arse. I want ‘im to suffer Dru. I want you to work your spells lass, something nasty to make sure he suffers, can you do that Princess?”


“Yes Daddy! I’ll make him pay for taking away my Pretty Pretty Willy!” She swears.


“I’m going after William and Penn. You stay here and get your dark magic ready to make him suffer, Lass.” He strides out of the room and within minutes is out into the night with a dozen of their strongest minions.


He barks orders at his minions and they scamper to fulfil his wishes as quickly as they possibly can. “I want William found, if ye have to tear this town to the ground and bathe it in blood, I want him found ye worthless curs! MOVE!”


It doesn’t take him long to beat the location of his wayward Childe and William from the lurkers at the docks. It takes less time for the minions to drag his firstborn out of the hovel of a waterfront Inn he’d taken refuge in. It costs him all but four of his strongest minions but he would gladly have sacrificed them all to reclaim his boy. He orders the minions to hogtie and gag his idiot Childe and guard him while he enters the slovenly excuse for an establishment. He quietly ascends the staircase, easily able to feel William’s presence and finds the room the minions drug Penn, kicking and screaming out of. He scowls darkly to see the heavy collar and chain attached to William’s throat and locked around the brass headboard with a heavy padlock. He doesn’t stir at his approach, appearing to be in an unnaturally deep sleep. He sits beside him and strokes his wavy mane of honey hair and scowls to see that he is smudged with dirt and his perfect skin is marred with scratches and bruises. He takes great pride in his boy’s features. While he is hardly successful in fostering a regard for the fine clothing of the gentry in his boy, he does fuss over his health. Every bruise and scratch lovingly tended to assure that his perfection is preserved. Their nightly baths together is one of his most special private times and he is grateful that Darla is spending most of her time aboard with her Sire that he may enjoy that luxury.


“William? Time to awaken me Laddy.” He strokes William’s cheek and glares darkly as he shows no sign of awakening. He growls at the sight of the ugly collar chaffing his boy’s neck and slipping his fingers beneath it he tugs, finally breaking the ugly bit of metal and tosses it aside.


He stares disbelievingly at what he sees. His roar shakes the Inn’s walls, causing several patrons to find a reason to leave abruptly only to meet their deaths at the hands of his remaining minions. He cares not for the lamentations of some unfortunate dock workers as they die at the hungry mouths of his minions, all he can see is the angry red claim mark that has been savagely bitten into his boy’s throat. It is sloppily made and brutally deep and it abhors his very being to see it marking his perfect lad.


“We cannae be havin’ this can we me Laddy? Cannae be havin’ this at all.” He murmurs softly as he pulls the gleaming silver dagger from his boot.


He caresses his boy’s hair a final time before rising and crossing to the fireplace and holding the blade of the dagger to the flames until it is almost too hot to hold. He pulls the dagger free and returns to the bed and for the first time he is grateful that William is unaware of what he is about to do.


“I am sorry my Laddy but I willnae have that bastard’s mark remain on ye.” With that said he lays the smouldering blade to his boy’s neck, cutting the foul mark out. He uses the flat of the blade to cauterise the uneven edges together until no trace of Penn’s brutality remains. He draws his palm across the edge of the blade until blood wells up in his palm and he smears it over the burn to begin the healing. He knows of certain herbs that when mixed into his blood will form a potent plaster that will heal the injury and leave not a trace of a scar.


He carefully drags the tip of his tongue along William’s neck to catch one of the rivulets of blood shed during the operation to remove Penn’s mark. He tastes the taint and spit it out with a growl.


“The bastard’s fed you blood with the essence of the poppy blossom, no wonder ye are so quiet my Laddy. Ye tried to come back to me didn’t ye my Little One?” He strokes that beautiful mane of hair and ghosts his hand over one of the many bruises marring his alabaster skin. “He’ll pay dearly for this I promise ye my Laddy. With his dearest blood, he will pay most dearly for this indeed.” He knows that his voice has taken on the arctic coolness that has had many a minion begging to stake themselves before their Master can do far worse to them.


He lifts his finger to his mouth and revealing his Demon he savages it with his fangs until it is bone and ribbons of flesh. He opens William’s mouth and slowly works his finger inside flexing it to keep the blood flowing. He strokes his boy’s hair and whispers supportive and nurturing nonsense, sighing as a weak suction finally begins to draw his blood.


He smiles as William murmurs, “Angelus…” worrying his finger with his lips and tongue like a babe at the breast nursing from its mother.


“Shhhh sleep my fine boyo and recover your strength. I’ve got ye now and nothing can happen to ye with me here.”


*Ever the dutiful boy for me.* He thinks as William does as ordered and falls back to sleep immediately as he pulls his now healed finger free. Pressing a kiss to William’s temple he gathers him up tenderly and stands. It’s time to take his precious burden home for a bath and a warm, clean bed wrapped safe and sound against him where he belongs.


Then it will be time to deal with Penn.


He is standing beside his wildcat of a Grand-Childe as Penn’s flayed and bloody form is dragged into the dusty stone chamber. He has been drained to the point of being aware but in a coma like state; that makes it impossible for him to struggle against what is happening to him.


“Put him in,” he orders utterly devoid of any emotion.


The minions hoist the dead weight and drop Penn unceremoniously into the thick stone walls of the roughly carved sarcophagus.


“Drusilla, the gift ye have been saving for ye brother if you will.” He pulls William tightly to his side and wraps an arm around him, brushing his fingertips against the almost healed burn on his neck.


Drusilla draws her dagger and cackles madly as she draws it across her own palm, calling up the blood magic needed to begin the dark ritual.


He can feel Penn trying to scream out at him through their shared blood but as he holds his William closer he turns a deaf ear to his firstborn’s pleading. He is condemned to a living death for his trespasses and it is a kinder fate than that he first thought to call upon Penn’s head.


By the end of the ritual six minions are dead, sacrificed for the blood magic that will sustain Penn in the living prison of his mind.


“Seal it up. I want no sign of the chamber to remain. If he should escape than let him starve to dust in his prison of stone!” He orders, turning William away from the sight and heading back down the path to the boat.


Drusilla follows still cackling evilly and chanting in her singsong child’s voice. “Trapped within and bound by stone without, never gonna get out, never gonna get out. Trapped like a fat little rat in my clever trap. Poor little Penn will wither away for taking my prince.”


“Angel? I say Angel?”


Angel is snapped back to the present by Wesley’s incessant calling of his name.


“I asked if you knew Penn?” He sounds more than a little annoyed so he must have been trying to get his attention for a while.


“Yes. I…Angelus sired him in 1786. I…Angelus had him entombed alive when he committed an unforgivable crime against him.” He turns away to stare out the window.


“Great Scott, what crime was deserving of such a fate?!”


“He stole something very precious to Angelus at the time.”


“And what did he take that had such a high value to Angelus?”


“Spike. He tried to take Spike.” He says simply.


He can feel the weight of their stares but he doesn’t care, that isn’t important. “I want Spike found! I want him found and brought back here, if we have to run Wolfram & Hart into the ground and shake down every demon resource we’ve got, I want him found! Do I make myself clear?”


He hears them run out of the conference office door behind him but he doesn’t bother to turn around.


*Penn will not get the last. He won’t be allowed to touch a hair on Spike’s head. This time there will be no elaborate revenge, this time he dies.*