How To Write A Newsletter
By Audrey Okaneko

Newsletters can be a key communication tool between you and your target audience. People enjoy receiving newsletters which offer something of value to them.

A friend of mine actually hand writes her newsletter once a year just to show folks you don't need a computer, a type writer or any fancy equipment. A piece of paper and a pen will do the trick just fine.

Now that you have the two key elements, pen and paper what do you write about? Well I can tell you from personal experience, the one thing that folks like more than anything else is to see their name in print. I have had people tell me that when they get my newsletters the first thing they do is flip to the recognition page to see if their name is there. I try to put as much recognition as I can into my newsletters and recognize as many people as I can.

Another form of recognition I use is to ask folks to submit their ideas to me for publication in a future newsletter. I have printed tips, original content, jokes, and recipes always giving the sender full credit. I have had people tell me they have saved and Xeroxed a newsletter for their family because their name was in it.

The next item folks like is something useful to them. Something that is going to help them. If you are in network marketing or sales, then print a tip on how to use one of your products, or how to attract more customers. If you are in real estate print a how to article for home improvement. I met a gentleman online who publishes a newsletter for disabled folks, so I suggested he provide some links to helpful sites online, or names of organizations that might be helpful to his target audience. This section in my newsletter is always the largest. In addition to tips or hints, some months I include book reviews on books that are relevant to my readers. Other months I provide online links that are relevant to my readers.

The third item I try to include is something fun. A recipe, a joke, a fun link online. I even found a site where you can make your own word search puzzles: Some newsletters I make a puzzle and insert it for fun.

I try to include some graphics in my newsletter to make it a bit more appealing. If you don't have a computer, you can copy and paste. Over the years I have collected many sheets of clip art I use. When the newsletter is printed, no one will ever know you copied and pasted.

When I first started writing newsletters, they were one page, front and back. I was petrified. When someone called and told me they enjoyed my newsletter, I felt like a million bucks and was so happy to have helped them. Today, I have to stop myself from putting too much information into my newsletters. I don't want to overwhelm people with too much at one time.

I conclude my newsletter by providing all my contact information. I include my name, address, phone, web site and email address. I make it very clear how to reach me.

So get out some paper and a pen and see what you can create!! Have fun!

Audrey Okaneko has been in network marketing for 17 years and has won numerous trips and awards for her accomplishments. She can be visited at You can write to her at 


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