<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/nwidaministry/theheavensshalldeclare.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Church Peace Commission
The civil war in Liberia has brought untold pains to ordinary Liberians who suffered immensely at the hands
of former warring factions. Some were raped, maimed, tortured or forced to witness the torturing and/or
murdering of their love ones. For Liberia to move forward there's a need for the Christian community to
play a more active role in reconciling the people of Liberia. NWIDA's Peace Commission is intended to help
consolidate the peace and reconcile the people through the holding of workshops, prayer networks,
mediation between the hurting and perpetrators of violence against them, etc during the 15-year civil conflict.
A three-member committee spearheads this effort.
The New Water In The Desert Assembly (NWIDA)@2007
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Song: The Heaven's Shall Declare