Hershey, PA - July 30, 2000

Okay, after the RFK show we were totally addicted to this show! Next stop, Hershey! I guess this section should really be called concert experiences instead of reviews but anyway...

Amber and I headed off to Hershey to see the No Strings Attached tour once again. Don't think we are crazy, but it doesn't matter how many times you see this show, it's just great. The guys put on their usual performance giving 110%. Just like RFK, the weather was a little questionable. All day while hanging out at Hershey Park, the rain would start and stop. We couldn't help but wonder if mother nature would hold out and the show would go on...

There just must have been some Nsync luck that day. By around 6:00 p.m., the sun was out and things were starting to dry. As usual, around 7:00 p.m. the venue was packed and the screams were so loud it was crazy.

Amber wasn't feeling so good and I was a little worried. We had to hit the first aid station to get her some Advil and even though she wasn't feeling that great, I know she had a good time. I also had an interesting experience on that trip to the first aid station - I used the men's room! I mean why not, there was no line and the women's room was packed (of course). I was a little hesitant about it but I asked a security guard and he was totally cool with it - Amber and I started a trend because after we entered, more women started following. Of course, the guys in the bathroom weren't too thrilled but they got over it.

The show started at 9:00 p.m. It was packed with the usual Nsync non-stop energy. This was a great experience for Amber and I because we were on the floor. Our seats at RFK weren't the greatest and this was a MAJOR improvement. I can't totally describe the way the excitement of this show can make you feel. It's so much fun and Nsync really seems to love what they do. That always helps. I hope everyone out there gets a chance to see Nsync live.

There was some pretty funny stuff going on. Of course, Chris being from PA shared some stories about going to Hershey Park when he was younger. He is extremely scared of heights and told everyone about how he would not go in the Kissing Tower. It was pretty funny. He still won't go in the tower to this day!

This was the first time we saw so many decorated cars and mini vans. It was really funny. All day in the park everyone was singing there songs and it was easy to pick out who was heading to the show.

It's approaching 10:30 and the show is almost over. Gosh that 90 minutes goes by FAST. We just kept thinking how much we want to go to this concert again. Lucky for us the guys added a second leg to the tour. Next question, when are we going again?

Take a look at the concert review section to see other shows we attended.

Have you seen a recent show or had an Nsync experience? If so drop us a line Email Us We'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading our story. We hope you enjoyed it.