No... Itch NOT!
Thank you Sean Connery!
Christine Rants
Dan Rants
Brittany Rants
Moulder Rants
Molly Rants
Classic Posts
Ask Moulder
Moulder Horoscopes
Fun Quizzes
New SHITE! Uh..Tuesday 20th

Well...guess whaaaat. I did some more cool stuff on here. The bio pages are still getting put up but at least they are somewhat..uh blah. Yeah so we're working on it, so check in soon to see more and more awesome-ness.
E-mail us!
Itch me, Sean Connery. Click on me and I'll take you on a ride you'll never forget! WHEEEE!!
Oh yesh we aaarree
Mmmm we are shexy beasts
What kind? Biscuits?
July 22nd, 4:08 a.m.

Captain's log, stargate 123 Pivat and turn:

So the lazy ass finally gets up and gets on this thing... muahhaha... this will be fun indeed. Totally inspired.
As Sean Connery might say, *Beam meh up Shcotteh*
xoxoxo and all that jazz ~ Christine aka Tinz
July 24th, 9:33 a.m.

Ugh I'm tired. But the good news is, we have lovely new features on this amazing up-and-coming-in-construction site. *Oh yes, it IS sexy* True that girlfriend. Ttyl, have dirty ewotic fun worthy of a Elmer Fudd style PivAT and thrust. -Brittany
That's right...I'll eat them pubes! your pubes in my cup of noodles and wish upon a star fish. Yum.
Yeeeeep...I think Bill farted again. Dang ol'
July 26th!

*Cracks open can's of Alamo*
"Yuup." "Yep." "Yup..." "Yeah,  so yeah man, we dang ol' been workin hard on this here man" "This stuff is sure hard lemme tell ya what. And I thought it took skill to use propane and propane accessories." "I was out in the dang ol' ??? ? ?? MAN and, the Sean Connery man dude said, Man ol Boomhaur...your hot." "I remember my Lenore once told me, Bill, you'll never amount to nothing. But...just look at where we are now! Look at me now Lenore! TAKE ME BACK!" "Calm yourself Bill...your sure acting strange. I ain't seen this much drama since last Melrose Place when Nick was abducted by ailiens!!" - Boomhaur, Bill, Hank and Dale smells like propane and propane accessories in here
September 21,

WHOLEY SHIT! We are baaaad little site operators. Haven't updated this poor thing in a while. But you all know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not *says like Danny Zuko*. School has started and that means we=bizay! But I promise...with Moulder as my witness, that we will return to avenge thee!  Oh yeah, um check out Moulder's Horoscopes, it's quite bitchin! As well as Christine's lovely quizzes. So what if you don't know who Errol Bahrnet'll still be sitting pretty my little pumpkin pie. -Brittany
That's right...I'll eat them pubes!
Shitza I have to pee
September 22, 2004.

Stargate 4, Captain's Log: Moulder left a floater in the in air vac. Dan was caught putting his pee-pee in the internal fuel jackernator, again. What am I going to do with these sacks of immobile fools? I'm going to kill them...kill them dead. -Captain Planet
I have a penis like a SNAKE!
September 23, 2004 babay

We have a new person on the site that we're trying out. MOLLY! Molly ish cool so yesh. We'll see if she can handle it, if not...well I don't even want to know. Also we have the Rant's pages up, as well as our B E A-utiful Downloads and Aflliates pages. Keep in mind that they are still under heavy construction. STAY WITH ME PEOPLE! -Brittany
That's right...I'll eat them pubes!
October 14, 2004

I'm gunna fix all the Classic Post problems, it needs more 'splaining. Don't worry,0 be happy. Be happy now.
That's right...I'll eat them pubes!