Message from MeLiSsA
aye dere, i hope y'all like moi's page, and don't forget to sign the guestbook! aighty dens, take kares.


x11x10x01x Due to all the naggin', I updated this page today. Nothin' new, really, but the layout is quite different for poems_from_da_heart, and my personal page. oh yeah, the music is changed as well," I swear". Me and Hieu are together for one week, today. I'm happy. But hopefully, it'll last longer than my last one... hehehe... i hope. Well, take kares, lubb always... "da special wun" ...

o9o9o1  aye dere people... you guys need to sign my guestbook! man, school really sucks.. well, 3 more days until i turn 15.... some how, i'm not really excited. but yeah, happy birthday to me. Do you guys like this song? Well, the asian pryde page is updated, it looks a little better than before. i think that's it. i need some ideas here people! email me if you want. okay, i'll shut up for now. aight peace.... oh yeah, i'm working on my shout outs so look out for that! <===mel===>


09-02-01.... oh ShiEt It'S sEptEmBa AlrEady... y'ALL GEttinG ready For SkOOl anD eVEryThanG ha! buTta Yeah.. I jUSt waNNa remInd y'all DAt ME biRthDay iSH in 10 y'all be getting my presents aight! but yeah....  aNeEwhO... thE QuoTes HAve BEen aDdeD and The Song PlayiNg iSh "beCauSe yoU lOveD me"  SO EnjOY aiGht... Oh yEah, i Don't Kno iF i'm gONna HAVe tyMe to UpDate dIS shIEt oR not.... but i'll See Wat i cAn do. AigHt y'All havE a TyGht asS Day. TaKE KArEs.. *mel*


-01 ....aye dere wassup people!? Man, I just came back from camping yesterday...and was it painful!! But it was still kool...i'm still oh so tired! Haha..well, thanks to Yee... my page has tables now and it's so kool! *clap clap* Thanks! What else...???  Oh, i Forgot... the tables are in the poems and poems_from_da_heart section, so check dat out! I guess dat's it! Peace and take kare for now... it'll be updated soon with lots more stuff!


7-18-01... I don't dinK i Can StOP mY habits.. hehe.. anyways, comparing my site to others, mines sucks so bad. rigth now, i'm jsut tryiNG to ImproVe it.. so, look For MOre iMproVemEntS.. muCH more! I've updated the song, as you can tell... and am working on my links and asian pride because those two sucks the most. otay, enough about me talking bout nuthin'


6-28-01 upon requests... and irration, i decided to not WriTe LyKe DiS anYmORe... hehehe... butta yeah, poems is being updated and a new song is up! :::Always be my baby:::: *enjoy*


6-4-01 AhHH! LoOK aT DiS PagE! It'S sOOO crAppy! BuT I'M learNiNG aLOt OF hTmL... SHouLDn'T i get aN apPlauSe FoR dat?? hehHEe..TurN uP yoUr SpeaKEr CuZ "i'LL NevEr BreaK YoUR HEarT" is PLaYinG.. OhH!! I LoVE DIs SOnG SOo MuCh! *ENjOY*