News from February, 2001:
02/21/01:   The job search goes on... and I've been slackin on the site!
New critter!
Had some problems with the computer and had to format the ole hard drive, so I'm in the process of collecting new screen shots. More to come!

02/12/01:   Work work work! and looking for a new job (grr).
Started the quest for my epic weapon this weekend. My guild was just amazingly supportive and helpful so I'm super excited and I love all those guys so much!
New! Adventure shots from kedge keep!

02/07/01:   I've been working at work *gasp*! And school started again so that's had a bit of my attention.
Working on getting the cleric to 56 still, been going a bit slow, but those post 50 levels are never easy it seems.

02/01/01:   Archived January's news.
Two new additions to the warrior's equipment page.
AND a new addition to the cleric's equipment page!