Soccer Balls Balls

Nike Vapor Ball-Cost $129.99

Review: Good ball with nice feel for GK - Jul 17, 2006 Reviewer: BETD911 (El Paso, TX) Review: I have to say that this ball feels great when you kick it, i'm a GK and this ball when kicked soars a little bit to far, but it's feeling it's the best in every ball, even the teamgeist but i if i were striker i would prefer the teamgeist.

As a keeper both balls make your life miserable, this one does a lot of dipping when it's about to get to your hands, you see it like it's moving, the thing i like about this ball even as keeper, this ball feels a little bit more like a leather ball, the old fashioned one, and the teamgeist feels like plastic and gets slippery when wet, this one isn't that slippery even when wet.

Nike Hi-Vis Total 90 Cost-$119.99

Review: This ball is absolutely amazing. You may not see it, but there are these tiny groves in the ball which makes the ball itself very smooth when it's new. The ball flys exceptionally well and even when you pump it up until u can't pump no more...its still very soft. I love this ball, but keep yer eyes on it at all times...this ball somehow manages to get stolen.

(I caught a kid trying to steal mine). I clean it when it gets dirty and everytime i do, it looks BRAND NEW. Overall this is a great buy for the price...and u can play wen there is almost no light out because of the color. Buy it, you will love it. Unlike the teamgeist, keepers would love this ball too.

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