EPROM programmer for the C=64

The Project

Way back in 1988 when I only had a Commodore C64 computer a friend loaned me an EPROM programmer to play with (We wanted to blow our own custom kernal chips but thats another story...).

The electronics hardware came on a small board that plugged into the C=64's user port. Unfortunately there was no circuit diagram so I set about tracing the circuit and cloning one for myself. This I managed sucessfully and much to my amazement it actually worked!

I eventually parted with my C=64 collection but retained the Epromer and documentation. Then I discovered a lot of CBM info was available on the net...but no Eprom Programmers so I decided that it was time to place this information into the public domain.


The files are contained in the zip file EPROMER.ZIP for you to download from here. The contents of the zip file are listed below.

README.TXT  this one!
EPROMER.TXT software manual 
EPROMER.D64 D64 disk image of software
EPROMM1.GIF circuit diagram sheet 1
EPROMM2.GIF circuit diagram sheet 2
CONECTN.TXT Programmer to C=64 User-port connections

I also intend to upload it to the Commodore files areas at ftp.funet.fi as well as posting to alt.binaries.cbm


This project of tidy is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Although it works It is by no means a finished project, so there is plenty of scope for further development.

Compiled by Nick B, 5th December 1999.

Email Nick B