Dog training barking

I am an advocate for common sense dog training and not the latest fad that appears on the horizon. dog training barking Barking spiders. Good dog training is not rocket science. It's common sense. Dog parks: Why you don't want to take your puppy to them. dog training barking Dog-agility-training-equipment. I disagree with you on your article called Dog Parks. My dog Kimba likes to play rough with every dog it sees. How can I train it toleave a dog alone who doesn't want to play?My 13 month old Rott has started to lift his leg and pee on other dogs in the dogpark. dog training barking Dog-trainers-in-nebraska. He is not dominant, what ca we do?COMMENT:Hello Mr. Frawley,I recently discovered your list of articles on the internet and have enjoyed reading several of them. The article about 'Dog Parks' caught my eye as I am a frequent user of a public dog park here where I live in Florida. I have two Dobermans, a 3 year old American-bred male from show and obedience lines and a 10 month old bitch I imported from Holland at the age of 10 weeks. My male has an excellent mind for a non-working Dobe. He has good confidence, is protective, and has a lot of courage. He also has good prey drive and is not afraid to "go after" a target. I would say he is not dog aggressive unless he is challenged; he does not 'enjoy' fighting. But I have seen him fight off multiple dogs who have ganged up on him - he can fight and win if necessary. He is a semi-soft dog in terms of what it takes to correct him. He has had no formal protection training but I have seen how he reacts to threats and I rest easy knowing he is in the house with me. He has a lot of personal pride, which helps him to be an effective protector. He is NOT your typical American Dobe. My bitch is from top working lines, although most of the dogs on her pedigree are also show champions as well.

Dog training barking

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