This is a site about Natural Family Planning as approved by the Catholic Church.

Click here to go to the NFP Discussion Board on Delphi forums.

If you have not participated in a Delphi forum before, you will need to register. Don't worry, it's quick and simple. To help to control the amount of trolling and spamming on the forum, there is a 24 hour waiting period before new members can make their first post.

Need to log in or register?

This is a Catholic message board yet all are welcome to post here. However, anti-Catholic remarks or debates will not be tolerated. Rude posts will be deleted immediately. Trolls and spammers are locked-out without notice. We are fostering a support community here, not a flaming debate board.

Charting questions should be posted to the board, not sent to the board moderators. Please know that most of the board members are NFP users with varied levels of personal charting experience; however, there are several certified NFP teachers from various methodologies on board who can answer technical questions. Represented are: CCL, CrM, and various diocesan STM methods. We also have some LLL experience on board for nursing moms with questions.

If there is a problem with the board, please e-mail one of the board moderators.

PLEASE NOTE: To help to control the amount of trolling and spamming on the forum, there is a 24 hour waiting period before new members can make their first post. You are still free to look around to get a feel for the place. Please also note that name calling and use of foul language will not be tolerated and may result in a temporary or permanent gag on posting.

Also note: Because Delphi has a glitch that causes threads with deleted messages to "haunt" members and becomes very annoying, we must ask everyone NOT to delete messages. Instead, please use the "edit" function to edit out anything you didn't intend to say, replace it with a joke, or simply the word "edited." Thank you!

Enjoy your stay!
Adriene ~ Charity ~ Lori ~ Maryanne ~ Natalie

If you e-mail one of the moderators, you will need to remove "NOSPAM" from the address.

Thank you to Mary A., our founder and moderator emeritus. (Support 'Helping Hands')
Make your Amazon purchases through this link and make an automatic donation to the NFP Board Helping Hands Fund! It costs you nothing to give a Helping Hand.

St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us.

Pray the Rosary.

If you can't see a listing of the Natural Family Planning Discussion Board's recent discussions here, try refreshing/reloading this page. This is "live content" from the NFP discussion board which is updated continually.