Spiritual Direction
Christ and Friend
"The spiritual director has the responsibility of intercessory prayer, of staying in God's presence on behalf of the person in order that there may be divine light in his direction." ~ Elizabeth O.Connor
If you are seeking spiritual community, a spiritual director, friend, or one to stand along side with you on the journey, we can provide that for you. New Beginnings has certified spiritual directors that are trained just for this purpose.

In spiritual community, there is a bonding that goes beyond human expectations. It is a bonding of prayer and spiritual caring that is not dependent on the externals of similar personalites, tastes, or causes. Spiritual community is more than a feeling of warmth and comfort that comes in knowing that there are people with whom we can easily share the content of our lives, people on whom we can depend to meet our needs and alleviate our suffering. When those aspects of community are not present, we can think we are lacking community. In fact, that which is essential for spiritual community, the respect for our relationship with God, may really be present for us. At times the strength of spiritual community lies in the love of people who refrain from getting caught in the trap of trying to fix everything for us, who pray for us and allow us the pain of our wilderness, our wants, so that we might become more deeply grounded in God.