The Road not Taken

       A few months ago, when I was preparing for the literature test, I probably read the stories at least 5 times each. When I was reading ¡°By The Waters Of Babylon,¡± I felt I was going into the book. Longtime had passed since I felt that kind of excitement when I was reading ¡°The Giver¡± in grade 5. My heart fluttered as I read over the story again, again and again. When I was done reading, I even memorized the verses in the story. I am not sure which element in the story attracted me like that. Although I do not agree with the author, I couldn¡¯t help myself reading the story again. This story made me think about what I will do when the end of the world is right beneath my chin.

      John, the main character in the story has a strong dream. Technically, the strong dream leads John to break the prohibition not to go to the place of the Gods. When he finally arrives in the Place of the Gods, he keeps encouraging himself not to be afraid of dying. The thrill begins when he meets the dead men. This thrill was not only John¡¯s. When John first touched the dead body, goose bumps dominated my skin. The goose bumps probably came from my human instinct. This part of the story really gave me the creeps. The world is changing. Like in the story, some analysts and even scientists are predicting the world is to be destroyed if the speed of change keeps accelerating everyday. Everyday, every hour, every minute, every second and every moment, history is being written in all over the world. I question if we cannot stop the world from becoming the Dead Places. Sadly, I do not have the answer to my question but the conclusion I made by myself is this: We can¡¯t. So let¡¯s enjoy the change while we can. The conclusion I have made may seem to be very pessimistic. However, I do not want to support the idea of ceasing the change to stop the world from the Great Burning. The reason is simple. I love the change happening all around me. The new electronics, new formulas, new technology, new people, new environment etc, these are basically my joy of living. I live to change, and I dream and study to change. Nevertheless, I was not like the way I am right now before the two turning points of my life. The first turning point was the learning of the process of change. I first learned what change was when I left for the experience of living in a foreign country, France. When I came back to Korea after 3 years, all of my friends were so surprised at the new me. Not just because I spoke fluent English but because my mindset changed completely. The timid, un-talkative little girl came back with such a bright smile and became so proactive in everything. If I never went through that new world, I might have been one of those unenergetic students without goals or dreams. The experience of learning to change has brought a new paradigm in my life.

      Two years later, I had another turning point that made me who I am right now. January 24th, 2004, was when the turning point began; the arrival of Seotaiji with his 7th sound. Not only had his music given me a fresh shock but more importantly his ideas and his philosophy made a great influence in the rest of my middle school years and it is still affecting my daily life. He was the man of change. Not so long after having the experience of learning ¡®what¡¯s change,¡¯ the opportunity for me to enjoy change came so closely that I didn¡¯t even have time to realize that I was changing. Through this uncommon rock star, I met a new world. After becoming his big fan, I was no longer afraid of becoming the first to be different. I was confident enough to take untaken roads that didn¡¯t even have a way. After knowing him, I learned to enjoy what¡¯s confronting me and to enjoy the change and I was no longer afraid of standing in the front. The fear of being the protagonist evaporated like alcohol.

      Now my motto is this: ¡°There definitely exists a difference between a wall and a door. An opened door doesn¡¯t have a meaning by itself. The important thing is to go out of the door.¡± In every thing, the first start is important. The first button of the clothes, the start of the marathon, the blueprint of a plan and when it comes to starting or thinking something different from others, the responsibility becomes larger since the start will become the prototype. If I have the chance to choose whether to become the prototype or the followers, my answer would be to become the first bird to fly the unknown sky like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Even though I might fail during the journey, I won¡¯t give up. I know that times when it¡¯s hard to fly, even through the thunderstorm my wings won¡¯t surrender. However, if I can¡¯t see the road, I¡¯ll go back the track I came, to the beginning. Then I¡¯ll dream again and start again until I succeed, because that¡¯s the joy of taking the road not taken. I wish to live a life that I will not regret when the time of Great Burnings arrive.

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