Check Out These People!

Here you will find profiles on all the people in my life. Friends, family, enemies, mentors, people I used to know, people I'd like to know, you name it. If you're "Someone I Know", lemme know if you want a spot here so I can put you on and make people think I'm cool.

Me-Josh King

John Longo

Corey Longo

Sean Nolan

Dan Nolan

Erica Franklin

Mike Drozd

Wendy Kay

Alex Young

Chrystal Tumolo

Jill Doran

Christina Costello

Jared Voll

Jen Kempton

Andrea Leonard

Matt DeSanto

Dave Mekdeci

Frank Fiore

Jeff Leupold

Rich Stegman


Burch Hall

The Lab Rats

Kevin Smith

The Dog

Additional Note: If you mess with one of these people, that makes me angry. And when Josh gets angry, Buster gets upset; and when Buster gets upset...PEOPLE DIE!!!

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