Established 1999

...Where Expectations Meet The Reality

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What's Happening

A Greeting from the Director

N.D.I.I.T is a dynamic and exciting environment in which to pursue your college experience.  As the first "ThinkPad University" in the State of Delhi, N.D.I.I.T is again positioned on the leading edge of preparation for life "as it will be" not just for life "as it has been."   In the future, computer skills will be needed for the performance of activities across the entire 
spectrum of your life, not just in segmented compartments.  That is why N.D.I.I.T took the bold step of totally integrating computing into the life of the College.   Every full time student in our traditional on-campus program walks into an environment that is oriented toward the future.  When you arrive on campus a state-of the-art computer will be waiting for you, complete with your own e-mail address and for unlimited access to the World Wide Web.  Class work, research, and the whole scope of communications will be moved to another level - a level that reflects the future, not the past.
  This initiative is just one more expression of N.D.I.I.T's commitment to prepare you for life, not just give you facts.  Accessing knowledge in the world of tomorrow will be as important as having knowledge.  N.D.I.I.T wants to prepare you to meet challenges which the future holds and "land firmly on your feet."
  As I hear the storiesstudents, one common thread runs through them all; "N.D.I.I.T didn't just prepare me for a job, it prepared me for life." Your career preparation must include preparation in certain skills and knowledge, but in the world of today and tomorrow, it must be so much more.  It must teach you the ability to adapt within a rapidly changing environment, and it must undergird you with the spiritual resources to sustain you through change.   N.D.I.I.T is convinced that the pace of change in our lives will increase in the future, not decrease.  That is why we at this institute are committed to providing Academic Excellence...Personally.

J. Dhar, 
Director, N.D.I.I.T


NBS Complex | Opp. R-2 | South Extension-II, New Delhi,  110049
(011) 625-6322 | FAX: (011) 625-6322

N.D.I.I.T is an affiliate of G.G.S.I.P University

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