Reptile Adoption Report Radio Sponsors List
Counter Stats
sydney charters
sydney charters Counter
Featured on K.M.F.B.
Mentioned Sponsors: for the week of Feb 12, 2008
Neal Blanney Dry Wall ~
(707) 357-2385
Linda's Canine Designs
Dynamic Graphics
Scott Roat ~ Century 21
Thank You to our Sponsors!
We are on a mission!
We have adopted out
& counting!
This takes money to
keep them happy, and healthy. If you would like to donate to us,
we would be very thankful!
Donations help us help the reptiles.
How can I be a sponsor for the Reptile Adoption Report?
2 ways~
#1. We call this method "A Mention"
meaning we mention your name, phone #, & web address.
#2. We do a 1 minute ad, recorded by either yourself,
Myself, or Bob woelfel, of KMFB.
This we call a Featured Sponsor.
What does it cost?
Plan#1. This is $10.00 a mention
with a minimum of 4 mentions, (1 each week)
Cost = $40.00
Plan#2. This is $25.00 per spot
with a minimum of 2 featured spots.
Cost = $50.00

How do I pay you for either Plan 1, or Plan2 ?
You can pay through Paypal,

or send a money order.
If you send a money order
Send it to:
Lisa Chiapero
P.o. Box 2533
Fort Bragg, Ca.,
Acceptance Mark
Plan #1.
Plan #2.
Solution Graphics
Thank you!