Mike's Rules and Legal Stuff




The opinions expressed in this site are solely those of the author (mine). Do not steal my material for your own site. I will give credit where it is due. All photos borrowed with permission or under terms of the Fair Use Copyright act as it applies to non profit web pages. Any comments or opinions expressed in the guest book are solely those of the guests. They may or may not reflect mine. The guest book is for leaving your name and a short message. Treat it like the message board below. I have the right to delete all messages without notice. Do NOT post derogative messages toward Pam or Shania or Paul. Additionally, do not defame LeAnn Rimes or Terri Clark. Do NOT defame anyone for that matter. If you do, then I will DELETE your message(s.) I have zero tolerance to such remarks. Do NOT use Profanity or pornography in your messages. No advertising or spamming in the guestbook or my e-mail. Feel free to visit our sponsors, they pay for the site and Geocities would appreaciate it. This is an open site, so please treat it as such.

If you find information related to the ladies of country or Paul Brandt, then feel free to leave a message at the message board. Do NOT leave FLAME messages in the guestbook or at the message board. I would appreciate it. I hope you enjoy my first web site. Welcome to Texas! (This is where I live) Have fun and be considerate of your fellow country fans.

One more thing. Please keep your e-mail messages short and concise. My time is limited. Thank you.

Notice to all: I report gross violations of neteqite to the system administator. Do not put damaging code in the message boards! Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.

E-mail me at michaelbmcn@hotmail.com






Now member of Out of Shadows~Women's Rise In Music webring


Now member of Women of Country webring


Member of Paul Brant webring


Member of Country Stars Webring


Member of Shania Twain Webring

Member of A Little In Love Paul Brandt Ring

Member of the LeAnn Rimes Fan Ring

from your web master.

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Main message board

Last update -- 8-12-99

Also in the Paul Brandt Webring



Ringmaster of Mike's World of Country Ring


*** NOTE: The Webmaster is NOT associated with any star or group. This site is a fan page created by a fan of country music.



Unless stated, all material is copyrighted by the webmaster or its respective owner

Webmaster is owner of the Mike's World of Country Webring