Here is most of the information I have on my McClellan line.

Clan Maclellan is a good source of all things McClellan related. On any of the spellings of the name.

Bill Calthrope's home page has loads of McClellan information. His photo makes you want to go fishing with him too.

Stacey Trevino's web page has some McClellan info also.

Robert and Linda have McClellan's in their family also. Drop by and visit them.

Shannon Busby says she is new to web pages. Hers looks pretty good to me. Check out her McClellan info.

Nancy Cleere Rodgers Genealogy Page Great page with lots of info and links.

Debbie McClellan's page , be sure to click on the link that says For all the McClellan infor I have and more.Great site.

As I find more McClellan info I will post it. Let me know if you see any errors.

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