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Inside these walls you'll find a place to gather recipies for nourishing your soul.

Forget about the fat, the calories, the cholesterol....they're here just 'cause they taste good !!!

Try them and don't "Scrooge" deserve a treat now and then.


OK.......I KNOW you want to try one !!!!
This is actually one of the best "Urban Legends" that shows up every few years.
I first received it in about 1985 and several more times over the last 10 years.
In some of the stories the store was Marshall Fields and one was Nordstrom.
The recipe is always the same, tho, and really good; very similar to Mrs. Fields.
Happy Cooking!  The story.....My daughter & I had just finished a salad at Neiman-Marcus Cafe in Dallas & decided to have a small dessert. Because both of us are such
cookie lovers, we decided to try the "Neiman-Marcus Cookie."

It was so excellent that I asked if they would give me the recipe and
the waitress said with a small frown, "I'm afraid not." Well, I said,
would you let me buy the recipe? With a cute smile, she said, "Yes." I
asked how much, and she responded, "Only two fifty, it's a great deal!"
I said with approval, just add it to my tab.

Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement from Neiman-Marcuand it
was $285.00. I looked again and I remembered I had only spent $9.95for
two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf. As I glanced at the bottom of
the statement, it said, "Cookie Recipe - $250.00" I called Neiman's
Accounting Dept. and told them the waitress said it was "two-fifty,
"which clearly does not mean "two hundred and fifty dollars" by any

*POSSIBLE* interpretation of the phrase.

Neiman-Marcus refused to budge. They would not refund my money,because
according to them, "What the waitress told you is not our problem. You
have already seen the recipe - we absolutely will not refund your money
at this point." I explained to her the criminal statutes which govern
fraud in Texas, I threatened to refer them to the
Better Business Bureau and the State's Attorney General for engaging in
fraud. I was basically told, "Do what you want, we don't give a crap,
and we're not refunding your money."
I waited, thinking of how I could get even, or even try and get any ofmy
money back. I just said, "Okay, you folks got my $250, and now I'mgoing
to have $250.00 worth of fun." I told her that I was going to see to it
that every cookie lover in the United States with an e-mail account has
a $250.00 cookie recipe from Neiman-Marcus...for free.
She replied, "I wish you wouldn't do this." I said, "Well, you should
have thought of that before you ripped me off," and slammed down the
phone on her. So here it is!!! Please, please, please pass it on to
everyone you can possibly think of. I paid $250 for this...I don't want
Neiman-Marcus to *ever* get another penny off of this recipe....



(Recipe may be halved)
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. soda
2 cups sugar
** 5 cups blended oatmeal
24 oz. chocolate chips
2 cups brown sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 8oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
** Measure oatmeal and blend in a blender to a fine powder.
Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix together
with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate
chips, Hershey Bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place two inches
apart on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 112 cookies.



Phillip's 1-800-FLORALS
Phillip's 1-800-FLORALS
Have fun!!! This is not a joke --- this is a true story.
Phillip's 1-800-FLORALS
Phillip's Virtual Flowers
2 1/4 cup all pupose flour
2/3 cup baking cocoa
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine,softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups (12-ounce package) NESTLE'S TOLL HOUSE premier White morsels

COMBINE: Flour,Cocoa,Baking Soda,and Salt in a small bowl with a whisk.

BEAT: Butter,Granulated Sugar,Brown Sugar,and Vanilla in a large mixing bowl until its really
creamy....ok?THEN beat in the eggs.GRADUALLY (by thirds) beat in the Flour mixture.STIR in the
morsels with a spatula.DROP by well rounded teaspoonfulls onto an UN-greased cookie sheet.

BAKE: in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for about 9 to 11 minutes.Let them stand for 2 minutes;then
transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. This will make about 5 dozen cookies.


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Try these places out today ! ! !


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b00001.jpg (2286 bytes)My daughter Sabrina's Web Page

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I Sincerely Hope You've Had Fun Here......If So, Tell Someone Else To Come Here Too !!!


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