After GT-- Second Chances Saga Part 6

"Krillin, was that Marron?" She asked dreamily as she lied on the couch. Trunks and Krillin had gotten her inside while Pan ran to get a cold washcloth. Everyone had forgotten about Saruku in the excitement. Trunks had put him down after Juuhachi had fainted. The little Saiyan wondered around in the living room, staring up at the pictures of Marron that adorned the fireplace mantle and wall behind it. Something inside him starting to ache. He was a Super Saiyan, but he was only a year old. The pain became so great, that he bursting out crying and screaming.
"Saruku!" Pan exclaimed as she ran over to her son. "What's wrong, chibi?" The infant still screamed and cried, but this time he pointed to the pictures of Marron. "That's Marron. She was a good friend of your Kassan's and Tousan's."
"Panny, what's wrong?" Trunks ran over to her.
"I don't know. He just started to scream and cry. He pointed to the pictures of Marron."
"Oh no, I don't think this was such a good idea," he whispered into her.
"Now, now, little one," Juu arose from the couch and made her way over to Pan, Saruku, and Trunks. She held her arms out,and the little boy floated over to her.
"He floated?!" Pan gasped.
"We'll have to start training him pretty soon!" Trunks beamed.
Surprisingly, Saruku stopped crying the minute he landed in Juu's arms. He snuggled up to the android and looked as contented as he could be.
"I see you still have it," Krillin said softly. Juuhachi looked back at her husband whose eyes were shining from the tears that were forming in his eyes. He could remember back when Juu held Marron like that when she was a baby.
Juuhachi looked down at Saruku who looked so much like her dead daughter and decided that she wanted another baby. 'I'll never be able to replace you, Marron,' she thought hoping her daughter could hear it from the next dimension. "Well, let's get this dinner started," Juu smiled at Trunks and Pan and carried Saruku into the dining room.
As dinner progressed, Saruku charmed both Juu and Krillin-- as he did everyone he encountered. He seemed to like Krillin a whole lot, spending most of the dinner in his lap. Trunks and Pan tried to apologize for their son's actions, but Juu and Krillin would hear none of it. They were so glad that laughter filled their house once again. As Saruku was pulling on Juu's blond hair, Krillin wondered if she would like to have another baby. It was true, he wasn't getting any younger, but Juu would forever be young and be able to take care of the baby after he was gone. This baby would help keep her company after he had left this world; it would be a gift from him to help her cope with his death.
Trunks and Pan stayed away from talking about Bra and Goten. Krillin and Juu didn't mention them, so Trunks and Pan didn't either. Juu did asked about the wedding she heard that Vegeta and Bulma were planning. Trunks commented that it was the biggest undertaking his mother had ever worked on. Pan added that she didn't ever think Bulma was going to finish planning it. Trunks and Pan didn't reveal that despite everything that happened, Bulma was going to invite Juu and Krillin. Whether they accepted the invitation was a different story.
"Trunks, Pan, and you too, Saruku, you come back whenever you like," Juu smiled as she handed Trunks and Pan their son.
"Thanks, Juu-sama, we had a wonderful time!" Pan smiled back to her.
"Trunks, don't be a stranger. Bring your beautiful wife and baby by anytime!" Krillin exclaimed as he extended his hand to the demi-Saiyan.
"Sure thing! I think Saruku likes you!" Trunks laughed as he could tell Saruku did not want to leave as he fidgeted in his mother's arms.
"Well, we like him too," Krillin said as he looked at Juu waving good-bye as Pan descended the porch steps.

<- Chapter 16

Chapter 18 ->

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