After GT-- Life Without The Dragonballs-- Love Is a Battlefield: The Winner Takes Goten (Final Round)

By SSBra

Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Morning came, just as it always does; but this day would be very important to the lives of three people in particular. Marron suited up in a Kame gi that Krillin had lent her. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter put on his blue armbands.

"How do I look?" She asked him.
"Like a true warrior," he said softly.
"Papa, don't worry. I'll be just fine!" She said as she bent down to kiss his cheek.

At Capsule Corp.

"Bra, are you up?" Vegeta knocked on his daughter's bedroom door.
"Yes, Papa. Come on in," she invited. He opened the door to find his little princess wearing a Saiyan uniform. "Do I look Saiyan enough?"
"No, your hair gives you away. But you really can't be blamed for that," he smirked as he thought of the night he had just spent with Bulma. He looked upon his daughter with a satisfaction he had never looked upon Trunks with. 'There might be hope for her yet.'

As the Sons arose

"Goten, are you up?" Goku called to his son.
"Yes, Papa, I am."
"Wow, you look terrible," he said as he opened his son's bedroom door.
"I never slept. I've been up all night."
"Oh, Son. I know you have a lot on your mind," Goku said as he sat on his son's bed.
"You have no idea."
"Yes, I do. You're torn between two things. I have been torn before."
"Between what?"
"Staying here or staying dead."
"Oh," he said softly.
"I am very sorry for missing out on your growing up. I thought that if I was away, no more danger would come to the Earth. I was wrong, Goten. I thought I was doing the best thing for everyone. I had no idea your mother was pregnant with you. Had I known that, I would've stayed here to be with you."
"Papa," Goten said as he embraced his father.
"It's okay, Goten. Cry it all out. There's no shame in crying," Goku smiled as he stroked his son's hair.

As Trunks and Pan await the arrival of their baby

"A couple more hours, Pan, and we will have a baby!" Trunks said with joy.
"That's what you said five hours ago!!!" She laughed.
"I know, but I'm not a doctor, and I'm doing the best I can."
"I know you are, Trunks-kun," she reached a tired hand up to cup his face. "I love you."
"I love you, too, my Panny."
"You're going to be a great father."
"Yes, a much better father than mine was."
"Most definitely!" Pan laughed. Trunks felt of her stomach and felt that the baby had dropped considerably.
"The baby will be here _very_ soon," he looked at her with great surprise.

As all interested parties began to arrive at the Son home, Chi-Chi prepared a meal for them. "The least we can do is have something for them to eat," she said to her husband who was drooling over all the culinary delights placed before him. "Don't you dare touch one morsel, Goku!" She exclaimed smacking his hands.
"But, Chi-Chi!!!" He whined.
"Anyone home?" Krillin called out.
"Krillin!! Hey bro, come on in," Goku got up and went to the door.
"I better not. Marron and Eighteen are out here waiting on Bra."
"Okay, then I'll come out there. Listen, I don't know what to say about all this."
"It's not your fault, Goku."
"I know, but it IS my son."
"Listen, if there's one thing I've learned through all of this is that you can't control your kids."
"I guess you're right, Krillin. We're still friends, right?"
"Til the end," he said as he extended his hand to Goku. Goku took it and pulled him into a hug. "No matter what happens, we'll always be friends."
"Papa?" Marron said as she caught the exchange between her father and Goten's father.
"Leave them," Eighteen said.
"They have a strange bond, Marron. I have never tried to interfere with it."
"Okay," she said as she caught the sight of Goten.
"Goten!" She exclaimed.
"Don't rush over to him. Make him wait on you as you have waited on him."
"Yes, Kassan."
"Marron-chan!" Goten called as he walked past his father and Krillin hugging. 'So strange those two,' he thought.
"Hello," she said coldly.
"Listen, Marron . . ."
"We will discuss this after I've beaten Bra senseless."
"Marron, . . ."
"Speak of the devil," Marron said as she watched the Briefs fly in. Vegeta was flying with Bulma in his arms, and Bra was using her almost forgotten skill to fly herself there.
"Bra!" Goten called to her.
"Goten," she said curtly as she landed.
"Are you both gonna treat me like shit today?"
"What did you expect, Brat?" Vegeta smirked. "This is serious business. Bra will talk to you later, after she's won," he said as he shoo'ed Goten away. Goten walked away with his shoulders slumped.
"It's okay, Goten. It'll be over, soon," Goku laughed as he patted his son on the back.
"Let's get this thing started!" Marron spat.
"Fine by me!" Bra returned. "Papa, what are the rules?"
"First one who can't get up after an assault loses. This is not a fight to the death. Repeat-- this is not a fight to the death," Vegeta explained; however, he really thought the two would be lucky if they broke each others' nails.
"Good luck, Marron. We love you," Krillin smiled to his daughter.
"I love you, too," she winked as she walked over to Bra.
"Do your forefathers, the royalty of Vegetaseii proud, Bra," Vegeta said to her.
"Hai, Papa, I will," she smiled as she walked over to Marron, meeting her in the middle of the Son's home.
"You're going to wish you'd never laid eyes on him, Bra."
"No, Marron, it is you who will wish that."
"Fine, let's go!" Marron shouted as she powered up.
"Nani?!" Vegeta exclaimed. "She learned to do that in a night, too?"
"She is one quarter cyborg, Vegeta," Eighteen explained cooly.
"Two can play that game," Bra smirked as she powered up as well. The two women exchanged blows and Ki blasts as the battle was surprisingly interesting.
"I never knew they had that in them," Videl said.
"Me either. Bra and Marron always seemed so gentle," Chi-Chi commented.
"Well, it just goes to show you how two people can change and do anything for love," Gohan sighed.
"You're pretty good, Marron," Bra panted.
"You, too."
"Well, do you want to stop now?"
"Do you want to give up Goten?'
"Well then," Marron said as she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, "let's go!" The two continued to fight as both of their parents cheered them on.
"You know, Vegeta, none of this would've happened if you would've controlled your daughter's hormones," Juu smirked to him.
"Juu, please don't start. I've seen too many people get into it over their children."
"Yeah, Android-- shut up! If your daughter had a little initiative, Goten wouldn't have to look elsewhere."
"WHAT?! What did you just say, you overgrown monkey!!!" Eighteen exclaimed as she began to power up.
"Did that bucket of bolts just call me a monkey?!" He asked Bulma.
"Vegeta, this is between Marron and Bra-- not you and Eighteen."
"Uh, Krillin, I think that Grillin might need to make an appearance today," Goku whispered to him.
"I think you maybe right. Looks like things could get pretty ugly. I'm ready when you are."
"Now!" Goku exclaimed as he began the fusion dance.
"What in the world are you doing, Goku?" Chi-Chi asked as she saw all the silliness that he and Krillin were doing.
"The fusion dance," Goten said in amazement.
After the dance was completed, a new being emerged-- Grillin. "You are the ugliest thing I have ever seen!" Bulma laughed.
"Aren't they though? But what did you expect from Kakarrot and Krillin?"
"Are you saying that my Krillin is ugly?" Eighteen asked getting angrier and angrier.
"Hmm, seems like Kakarrot asked me a question along those lines yesterday," he laughed as he stroked his chin.
"Well, let me answer it for you," Eighteen smiled as she shot a blast at Vegeta.
"She singed my hair!!!" He exclaimed as he smelled the stench of burning hair.
"Now Vegeta," Bulma tried to steady him, but he was so mad that he flew into Super Saiyan mode.
"Is that all you monkeys know how to do? Can't you fight like the rest of us do? Or are you that inadequate?"
"Inadequate? I'll show you, you walking microwave, who's inadequate."
"Wait just a minute," Grillin said stepping in between the two. "There's no need to get this angry, Juu."
"Gri-- Krillin, listen, I've had just about all I'm going to take off this pompous vegetable head I'm going to."
"Vegetable head?!" Vegeta ascended into Super Saiyan-- stage two.

Marron and Bra set down to see their parents fighting. The two women both were on an equal level and couldn't defeat one another. "What do we do now?" Marron asked as she put her hands on her knees.
"I don't know. I was supposed to beat you!"
"Well, you didn't. Your Saiyan powers didn't help you after all."
As Grillin fought to keep Eighteen and Vegeta apart, Eighteen broke free of him and powered up tremendously. "This is what I should've done the first time!" She exclaimed as she released an enormous energy blast toward the Saiyan Prince. Grillin had the good sense to get out of the way, but Vegeta, being the stubborn man he was, just stood there.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bra screamed as she turned Super Saiyan she flew over in a blind rage and knocked Eighteen's blast away from her father.
"Bra-chan, you're a Super Saiyan!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"Now, Eighteen, try this one on!" Bra smirked sadistically as she released a force like no one had seen before. Bra was like a woman possessed. Power flowed through every vessel in her body, and just like Gohan had in the battle with Cell, she became blinded by it.
"Kassan!" Marron yelled before pushing her mother out of the way and taking the brunt of the blast.
"MARRON!!!!" Grillin screamed. He watched in horror as Marron fell to the ground in a thud after absorbing Bra's powerful attack.
"M-Marron-chan!" Eighteen sobbed as she crawled over to her daughter. Grillin ran over to them and picked up Marron's lifeless body.
"Kassan, are you alright?" She asked raspily.
"Yes, Marron I am, but Marron, oh Marron," she wept.
"Bra!" Vegeta exclaimed as he tried to calm down his daughter. She had went utterly insane when she became a Super Saiyan. He shook her violently until she returned to her normal self.
"Papa?" She asked crying. "What happened?"
"You . . . killed Marron."
"I what?!" Bra ran over to her fallen friend.
"Look what you did!!!" Eighteen cried out loud.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to kill her. How did I kill her? I'm not that powerful."
"You went Super Saiyan, Bra," Grillin exclaimed. "The power overwhelmed you, and you tried to kill Eighteen after she fired a blast at your father."
"Eighteen, . . ."
"Don't speak to me! You've killed my only daughter!!"
"Kassan, don't be mad at her. She didn't know what she was doing," Marron whispered.
"Marron," Bra kneeled over her.
"I still hate you for taking my Goten away."
"Marron-kun," Goten said as he kneeled down and held her hand, "I love you."
"I love you, too. I love you all, but I can see Dende waiting for me," she as her eyes started to glass over.
"Please, Marron, don't leave!" Eighteen held her other hand.
"Goodbye," she whispered as the last breath left her body.

"Death makes angels of us all & gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws."-- Jim Morrison from the poem, "Feast of Friends."
I am not a Marron-hater. I like Marron a lot. I just felt like this story would be different from what you normally read about her AND Bra. Believe me, Marron will get revenge on both Bra and Goten. It may take a little time, but she will. :)
Please don't flame me!



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