A Kingdom of Dreams ch.17

Hi, everyone! Chapter 17 is out! In this chapter we get a look at the parents. Ooh, isn’t that a scary word? Parents. It gives me the shivers. Oh, yeah, Marron and Uub come back into the picture. What about T/P and G/B? Well I don’t own DBZ, read and enjoy!


"King Gohan! The King and Queen of Vegeta are here to see you!" said a messenger.

"What? Bulma and Vegeta?" said Gohan gasping, "Is this some sort of trick?"

"No, honey," said Videl, "You know that Bulma wouldn’t participate in a trick or a trap."

"That’s true," said Gohan frowning, "but perhaps they know where Pan and Goten are!"

"There’s only one way to find out," said Videl. She grasped Gohan’s hand and pulled him out into the waiting room, where Bulma and Vegeta were seated. Videl and Gohan sat opposite from them on a couch.

"Hello Queen Bulma and King Vegeta," said Videl smiling politely, "What brings you here to Chikyuu?"

"As if you didn’t know!" growled Vegeta.

"Shush, Vegeta!" said Bulma, then she turned back to Videl, "We come to inquire on the whereabouts of our children."

"Well, we’d like to know where my brother and daughter are!" snapped Gohan.

"Be quiet, Gohan!" said Videl, then she turned back to Bulma, "I am sorry, but we do not know where your children are. As a matter of fact our daughter and Prince Goten have also gone missing recently. We were wondering if…"

"Oh, no!" said Bulma, "We have no idea where they are!"

"I do," said Vegeta calmly. Everyone turned to look at him. "My son owns a kingdom called Felipna. Both him and my daughter always loved that place. Maybe…"

"Why didn’t you tell me of this before, Vegeta?" cried Bulma.

Videl spoke up, "But what of my daughter and Goten…

"I believe that they are together," stated Vegeta.

"Well, then," said Gohan, "Let’s go find them!"

"Pardon me, your majesties," said the Duke of Chestnut stepping into the room. Vegeta erupted into laughter.

"If it isn’t baldy- and he has hair!" said Vegeta. (If you remember from the introduction thingy in the first chapter the Duke of Chestnut is none other than Krillen.)

"I…well…my daughter she," Krillen paused and blushed, "My daughter would like to go with your majesties."

"Why?" asked King Gohan frowning.

"She-er, she has a thing for Prince Trunks’ bodyguard," said Krillen.

"Uub?" asked Vegeta and Bulma. They looked at each other and started laughing.

"Please your majesties?" begged Krillen.

"Fine," said King Gohan, "Lady Marron may come with us."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, your majesties!" said Krillen bowing before he left. When he was gone the rulers of Vegeta and Chikyuu looked at each other.

"You do realize that we are going to have to work together to get our children back, don’t you?" asked Bulma.

"Yes, and you two are going to have to promise to not fight until we get them back, ne?" said Videl. The two queens looked at their husbands.

"Fine!" said Vegeta, holding out his hand, "Peace, until I find my children!"

"Yes," said Gohan, shaking Vegeta’s hand, "Peace, until I find my daughter and my brother."

The queens breathed a sigh of relief. There would be peace for a few days in their lives.

* * *

"Oh, Goten-chan!" called Bra, "Have you seen my brother?"

"No, Bra-chan," said Goten, "I’m sorry."

"That’s okay!" said Bra turning and running. There was only one person who would know where Trunks was. His personal body guard. She ran to his room and barged in without knocking.

"Uub!" Bra yelled, "Where is my brother?"

"He went for a moonlit walk in the garden with his wife, Princess Bra," replied Uub.

"Thanks Uub!" said Bra leaving, but then she turned around, "Oh, and Uub?"

"Yes, milady?" he answered.

"Get over her!" yelled Bra before she turned and ran out to find her brother. Yep, Uub still was madly in love with her. (If you don’t know who I mean read the first couple chapters.) Bra couldn’t believe that Uub would fall for that blonde wimpy girl.

She ran outside and saw her brother and Pan kissing in the moonlight. How romantic! thought Bra sighing. She ran over to them.

"Trunks, Pan!" she shouted. They stopped kissing and looked at Bra startled.

"I have bad news guys!" said Bra sadly, "The parents are here!"

(Insert doomsday music here) (nah, just kidding!)

"Already?" asked Pan in shock.

"How did they find us so quickly?" asked Trunks.

"I don’t know, but we have to go and meet them," said Bra.

Pan took a deep breath, "Okay, I’m ready." Then they all went outside the castle doors to wait for the arrival of the parents.

* * *

The parents came riding on horses. Bulma, Vegeta, Gohan, and Videl. The teens were going over in their minds what they were going to say to them. When they got closer they dismounted and walked up to the teens. Gohan was the first to speak.

"Pan Son!" he bellowed, "Get over here this instant!

Oh, so I’m their first victim! thought Pan. She bravely took a step forward.

"My name isn’t Pan Son anymore, daddy," she said, holding out the hand that had her wedding ring on it, "My name is Pan Son Briefs."

The parents all gasped. Trunks also took a step forward.

"That’s right," he said putting his arm around Pan, "Pan and I are married now. That means that the feud will have to end. The Sons and Briefs are now related."

"Panny!" cried Gohan, "What have you done? By marrying this idiot you have disgraced your grandfather’s honour! You married the son of the man who killed your grandfather! How could you?"

"No!" said Pan, biting her lip. Tears were threatening to come. "I have not disgraced Grampa’s honour! Grampa Goku wanted more than anything for there to be peace! I have fulfilled his wish. What happened to you daddy?!" Tears were now streaming down Pan’s cheeks and she stopped trying to hold them back, "Have you been blinded by this war so badly that you have forgotten what is right? What happened to the honour of the Sons? The Sons were once a peaceful and loving family! Has the war made you forget those whom you love? Or do you not love me anymore… "

Trunks held Pan while she sobbed. Gohan looked on in shock. His daughter had never cried in her life. Even when her grandfather had died she had been strong, and she bore the pain of loss silently.

Vegeta now turned to Trunks. It was his turn.

"Boy, of all the foolish things you have ever done, this beats all," said Vegeta, "shame on you for marrying the enemy! Peace? Why, it’s only stupid people that foolishly dream of peace! Everyone knows that you must fight war and win war, and then you survive. Peace is just a foolish fancy!"

Trunks glared at his father, "Father, you are truly cold-hearted. I always tried to do everything you told me to, so that you would be proud of me. I wanted nothing more than to be loved by you. Now I realize it is I who should be proud of myself, for I did the right thing. I took a step towards peace. Something that you will never know of."

Vegeta stood in shock to hear his son talk to him like that. How dare he! Gohan regained his composure. He looked at Pan.

"Pan, there is only one thing that I can do that will remedy what you have done," said Gohan sadly, "I must disown you."

"Oh, Gohan! No!" begged Videl clutching his arm.

"And Trunks," said Vegeta slowly, "I must disown you." Bulma burst into tears.

"How could you, Vegeta?" asked Bulma crying.

Pan stepped away from Trunks and wiped her tears away. Anger now replaced where she was feeling sadness seconds ago. She walked up to her father and stared into his eyes.

"Disown me, then," said Pan, with all her courage, "I have no wish to be part of your family, anymore." Gohan stared at her. He had expected her to beg for him not to abandon her. He realized that Pan would never beg, her pride was too strong.

"Who will be your heirs if you disown us?" asked Trunks.

"Bra will be my heir," said Vegeta.

"And Goten will be mine," said Gohan, "Which means that you will have to find a wife soon, Goten."

"I have already found one, brother," said Goten, "If she says yes."

"Really?" asked Gohan happily, "Who?"

To everyone’s shock Goten turned around till he faced Bra and then he got down on one knee. He produced a black velvet box from his pocket and opened it; inside was a sparkling diamond ring.

"Princess Bra Vegeta Briefs," said Goten smiling, "Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Bra gasped. "Oh, Goten!" she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him, "I thought you’d never ask!"

Vegeta and Gohan stared, paralyzed in shock. Videl and Bulma smiled happily. Trunks and Pan looked at each other.

"How romantic!" they said in unison. When Goten placed the ring on Bra’s finger they turned to the parents.

"What are you going to do about that?" asked Bra smiling.

"There…is nothing that I can do…" said Vegeta.

"Me…neither…" said Gohan.

"Do you love Trunks, Pan?" Videl asked her daughter.

Pan nodded, "Yes, I do!"

"Do you love Pan, Trunks?" Bulma asked her son.

"With all my heart!" replied Trunks gazing down lovingly at Pan.

"Well, do you love Bra, Goten?" Videl asked her brother-in-law.

"I love her more than life itself!" said Goten hugging his future wife.

"And do you love Goten, Bra?" Bulma asked her daughter.

Bra smiled, "Definitely!"

The queens turned to their husbands.

"That is the reason you have to make peace!" yelled Bulma pointing.

"They love each other, Gohan!" Videl shouted, "Don’t you want your brother and daughter to be happy?"

Vegeta and Gohan looked at each other. They reluctantly held out their hands and shook.

"Peace…" muttered Gohan.

"Peace…" mumbled Vegeta.

But what both of them didn’t know was that they both had their fingers crossed behind their back…

Cliff-hanger! So sorry, but I just couldn’t leave it like that, with a corny "and they lived happily ever after, the end!" This fic is far from over. You didn’t think Vegeta and Gohan would actually make peace did you? Ha! I had ya fooled! How did you like that G/B? New chapter tomorrow! REVIEW!



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