A Kingdom of Dreams

(chapter one)

Hi, it’s me again. I’m writing another T/P (g/b,u/m). This is in an alternate universe fic and it is in Medieval times. This is an idea from my favorite book by Judith McNaught. I don’t know how it reminded me of DBZ, but in it let’s pretend that Trunks has spent a little too much time around his father and is a little mean. There are two countries called Vegeta and Chikyuu and they are both on planet earth. I don’t own DBZ, duh! Now for a short history:


Pan is the princess of Chikyuu and is 18 years . Gohan and Videl are the King and Queen since Goku and ChiChi died. Goten is the prince, sorta. Krillen is the Duke of Chestnut and 18 is the Duchess of Chestnut. Marron is Pan’s faithful friend (can you believe I wrote that?!) and 17 is just a really handsome guy (I guess he’s a duke or something too). Chikyuu is a peaceful country, and their army is small, but strong. Pretend that saiyans have to fight with swords and can’t fly, okay? Also Pan was sent away to another kingdom somewhere else in Chikyuu as punishment, because she disappointed her father, by refusing to marry who he wanted her to.


Before Queen Bulma married King Vegeta, Chikyuu and Vegeta were at peace, but then King Vegeta started getting nasty with King Goku and killed him. Since then the two countries have been bitter enemies. Trunks is the prince of Vegeta and his bodyguard is Uub. Bulma is against the feuding and so is Bra, but Bra cannot do anything about it. Trunks has a bad reputation for being cold hearted (weird, eh? Don’t worry I’ll take care of that later!). Yamcha, Tien, and Chaozu are all part of this kingdom. Master Roshi? He’s dead, but who cares?

Now on with the story, Don’t worry the T/P is coming soon.



Marron is visiting Pan at the kingdom where she stays during her punishment.

"So you wanna go out somewhere?" asked Lady Marron.

"Okay," said Princess Pan, "I’m sooo bored at this lonely kingdom." So Marron and Pan took a stroll around the kingdom grounds. Pan is wearing her bandanna tied around her waist as a belt, because this is the Middle Ages and she has to dress like a lady, but she’s still a tomboy at every chance she gets.

"Wanna do something bad?" asked Pan wickedly.

"NO!" said Marron, ever ladylike and prim, "We could get into trouble."

"So?" said Pan impatiently, "I’m the princess and I ORDER you to come with me."

"Yes, your highness," said Marron meekly, "Just don’t do anything crazy."

"Aw, shut up!" cried Pan dragging Marron along. She pulled her to the stables and unhitched two horses. They got on them and rode away (but Marron rode sidesaddle!).

* * *


Bra paced around her bedroom restlessly. She pondered running away just as she had been doing for weeks. Everytime she tried to escape, her brother or father would stop her. The hatred for Chikyuu was senseless and stupid, and the only way to stop it was if the two royal families, the Sons and Briefs would form an alliance by marriage. Bra was willing to volunteer to marry into the Sons herself, if it would stop the feud (besides she had heard that Prince Goten was quite handsome!).

Bra randomly chose one of her many escape plans and decided to try once again to get to Chikyuu. Once she got there she was sure she could do something about ending the feud. She started her journey.

* * *


Pan and Marron sat on a hill near to the border of Chikyuu and Vegeta. Pan smiled happily to be free, but Marron frowned because her dress was dirty (haha!). Pan was thinking about the feud. She hated Vegetans badly for killing her beloved Grampa Goku, but other wise she had nothing against them. The Chikyuuans did not like to fight, but Goku’s death must be avenged. Pan thought she heard a sound and she looked up from her comfortable spot in the grass. She saw a girl with long blue hair trying to run, but she could only jog slowly cause she was so tired. Pan saw her distress and ran to help the girl.

"Are you all right?" asked Pan putting her arm around the girl to support her.

"Chikyuu…Chikyuu," said the girl panting, "Must…get…to…Chikyuu."

"It’s okay, you’re in Chikyuu, now," said Pan, "Now could you please tell us who you are?"

"I am Princess Bra," she said, "I am not supposed to be here. I ran away."

Pan smiled, "Well, I am Princess Pan. I ran away too." The two girls looked at each other and were immediately friends. They saw an understanding in each other’s eyes that they didn’t have in their own families. Pan laughed.

"Well, I ran away with a horse, and I’ve got food," Pan said gesturing to where Marron was sitting in the grass, "Care to join us for a little picnic?"

Bra smiled, "I’d love to." So the three girls sat down to chat and eat and enjoy their freedom.

* * *


"What do you mean she ran away again?" stormed the furious King Vegeta in his throne room. Someone had just reported that Bra was missing.

"Oh, please Vegeta," begged Queen Bulma, "She loves you, she just hates the feud. Don’t be angry at her. I understand how she feels."

"Shut up, woman!" said Vegeta, "I thought she would change, but she didn’t. She is a traitor!" Vegeta turned to see Prince Trunks who had just walked in. "Son, can I trust you to go and retrieve your sister?"

"Yes, father," said Prince Trunks grinning evilly. Queen Bulma burst into tears to see her son and husband so cruel. She suffered in silent misery, to see her loved ones turned evil, all except Bra, whom she had faith in. Bra, Queen Bulma thought to herself, if only you could end the feud.

* * *


The girls had set up a Capsule House because if they set up a Capsule Castle they would be found out too soon. (yes, I know it’s the middle ages, but they still have capsules, okay?!) They were getting along fine, but Marron was feeling bad that the princesses were such good friends. She was afraid that Princess Pan wouldn’t be her friend anymore.

It was true, too. Pan was really liking Bra a lot. They felt like sisters even though they had just met. They had so much in common and had the same feelings about the feud. After a few days of freedom their hopes were shattered by a knock on the door of the house. Marron opened the door frightened. She was pushed up against a wall by a man with light purple hair.

"Where is my sister?" he demanded snarling and holding a knife to Marron’s throat. Marron started to cry and whimper, but Pan walked in.

"Bastard!" she yelled lunging at the purple-haired man, she pulled out her own dagger from her belt and shoved it up against his throat while firmly planting her knee in his midsection. He let go of his knife and doubled over in pain hollering. Bra walked in just then and more men who were under the command of the purple-haired man stepped in and grabbed her. She didn’t resist.

"Pan, you can’t do anything, that is my brother and this is his army," said Bra sadly, "There are to many of them and they are too strong." Pan realized that this was true, and she replaced her dagger in her belt and surrendered. Marron followed.

"Seize them!" commanded Trunks, pointing at Pan and Marron, and then the three girls were taken back to the kingdom of Vegeta.

Chapter 2 is coming soon, I promise! Only if you review though. So be sure to review if you liked it and want chapter 2 out. This is a little more mature than my usual style don’t you think?



Comments to ~PanHopeNvs~

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