Tittle: another night without consequence.

Author: Tashina Sedai

Rating: PG-13, this time around

Notes: A partner to 'A night of no consequences" but set much later.

Disclaimer: no, still not Lucas, no, still have no cash. A lot of Lucas film merchandise though…

Warnings: lots of references to sex with various pairings

Matrim wandered out on to the balcony where Naath was just setting out the food for first meal whilst Qui and Obi sat there, looking useless.

"Good night padawan?"

"Yes master, very."

"Hmm. I remember the first time that I ever celebrated that festival, I ended up with councillor Depa Billaba and shocked the hell out of these two when I told them."

"So who were you with then padawan Matrim."

"They wouldn't like it if I told you."

"They Matrim now you have us intrigued wouldn't you agree Qui, Obi?"

"Yes, now he _has_ to tell us."

"Definitely, padawan, I order you to tell us."

Matrim mumbled a reply.

"Speak up padawan." Obi-Wan berated his apprentice.

"Masters Windu and Gallia."

"Adi and Mace? I had no idea that they would go."

"Ah, well, I suppose I was lucky."

"Yes, jolly lucky! Mace is renowned as one of the temples best lovers."


"Apart from you two, of course, Naath."

"And how would you know."

"Obi-Wan, you know full well we used to be lovers when I was younger…"

The four of them were half way through first meal when the girls returned.

"You're late." Naath accused the pair."

"Not fair, we left at dawn, just it took a while to get back."

"You were together?"

"Yes Master Jinn." Arwen appeared to have been voted to do all the talking

"Of course they were Qui, do you never take any notice of what your padawan is doing."

"I know about that, just I didn't think that they would _stay_ together."

"And who did you two end up with? Yoda, Ki-Adi?"

"Now, Obi-Wan, that's hardly fair on the poor girls."


"Out with it Arwen."

"Well… we were in the water garden… Councillor Billaba and Master Cauthon and Master Merrilin and a whole lot of people I don't even know."

"I would have to say" Naath said "that these two had more fun than any of us did."

"I would probably have to agree" said Qui-Gon, after picking his jaw up off the floor.

Anakin picked that time to return from Naboo, with Dala in tow.

"Your majesty."

"Just Dala, please, Knight Sedai. I'm on an unofficial holiday, Sabe took over for a bit so I could come here with Ani."

"You just missed the best night of the year."

"I doubt somehow that my intended wife would have…"

"Oh shut up Anakin, I was just having fun, besides I think that we all had much more fun without you here."

"You must forgive Knight Sedai, she and Masters Jinn and Kenobi have a somewhat immoral…" he never finished that sentence.

"Just what was that Knight Skywalker. How do you dare…" Qui-Gon ran out of words to express what he thought about that comment.

"Really Ani, I'm not a girl, please, I am sorry, I think that Ani thinks I was a sheltered child."

"No, I've never like the way that those two carried on."

"Ani, would it be terribly hard for you to remember that Qui and I are soul-bonded, as near as I ever intend to go to a formal wedding ceremony and have been since Obi-Wan was knighted."

"Hah! Anakin is homophobic, I can tell, I never liked him anyway. Remember Anakin that prejudice leads to hate, hate leads to the destruction and the dark side…"

"I know that Naath!"

The happy mood of the morning had been ruined by the arrival of Anakin and his intended. Naath stopped fuming and turned her head to more practical matters.

"I take it that Dala will be staying with you Anakin? Eight of us in this place… I don't know."

"Of course not, I would never think of… she's staying with the chancellor, we've come here to finalise our wedding plans, not live in sin."

"What a prude you turned out to be Ani!" This from Obi-Wan.

"And when will the glorious event be grand-padawan?"

"Mid summer in Theed, that's" he had to think the change over out "two weeks after mid winter here."

"Oh good, it's a week out to Naboo, so we can be here for Solstice." Naath always looked forward to that festival which like most others (of which there were few) entailed lots of dancing, drunken carousing and sex. Anakin frowned, he disapproved of it on principle.

Finis, for now…


