Title: A final farewell?

Author: Master Tashina Sedai

Rating: G I guess, not too good at this

Warnings: character death.

Archive: my site (www.oocities.org/naath_aes_sedai), MA, anyone else please ask first so I can go see.

Note: This is intended to be about half way through a series that I intend to write, but haven't yet. This bunny was jumping up and down on me.

Note #2: this is AU, very AU. TPM happened, except 'that scene' didn't, this will be elaborated if I ever write the rest of this... Importantly, Anakin still became Obi-wan's padawan after he was knighted and Naath was Qui-gon's padawan, again you will have to read the rest of the series, when I write it, to find out anything interesting... (This is me being annoying like Lucas, te he)

Disclaimer: I am not now, nor to the best of my knowledge have ever been George Lucas. If I was I would be rich and famous and wouldn't be writing this, also I would be old and male and I'm not. Please don't sue, you already got all my money from merchandising... 

Today my life failed to end, but I wish that it might have done for I see no more point in going on. Today the one man I love is dead, the woman who is almost my sister has left and my apprentice has turned. How so mush can happen all at once to one man, I do not know. Perhaps one day I will see Naath again, she said that someday she would return, but Anakin is gone from me for ever and Qui is one with the force, gone from me forever.

Why Anakin? Why? What did we ever do to you? Did the three of us not give you a home? What can Palpatine give you that we could not? You should have taken me, not Qui, how could you do that to him, the man who rescued you from slavery, who convinced the council to let us train you, who gave you the life you lead for the years that have passed since we found you.

The prophesy is too true, you will bring balance to the force, how strange that we never realised that balance must come from the other side, that the Jedi were dominant so balance must be on the side of the Sith, how could we ever be so foolish to think that you would be on our side, that you would be an asset to the order, rather I see that you will be the downfall of the Jedi.

Today I have lost all that I lived for.


Dala came to me today, she is with child by Anakin, I had no idea that they had gone so far together, he was, still is, so young. Her child, no, children for she caries twins, must be hidden from their father, must be protected so that they can grow up perhaps to right the wrongs their father has done to them. Perhaps in these children I can again find purpose in living, find a reason to carry on.



