Author: Tashina Sedai

Rating: G, preobably

Archive: What, if anyone actually wants it… MA and I suppose it'll go on my site eventually.

Warnings: does me playing havoc with some things that started out really funny count…

Note: More form the unending series… I got bitten by the humour bug so this is supposed to be funny… [denotes me (the author) talking]

There are no beginnings in the unending cycle of life, well maybe the Big bang but even then perhaps the universe I cyclic, but this is a beginning…

The sun was rising on Corascant like a big ball of fire coming over the horizon, dawn was like a not particularly good descriptive passage, the area of the city planet which was under the dawn was quiet, the night people were retiring for the day and the day people were only starting to rise.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Naath had just returned from a rather strenuous mission to Xjwvzingchawhup and were relaxing in the common room of their apartment in the Jedi Temple.

"That was….interesting" said Qui-Gon

"You can say that again Qui."

"More sort of terrible, horrible, ghastly, I don't think that interesting captures it somehow, and my hair is all mucked up." Commented Naath.

"Yes, well, I think that I'll go get some doughnuts."

"Bye Ani" [in the script Lucas spells this Annie, but that's a girl's name, I stick by my decision. Mainly because Lucas calls 'sabers a laser swords in all the directions…]

"Be back by twelfth hour padawan."

"Good riddance" Said Naath just as Anakin shut the door.

[uh oh, plot hole]

A sudden rain of frogs fell _inside_ the Jedi temple. If any one had counted they would have counted to 40,000, no more no less, 40000 was the number of the counting, not 40001 nor 39999 except then proceeding on to 40000, 40002 was right out.

Qui and Obi set to the frogs with their 'sabers [laser swords] because despite the well known saying that every frog is sacred they were _everywhere_ . As the Jedi were doing this a small group of Wookies appeared and started to sing

"Frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, wonderful frogs." Until Qui glared at them and they went away.

Soon the frogs had all been killed by our intrepid heroes.

[leaving us to attempt to return to the plot (what plot?) hang on a min. when I said frogs I meant _frogs_ not well frogs, do I need to spell it out…F…R…E…]

"Master, this frog is dead."

[you just killed it, duh.]

"No Obi-Wan, it is mearly incapacitated"

"It is deceased, it is no more, it is pushing up daisies, it is no more, it has kicked the bucket, it is an amphibigon…"

"No, it is sleeping…"

"No master! It has gone to the happy croaking ground, it has joined the force, it is a dead frog!"

"Fine then, I never wanted to be a Jedi anyway, I wanted to be a… [dah, dah, dah] senator! Arguing from day to day, keeping the citizens happy, eating good food, wearing women's clothing…"


Qui-Gon sulked off and Obi-Wan looked at Naath and shrugged. Both the younger Jedi proceeded to 'comfort' Qui…

[censored, no um well as I may have mentioned I can't do smut… Anyways, there are 5 Monty Python references, two references to well known fantasy authors, a vague reference to a well know TV show and also a rip off of a comment Bernard Cromwell (author of Sharpe) made at a book signing, can you find all of them??]


