Title image:Work
Good works are only valuable as a means of escape; they do good to the doer, never to any other 
Swami Vivekananda 
He works best who works without any motive- neither for money nor for fame, nor for anything else 
Swami Vivekananda 
Work incessantly, but do not bind yourselves 
Swami Vivekananda 
Work like a master and not as a slave. Work incessantly, but do not do a slave's work  
Swami Vivekananda 
Selfish work is slaves work 
Swami Vivekananda 
If thy aim be great and thy means small, still act; for by action alone these can increase to that 
Since it is impossible to escape the result of our deeds let us practise good works 
No deed is well done that is followed by regret, whose consequences are attended by tears and weeping 
The deed is well done that is not followed by regret, whose consequences are attended by joy and happiness 
Everybody must work, but what matters is how much to work , in what way one should work 
Swamy Chinmayananda 
The beauty of action that you are doing becomes more and more when the ideal on which we are working is noble and great 
Swamy Chinmayananda 
Dear to the Deity (Indra) is he who performs good acts 
The Vedas 
Strenuous work adds zest to the pursuit of life and makes rest and recreation more enjoyable 
May we obtain wealth by our own exertions 
The Vedas 
Man is born to work and prosper, not to rest and rust 
Nothing good and noble can be achieved in this world without honest labour and hard work 
You are the master of your fate, by hard and honest work 
Work while there is yet day, for the night of life may overtake you at any moment all unawares 
Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task; if it be after his heart. But the intelligent man is he who can convert every work into one that suits his taste. No work is petty 
Swami Vivekananda 
It is the effort which gives joy; a human being who does not know how to make an effort will never find joy 
The Mother(Mirra) 
It is only effort, in whatever domain it may be - material effort, moral effort, intellectual effort - which creates in the human being certain vibrations which enables you to get connected with universal vibrations; and it is this which gives joy 
The Mother(Mirra) 
When you leave your work for the day, forget it;do not pick it up mentally and carry it home with you 
Yogi Yogananda 
Talk as little as possible Work as much as you can
The Mother 
To do the work that one does with all sincerety, as perfectly as on can, is certainly one of the best ways to serve the Divine
The Mother 
For the work steadiness and regularity as necessary as skill. Whatever you do, do it always carefully
The Mother 
It is better to do well than to do quickly
The Mother 
There must be order and harmony in work. Even what is apparently the most insignificant thing must be done with perfect perfection, with a sense of cleanliness, beauty, harmony and order
The Mother 
I make no difference between work and yoga.Work itself is yoga if it is done in a spirit of dedication and surrender
The Mother 
To work for the Divine is to pray with your body
The Mother 
The work done throught love and bacause of love is surely the most powerful
The Mother 

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