Title image:Life
The object of life is the growth of the soul, not outward success of the hour or even of the near future 
Sri Aurobindo 
There is a meaning in each play of chance 
Sri Aurobindo 
Look life in the face from the soul's inner strength and become the master of circumstances
Sri Aurobindo 
Even as the water on the lotus leaf is extremely unsteady, so is life fickle in the extreme
This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive 
Swami Vivekananda 
Life is a series of experiences. The experiencer comes in contact with the world of objects and ekes out for himself pleasure or pain, joy or sorrow, success or failure 
Swami Chinmayananda 
Life is a fascinating power which expresses itself through the mighty man as well as the scoundrel 
Swami Chinmayananda 
Life expresses itself in action, as death does in inaction 
Swami Chinmayananda 
Life and death are only different names for the same fact, the two sides of one coin 
Swami Vivekananda 
By their ceaseless movements the beams of fire remind us that activity is Life; stagnation is death 
Our present life is a prelude to the future life. It is a pilgrimage of short duration to a higher life 
Life is one eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil 
The fabric of life with its warp and woof is woven upon the loom of righteousness
Life is blank and empty when it is bereft of health 
Live uncontaminated in the world, just like a lotus flower with its head above the muddy pool, or like a sea fowl that springs into the air with the wind, unaffected by water 
Guru Nanak 
Life grows shorter everyday. Earn here the profit of God's name; And in the next world you shall abide in happiness, And find an eternal home and return no more to this world
Guru Nanak 
How should one pass one's life ? As the fire in the hearth is stirred from time to time with a poker to make it burn brightly and prevent it from going out, so the mind should be occasionally invigorated by the society of the pious. 
Sri Ramakrishna 

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