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Your comments are valued. Click on the Graphic Artist Guy and send me an email!

Presently, NG3 is just one guy, the graphic artist guy - me. With the support of the NG3 sales force - a few family members and friends - we're going to try to breathe life into the NG3 concept.

We are betting our survival on you and the other Americans who are proud of their country. Americans who are fed up with the politically correct drivel and who want to set a thing straight. Americans who like to call it like it is: Yes, we are proud and, yes, we are united so you had better watch your step and you had better back off.

My personal bio goes like this:

  • Yes, I am employed as a graphic artist guy
  • Formerly I was known as Sgt. Korb hailing from Ft. Drum, NY.
  • I was born in the US and raised up and down the East coast.
  • I munch on corn chips nearly everyday
  • That's nearly me in a nutshell. I do other things like sleep and wake-up, but that's not nearly as exciting as the bit of corn chip trivia.

N3G is a registered trademark of ninety-three graphics