Hello Everyone! Welcome to my webpage!

Feel free to use any of these pics as clip art! Have fun visiting my site! And don't forget to sign my guestbook!

Here are some sites to visit if you like the art on my webpages, or if you like Celtic or digital art in general.

Cari Buzak
Ryan Something-or-the-other...
Mike Bonnell
Three Sites in One: Tracy J. Butler, Candy Palmer, and Bevin Brand
Julie Dillon's Site

I am working on expanding my own site, and below is what I have already done.
More coming soon!
My Journal
It's always updated...


You can also visit some of my friends websites here, and if you sign your website into the guestbook, I might add it to them!

D.J.'s First Site
D.J.'s Second Site
Matt's Site
Seth's Site
Loli's Site
Ben's Site

I also found another site that is really good for Celtic, fantasy and sci-fi lovers...especially for Mercedes Lackey!

Firebird Arts

You are the


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