<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mynotice2002/InMyShoes.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
My Notice
I build my sites for all to enjoy and I hope they bring some happiness into your life as they do mine. I build my sites with love and honor and I try to show professionalism when doing so.
I only ask that if there is anything on my sites you would like to please give the hard work I have put into these sites respect and ask me for something.
I have no problem with sharing anything I have with
Web Builders know how much work goes into building even the simpliest of sites and I'm sure that they would all agree that respecting of each others pages by doing the littlest thing by asking for something is the greatest  honor anyone can do.
By stealing others hard work it is not only wrong but shows that

"Thieves Know No Friends And Is A Lonesome Soul "