amber and carol, enjoying a bite of cool ice cream.... wHAT?!?!?!?! wasn't the steak enough?!?!?!??!
L->R:  Janelle Q. Horton, Grace I.E. Poston, and Amanda X. Johnson
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
that's "all" of us folks, folks...
this is me. amoeba, amanda, la ameba, lucia, lucy, marsha, and anything else that i've forgotten.
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