1/ Works are in painfully slow progress.

2/ These paintings deal with loneliness and     desire as a catalyst for pleasure and self     gratification through the act of masturbation.

3/ The paintings are of visual stimulation and     sexual imagination in which the act of     masturbation relies on.

4/ The process of masturbation, which usually     involves stimulation and orgasm, is similar to     the process of catharsis, whereby it is a     process of relieving an excitement by
    re-establishing the association of the emotion     with the memory or idea of the event that first     caused it, and of eliminating it by complete     expression (abreaction).

5/ As masturbation is usually done alone in     seclusion, the act does not necessarily require     physical and emotional contact with another     individual although while performing the act,     we imagine that there is such.

6/ The faces are cropped or obscured to create a     sense of anonymity as they are uncomfortable     about their presence at the gaze of the     viewer.