(Syed Arshad Hussain)

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Kalam's Mantra for a developed India  (Source: Rediff News)

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A Chinese Muslim's Desperate Plea from Guantánamo (Source: Counter Punch) 5 career needs of every professional
Muslims and I: Vijay Tendulkar (I Request the reader to read all his articles) The first real Muslim in my life was a boy in my class
China, Tibet and the Propaganda Olympics (Source: Counter Punch) 'We were born as Muslims and that puts a stamp on our forehead in this country: TRAITOR! Why?'
Iraq Troika: McCain, Obama and Clinton (Source: Counter Punch) 'In the case of reservations, there is no exit'
Guantanamo Bay detention camp (Source: Wikipedia) The Political colour of India
A criminal can't get a job but can be CM' 'Tendulkar used violence as a metaphor'
There's an Indian link to Mars landing The mind of a terrorist
The waiter who will be an IAS officer A crorepati who lives in a hut!
BBC World service survey reports India is shining .. (Read the article at rediff) The people's doctor
How India Lives  More news

Copyright @ 2008: Open access to all. The content of this page is collected, prepared, maintained and uploaded by S. A. Hussain. For any information please feel free to contact Dr. S. A. Hussain, Editor, Eface: My Online News Archive, Tripura, India. Email: sa_h153@hotmail.com.