Welcome to my homepage.  I'm currently in the process of remodeling this website.  I've started from scratch and hope to build a great page.  Check back in the near future for updates.  I hope to have most of it completed soon.  Phase 1 of my website has been completed (my profile page). The 2nd phase is completed (tribute to Earnhardt, Sr.).  I just have finished the third phase of this website, creating a DEI page and a Harvick.  However, I still need to put a few more Harvick pictures on the site, even though that's an RCR car. My 4th and final phase will be to create an awesome links page (something I've not been able to accomplish yet).  I hope to make this page the greatest page I've ever created.  In the meantime, check out the site that I'm in charge of maintaining at http://go.to/bobcat or http://go.to/band.  Thanks for stopping by!
My Profile
Dale Earnhardt Tribute
My Dale Earnhardt Inc. site
Kevin Harvick
The Pepsi 400 Conspiracy
Last updated: July 28, 2002
Projects completed in the year 2001
July 12: Profile page completed
July 12: Dale Earnhardt Tribute page finished for now
July 13: Dale Jr. page finished for now
July 13: DEI page 1/3 of the way finished (will be called finished when I get the Michael Waltrip and Steve Park pages up, but first I'll be working on a Kevin Harvick page which hopefully will be completed next week)
July 14: Harvick page temporarily finished (need to add Tropicana 400 pictures)
July 14: Theory on Pepsi 400 conspiracy
July 15: Harvick Wins
July 18: Tropicana 400 Victory Lane photos added to Harvick page
Projects completed in July 2002:
Started and Completed Michael Waltrip and Steve park pages