This is my site i made...I dont know much about html yet so it wont be that great for some time.

HI welcome to my website!This website will have many things in it so just wait.Dont u just love that music.Its the midi from Kingdom Hearts.You can get it at i think.My name is greg and my email is if u want to now anyhting about this website 8) :) 8P :P 8S :S

Inuyasha Collection Webring
[ « | inuyasha webring | » ]

Shonen Jump

HI welcome to my website!This website will have many things in it so just wait.Dont u just love that music.Its the midi from Kingdom Hearts.You can get it at i think.My name is greg and my email is if u want to now anyhting about this website 8) :) 8P :P 8S :S
