Various Views on the MSR

The idea for this page was was brought to my attention by Line aka Cancerman from Denmark, who suggested that I set up a portion of my site dedicated to people's point of view on the MSR (Mulder/Scully relationship). I thought that this would be an interesting idea. It's always neat to hear other's opinions, so whether you are a die-hard shipper, strict NoRomo, or somewhere in between, send me your views on the "relationship" and I'll post them on this page.

When you write, please include your name/handle, and if you have a website, you may also include your URL and I will post a link to your page. Also, please let me know if you don't want your email stated on this page. Otherwise, it will be added along with your write up. Get writing!

Nothing explicit in your write-ups please.

Mini Dictionary:
I know that some people are new to the show or have never understood the terms of phrase, so I thought that before I started the write-ups, I would have a mini dictionary. The purpose is to let you in on  some of the terms in the following  expressed opinions.

Shipper: A fan who wishes for Mulder and Scully to be involved in a romantic relationship. There are variations of the shipper, such as subtle shippers, who want Mulder and Scully together, but don't want anything too graphic to happen between the duo. Another common variation of a shipper is a:

Finishipper / Finis Shipper: A fan who wants Mulder and Scully to "get together", but not until the end of the series, for fear that a relationship established too soon may ruin the quality of the show.

Fencesitter / Fencer: A fan who really doesn't have a preference one way or the other. Whatever happens, happens.

NoRomo: A fan who does not want Mulder in Scully to engage in a romantic relationship.

On to the views...

Click here to see my view.

Bubbles Moldy says: "I am a shipper, so therefore I wish Mulder and Scully would just get together."

Trisha says: "First of all, for anyone that doesn't know about The X-Files, they  must have been hibernating for the last seven years. The X-Files are the greatest show on television! I totally agree with your point of view on the Mulder/Scully romance. I am a Finishipper too. I read on a site a couple of days ago that Chris Carter made a statement about the season finale. Well, here it is, "The show's going out with a bang. Mulder and Scully are going to do something they've never done before". I don't know if this is a credible source, but I hope that it is. I don't want the duo to do anything that wouldn't be in their characters. I hope that they will come clean with their feelings for each other, AND THAT'S ALL. I mean, I wouldn't mind another kiss or anything, but I don't want them to get all slobbery on each other. That's just not like them. The X-Files RULE!!"

Bubbles Moldy sent me a "counter point to Trisha". Here it is: "I sort of agree with Trisha, yes I want them to express their feelings for each other. I think that it's not Mulder who has to let it out, (God knows he has-Triangle and Millennium) but Scully. She is kind of insecure (I think) about it, and as soon as she lets out her feelings for Mulder she will be a much better person. Now I'm not saying that they should hop in the sack or anything, but I would like to see them get together at some point (the sooner the better)."

Sally writes: "I would really like to see a little more action on Mulder and Scully's feelings towards each other on the show. But, like everyone else, I don't think it should be too mush, so that it would ruin the effect of the show. I would love to see another kiss happen, or just hear Mulder or Scully say 'I love you' to each other. That would just make my day and I am sure many others."

Julia writes: "Well, I am a Die-Hard Shipper! I guess when I first tuned into the show I was a fence-sitter, but then I became a shipper. Anyway, my view on MSR: It is my opinion that Mulder and Scully belong together. They were always meant to be. I mean who has better communication than this pair? None that I know of! Can anyone else say that they honestly know a pair (on TV) that know what each other is thinking just by looking at each other? I don't. I've never seen anyone gaze at another person as much as Mulder and Scully gaze at each other. I love it! They are always there for each other through thick and thin. They are very commited to each other.
                  I am a hopeless romantic, the little scenes where they just hold hands, hug or gaze into each other's eyes makes me want to cry out of happiness. I wish I had someone like Mulder to share everything with. Well, actually I do, my best friend Kara, but you all know what I mean.
                  When I saw the episode written and directed by Gillian Anderson entitled "all things" I have to say that that is one of my favourite episodes now, almost my all time favourite. It was a shipper's dream come true. You know in the very beginning of the episode when Scully is getting dressed in Mulder's bathroom, and Mulder is still in bed? I couldn't believe it! After all the waiting from shippers like me it takes the work of a woman to realize what we've waited for. I was literally jumping up and down screaming "Go Gillian!" because she wrote such a great shipperfic episode! I guess because I'm a shipper I love all the MSR fanfic. I read that stuff about everyday, I'm addicted! Anyway, I think Mulder and Scully were destined to be together. Even before they knew each other, their souls were connected with a special bond. It's a very special and strong bond. And I admire them for that bond and the relationship they have.
Well, I know I said a lot, and I'm sorry, I just got wrapped up in this thing.
Byers, Julia "

Audra writes: "I can't see M+S doing the family thing. It just doesn't fit with the characters, but then again they have pictured each other in the parent mold, and I think Scully wants children, but then again I don't see Mulder being very good at it. He'd skip out on them all the time. Plus, having children would make them sooo open to the bad guys!!! I want them to get together, but I don't see how it would work."

acks writes: "I think that Mulder and Scully are destined for each other, they have such great communication. And if you watch the way they interact w/ each other, it is incredibly obvious.I too, am a finishipper, and I melt @ the slightest touch or glance between our notorious duo. But if they were to get seriously involved, the show would be shot. I also think that maybe they should discuss the way they feel about each other, but then the aftermath might be rocky. I would LOVE to see more shippy moments between the two agents, and another kiss couldn't hurt."

Lauren writes: "I think that with all the sexual tension between Mulder and Scully that has been displayed repeatedly throughout the past seven years, means that the two agents are really in love with each other. Now, we've seen them go as far as they did in "all things", so that pretty much sums up their current relationship. The near-kiss in Fight the Future was just yet another display of their loving affection for each other, as well as their "Millennium" kiss. The kiss was short and sweet, but definitely not just a quick, friendly, platonic-type thing. I think that in Season 8, once Mulder returns, they should express their feelings in front of the audience so a million questions won't be asked.