The Senshi

The Senshi

Now that it is a new year, we believe the Inner senshi have joined the fight, but there is no sign of the Outers... have the senshi abandoned us?

The Inner Senshi Join the Fight

On our first day of the new year, we noticed many changes around the school. One of the changes was the fact that the dumpsters were now barred off, except it was done very poorly, anyone would be able to get in! We wondered why the dumpsters were barred, but we weren't the only ones. Creeping near the dumpsters was a black cat. It was a stray, and most people thought it was going to get possible food, but we thought otherwise. Was this cat Luna? Had the Inner Senshi joined the fight? Soon enough, the teachers were telling everyone to stay away from this cat, and one student, a young child, started throwing rocks at it. What would cause a young child to do such an inhumane thing? Had the child been swayed by the daimons? Unfortunately the next day, Luna was taken away by Tomoe and never seen again. We feared the worst, but knew that this would bring the Senshi back to Mugen High in search of their beloved kitty! The next day at an assembly, there were four new female teachers. They were all young. There was a blonde, and three brunettes. Could they be the Inner Senshi? Throughout the whole assembly, they were the only teachers sitting down, just like how Haruka always sat down! Was this a sign? Did they know we knew and were dropping hints? That afternoon, our class went to the park next to our school right before dismissal. Anita and Tressa used this valuable time to look around. As we were looking around we spotted another class. The other class was headed by one of the new young teachers. Were the Inner Senshi looking for Luna?

Returning Hope

Nothing suspicious had happened for a long while, and we were worried that the battle had finished before it had even begun! We were at a school assembly (you know, the ones where your trying so hard to stay awake, but fail anyways) when the most unexpected thing happened. Sitting in the back row of the assembly was Setsuna and Hotaru! They were the two senshi we had seen the least of, and they had returned for us! Strangest of all was the fact that Setsuna was wearing a whistle around her neck, the same whistle that Haruka had always worn! Had Setsuna taken over the lead role? Was Haruka alright? After lunch, we were walking in the hall when we saw Haruka walking around. All of the teachers didn't seem to notice a difference, but we had noticed that he had not been at our school for a whole month. What was going on?

Phobos and Deimos

Anita was getting ready for another strange day of school when the oddities began earlier than usual. As she stepped outside she noticed two crows perched on the tree in front of her house. They seemed to be watching her, and didn't move at all until she left as well. Anita told Tressa of this incident, and they both concluded that these two birds were Phobos and Deimos. (For those of you who do not know, Phobos and Deimos are the twin guardians of Sailor Mars, much like Luna and Artemis for Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus. They become humans instead of crows when Mars is in danger.) Afterward, when Anita was walking back home from the bus stop, she saw the two crows, perched up high on two separate street lights. Once she got close enough to them, they would fly away quickly, but not so far that they could not still view her. They scoped out her house constantly at night as well. Were Phobos and Deimos spying on Anita to find out more about her, or were they guarding her from a danger that she was unaware of?

And Then There Were Two

It was another far from ordinary morning at Mugen High. As we were all talking away in our own worlds, Anita and Tressa spotted Luna, for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last week. Luna had been around a lot lately. Soon enough, some of our classmates noticed Luna as well, and pointed at her. As soon as she knew she was seen, Luna bolted. She was quite high-strung lately, and once again, Tressa and Anita wondered about the senshi's situation. While on the bus, Tressa and Anita spotted Luna on the porch of a house near the school. To our surprise the house's door opened. We both expected to see Luna's owner come out, but instead we saw another cat, a white one, greet her at the door. How did the cats open the door without any help? Was the white cat Artemis? We hoped that the dynamic duo were on to something, because we had no clue as to what was going on.

High Flying

As Anita walked home from the bus stop, she looked to the trees to see if Phobos and Deimos were still perched, watching her, and they were. Suddenly, Anita heard a strange sound and looked up into to sky to see a helicopter. She found this quite odd, as helicopters never came by around her city, let alone her neighborhood. Then, Anita noticed something. The helicopter was headed for Mugen High! Phobos and Deimos spotted it as well, and followed. Was it the Outer Senshi in their helicopter? Was it daimons? Whoever it was, something important was happening at Mugen High!

The Followers

Anita was on a trip with her family for the long weekend, and was very glad that school would be out for longer, and that neither her or Tressa would have to deal with any Mugen High madness for a little while. Anita and her family went out during that trip to a restaurant for dinner. Anita finished earlier than the rest of her family, and as she stepped out of the building to get some fresh air she spotted a cat who looked exactly like Luna looking at her. There were also two crows perched nearby. Had Luna, Phobos and Deimos followed Anita the whole way through the whole trip? How was it possible? Was Anita's everyday life in some sort of danger as well? Before Anita could even realize what had happened, her family came out of the restaurant and the senshi's guardians left as quickly as they came. Had Anita seen something that wasn't really there? Had it all been coincidence? After all she had seen, Anita doubted that anything was a coincidence anymore.

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