Any non cloaked ship must post its location, speed and alert status every turn.


The only factions with cloaking technology are the Klingons,Romulan/Tal Shiar.

The only way other factions can get cloaking devices is by negotiation and trade.

Cloaked ships cannot fire weapons. In fact, if an enemy ship is at red alert they will get the first shot while your shields are down if you uncloak.

Undetected cloaked ships must report their position etc once per day in the Fleet secure
Communication Forum.

Cloaked vessels can be detected by a fleet which has put in place a Tachyon detection grid, the more ships used the more effective. A Fleet of 5 ships will cover a sector. Starbases and Sensor arrays make it easier to detect cloaked ships.

If a cloaked ship enters a sector where a detection grid is in place it must immediately report its location, speed, heading and alert status in the open forum.


Secure Channels:  Icq or Private messaging are your means of discussing the game privately.

Fleet Com Channels: Are restricted for use by a particular Fleet. Fleet Commanders will post orders there for their respective commands. Ship captains will post their intelligence/activity reports there.

General Com Channels: Are where the most activity will take place, it is the main gameplay forum. General subspace communications, log entries and all incidents take place here.

The only person with access to all forums/channels on the BBS is 'Q'.The game cannot be exclusively played on icq or private messaging.Every action must be posted somewhere in the forums above, otherwise 'Q' will not be able to to assist or hinder as his mood see fit!


Every 4 game days (48 hrs) Movar or the Director will post an Intelligence report in the Intelligence Forum.This is a resticted Forum to Fleet Commanders/Faction Leaders only.This report will contain an overview of what ha s happened and what is going on. From this report Fleet Commanders will decide their course of action and issue the appropriate orders to their fleets.

Every 3 Game days (36 hrs) each Fleet Commander will post his Fleets activity/intelligence report in the Intelligence Forum. This is so that Movar & The Director can formulate their Intelligence briefings for the next 4 days.

Fleet Commanders if you are going to be away for a length of time it is up to you to nominate your relief commander and ensure he/she is conversant in their responsibilities.

Fleet Commanders Responsibilities:

Fleet Commanders are responsible for maintaining disciple within their individual commands. THE BUCK STOPS WITH YOU! If one of your members is not doing the right think you fix it, if a moderator has to step in your entire Faction will suffer a penalty.

Promotions/demotions are an administrative task of the Fleet commanders. It has nothing to do with the Game Moderators.

If you are unsure please ask, contact Movar by Private Message, he will answer you as soon as he can.

Fleet Commanders are responsible for requesting permission to modify ships. Also for keeping track of their ship production, refits & repairs, resource mining, etc.