Dark Nimbus - a mech for a character of mine in a game that was played a while back on XGN.
soahC ni redrO - Another of the same "Order in Chaos" was to    be the anthesis...
Quatre in Flames - Don't know where the fire came from, I was going to try my hand at a character from Gundam Wing (my favorite, a kindred spirit...) and guess I was experementing with flames.  Every fire I've drawn before was sharp and jagged, this was gently curved and made a good effect...even if, like all the others, it just shows my drawing ineptitude...
<never named> - this was to be the two above suits joined together...a most powerful holy mecha, too bad the game ended too soon...I imagine I would have named it "Order in Chaos" the opposite of one of the component mechs.
Jounior Hero - If this is what I think it is, it should be of a kid hero, an ava I used for a while and I guess partially how I might consider myself...
Ragnarok Mechs - I drew these for a game on XGN
Cartoons/Anime - Just a few things I've drawn w/ various styles
Sprite comic! - Using MegaMan sprites only, at the moment, here's just some fun fooling around in comic form. 
Well, here's my first try at a page.  Maybe this will be a good index once I have it set up right.  Anyway, here's my page.  Not much right now, just some drawings, a future art page (?) only time will tell.  I'm a lousy artist, but maybe someone'll like em' okay...maybe I'll ad more stuff like my writing and such at a later time...
Comic 1 - Comic 2 - Comic 3 - Comic 4 - Comic 5
Links - other pages I like/view occasionally
XGN - Aka X-odus.  Nice place...interesting people...guess it's something better to show than to tell...meh...
StarCraft Maps - Just something else to tinker with
Flight from Goth - A two player map, lead Zeratul and Tassadar and their small band of Protoss to the gateway off of this Zerg infested planet (Modeled after the first Protoss mission of the Brood War Protoss Campaign.)