Change My Ways
by Veronica
(c) 2000

Chapter Thirty One

"No...I will...April!! I will not tell you how he was! God!!...stop it!...does it make a difference?...he's got, great lips! There are you happy now?...fine....yeah...ok...ok yeah I gotta go, I think I left my sunglasses down at the pool the last time I was there, I'm gonna go and check...yeah I'll call you when I get home...yeah...yeah...ok bye." Alecia hung up the phone and sighed. April and her one track mind. She shook her head and finished zipping up her bag before heading out the door to head down to the pool. She left the elevator and walked over to the pool room and stepped in. She headed over to the table she had been at and started looking for her sunglasses. She looked over and noticed that someone had their stuff at one of the tables and the stereo was going. She went back to her search, but couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She tried to ignore it, but she couldn't. She turned and looked out across the water and gasped. There was someone lying face down, and the once blue water was now red. She ran over and her heart stopped. She recognized the blonde hair immediately. "Oh my god!" She called out and jumped in the pool and swam over to him. She grabbed him around the waist and started to pull him over to the edge. How was she gonna get him out? She thought frantically before slinging half his body over the side jumping out and pulling the rest of him over. The blood was pouring from a gash in the back of his head. She slowly turned him over and looked at him, the tears immediately sprang to her eyes. His perfect features were now a chalky white, his lips blue and his skin was cold and clammy. She put her fingers to his neck and found a very faint, very weak pulse. She moved her hand again to the wound and applied pressure, she could feel the blood seeping through. She knew his lungs were probably full, so she tipped his head back gently, careful of his wound and started mouth to mouth. "Nick...please....please, come on honey...fight..." She blew into him again and then again. "Please Nick...please..." She did it again and finally he coughed and the water poured out of his mouth. "Thank god." She ran over and grabbed her cell and called for an ambulance. "Nick, can you hear me?" He said nothing. "Nick, please answer me!" He groaned and his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Nick...honey." He coughed again and his eyes clouding over before closing. "No! Nick stay with me, come on open your eyes and look at me...Nick...Nick...NICK!!!" She yelled. Just then there was a hand on her shoulder and she turned to find AJ standing there.

"Alecia, what happened!" AJ asked frantically.

"Nick, he was in the pool, I don't know what happened, there's blood so much blood." She whimpered.

AJ looked down at his friend and kneeled next to him.

"Oh my open your eyes!"

"Please Nick..."

Just then the door opened and the paramedics came rushing in. "I'm gonna have to ask you two to step away please." One of the paramedics called.

"But...but I have to know if he's ok."

AJ pulled her to the side and soon Howie, Kevin and Brian arrived.

"AJ, wha...what happened?! Nick!" Brian cried.

"I'm not sure, I saw Alecia come in here and I was gonna say bye when I saw her crouched over someone so I came over and saw that it was Nick. Alecia you ok?" They all turned to look at her. She looked ready to pass out.

"Come on honey, say something..." Kevin soothed, putting his arm around her.

"B-blood, his...blood...oh god...the's so cold, so...cold." She rambled incoherently.

"Guys she's shaking pretty bad. I think she's gonna go into shock if we don't get her to sit." Kevin whispered.

"No, I want to know if he's ok. I have to see him, let me see him." Kevin held her tightly, she was eerily calm.

"We'll take you to the hospital, ok? Howie go pull one of the vans around to the front and we'll meet you there."

"Got it." Howie took off at a run with Brian following.

"N-Nick...please let him be ok."

"He's gonna be fine." Kevin replied calmly, looking over at AJ, whose eyes were now glossy. They watched as the stretcher with Nick on it was wheeled out door. Kevin gathered Alecia up and they headed out the door.

Chapter Thirty Two
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