p a c k a g e

birth name: julie ann
handle: msirishred, julieann.harris
people call me: julie, jewells
age: 30 something!
date of birth: july 28
place of birth: california
place of residence: portland, oregon, usa
children: one, joseph
mom: susan
dad: james joseph
siblings: one, sister karen
astrological sign: leo
ethnic background: irish, german, polish

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a brief history

first things first. let's get the brief life history out of the way. i was born in california (and i don't like people who hate california or californians) on the 28th of july. i think my mother is the greatest woman alive. my family and i are all very close. my family moved around a lot when i was young so i didn't have a chance to make any life long friends. i spent many years being bitter and angry about this but i finally realized that friends are friends no matter how long you have known them. i used to be a model. i lived in minnesota and met some really great people that i think of often. i was also a nanny while i was living in st. paul. i moved back to oregon in 2000 where i now make my home and work. i am a cancer survivor. i support pro choice and i am a member of the tobacco-free coalition of oregon.

little and well known facts

when i'm not working, i spend my time with my son. i also spend a lot of time writing poetry and reading all types of books, working on my website, checking out movies and music and dicking around on the computer. i am a poet. i am a mother. i am 100% geek goddess - a full fledged HTML nerd. i'm a hockey fan and i used to play hockey but haven't since i had knee surgery. i try to take pleasure in the small things in life, a childs smile, a sunset! i do not believe in organized religion and i feel that people should keep their beliefs personal. i think most people are judgmental hypocrites and should just keep their mouths shut. i'm great at video games, good at intimate conversations and loyal to the people close to me. i pretty well always speak my mind. i miss my grandparents everyday!

my character flaws are vanity, procrastination, frequent indulgence and i hate folding laundry. i have been told that i am very frugal. i have several pet peeves. one, people who don't use their turn signal or who just drive like shit. i detest superficiality. but my deepest revulsion is reserved for those pitiable individuals who insist upon spewing pseudointellectual jargon in order to appear intelligent, solely to cover over the fact that they are lacking in social skills.

i spend way too much time reading lately!