l i n k s

just a few sites that i happen upon from time to time. to view some favorite books and music click here

democratic party of oregon
fuck bush!

song lyrics
a good site to figure out just what in the hell they are saying sometimes!

i can always be found lurking, hurling my insults or praise on music and books or whatever i feel needs comments! you can find me on amazon.com by msirishred...

twin peaks
i have been a huge twin peaks fan right from the start. my obsession began in middle school when my english teacher and i watched the show

online orgasm
an online orgasmic experience!

some good humor but maybe not for the whole family

browse ireland
I am irish and informed. are you?

irish history on the web
little history on ireland

world history
a good all around history site

civil war
good civil war link

tobacco free oregon
a great site to help you get involved with smoking related issues